III. Информативное чтение. Направлено на развитие компетенции ОК-1,ОК-2, ОК-5, ОК-6, ПК-48 (45 мин)

II. Лексико-грамматическая работа.

1. Form the Paticiple I and Participle II from the following verbs:to place, to dispense, to deal, to embrace, to define, to indicate, to prevent, to learn, to become.

2. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the function of the Paticiple I and Participle II:

1. General Chemistry has several divisions dealing with basic principles and inorganic substances.

2. The methods used for the extraction of plant constituents of medical importance must necessary vary.

3. Fatty acids when acted upon by alkalis form soaps.

4. In fats and fixed oils the acids are combined with the trihydric alcohol glycerol.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. Why may substances occurring in different plants or tissues require quite different methods of treatment?

2. When do fatty acids form soaps?

3. How are fatty acids prepared?

4. Where are cyclic acids used?


1. Form the Paticiple I and Participle II from the following verbs:

placing, placed

dispensing, dispensed

dealing, dealt

embracing, embraced

indicating, indicated

preventing, prevented

learning, learnt


2. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the function of the Participle I and Participle II:

1.Общая химия имеет несколько разделов, изучающих базовые принципы и неорганические вещества.

2. Методы, используемые для экстракции растительных компонентов медицинского значения обязательно должны меняться.

3. Жирные кислоты под воздействием щелочи образуют мыла.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. Substances occurring in different plants or tissues, even when chemically similar, may require quite different methods of treatment according to the nature of the other constituents which accompany them in the plant.

2. Fatty acids when acted upon by alkalis form soaps

3. Fatty acids are prepared by the hydrolysis of fixed oils, fats and waxes.

4. Cyclic acids are used in the treatment of leprosy, namely hydrocarpic acid and others.

Is Pharmacy a profession?

The criteria for professional status depends on the profession maintaining a 'social distance' from the public it serves, and nowadays the pharmacist may appear to the public to be merely a counter of tablets and supplier of prepackaged medicines.

The pharmacist, to a great extent, receives his/her directions from the physician. It is the physician who makes the assessment of the case from a clinical and therapeutic viewpoint, and the pharmacist dispenses in accordance with the prescriber's wishes. Both in the hospital and the community environment the pharmacist is 'governed' by the decisions and judgments of the medical profession.

These two factors - the increased use of prepackaged medicines, and the dependence of pharmacists on the doctor's judgments - it could be argued, have contributed to a shift in the pharmaceutical, profession's I/T ratio in that there is limited scope for the pharmacist to bring their own unique knowledge and skills to their day-to-day tasks; that is to say, they are too highly trained for the jobs they do. Turner (1987) has argued that the knowledge.

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