Volatile organic compounds

III. Информативное чтение. Направлено на развитие компетенции ОК-1, ОК -2,ОК-5, ОК-6, ПК-48 (45 мин)

II. Лексико-грамматическая работа.

Занятие 12.

I. Устный опрос по теме:Растения, их части, функции.Текст стр. 53 “Plant, its parts and function " (уч.пос "English for Pharmaceutists”)

1. Turn the sentences into special questions:

1. There are three principal parts of a plant.

2. There is an effective means of controlling plant diseases at present.

3. Plant nutrients absorbed by the roots are transferred to the other parts of the growing plant.


2. Translate the following word combinations:

Root system

To absorb plant nutrients

To support the leaves

Flowering plant.


3. Translate the following words and word combinations:

Органы размножения

Растворенные вещества

Оболочка семени



4. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the principle parts of a plant?

2. What are the functions of the roots?

3. What does a typical leaf consist of?

4. What is a flower?



1. Turn the sentences into special questions:

1. How many principal parts are there in the plant?

2. What means of controlling plant diseases is there at present?

3. Where are plant nutrients absorbed by the roots transferred?


2. Translate the following word combinations:

Корневая система

Поглощать растительные питательные вещества

Поддерживать листья

Цветущие растения


3. Translate the following words and word combinations:

Reproductive parts

Dissolved substances

Seed coat



4. Answer the following questions:

1. The principal parts of a plant are: the root system, the stems and leaves, the reproductive part made up of flowers, fruits or seeds.

2. The roots have two main functions - to absorb plant nutrients and water from the soil and to anchor the plant.

3. A typical leaf consists of a green, broad, thin portion, the blade which contains a system of vascular tubes called veins.

4. A flower is the part of the plant where seeds are produced.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a variety of compounds including alkenes, alkynes, aromatics, aldehyde, ketone, alcohols, ester, biogenic and some chlorinated hydrocarbons. Formaldehyde, the simplest chemical in the aldehyde family, is of interest because of its common occurrence in homes, public buildings, and schools. Formaldehyde is a powerful mucous membrane irritant with potential carcinogenic effects. In indoor environments, low levels of VOCs might cause headache as well as irritation of the nose and eyes. Some VOCs have been shown to be carcinogenic in studies on animals (e.g. formaldehyde, methylene chloride) and in humans in epidemiological studies in the workplace (benzene); the WHO recommended no safe level since benzene is accepted as a genotoxic carcinogen.

Упражнение 1.Прочтите текст. Переведите текст, используя словарь.