The Emergence of Pharmacy
IV. Информативное чтение. Направлено на развитие компетенции ОК-1, ОК-5, ОК-6, ПК-48 (40 мин)
III. Работа над грамматическим материалом. Направлена на развитие компетенции ОК-6 (30 минут)
II. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-6 (45 мин)
I. Речевая разминка, устная речь. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-6 (20 мин).
Занятие 5.
Тема 4.2. Составляющие лекарственных средств и жирных кислот
Этапы занятий и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
-What subjects are you studying now?
-Do you know anything about pharmacy?
-When did you do a course of Botany at the University? Did you pass an exam in Botany?
-Why is it necessary for a prospective pharmacist to have thorough knowledge of Botany?
-What does Botany deal with?
Текст стр. 8 “Constituents of drugs " (уч.пос "English for Pharmaceutists" )
Упражнение 1. Произнесите за диктором слова, запомните их.
constituents - составляющие, компоненты
compounds - соединения
common - обычный, распространенный
extraction - экстракция
drying - сушка
bond - связь
indicate - указывать
galenicals - галеновы препараты
property - свойство
iodine value - йодное число
alkali - щелочь
sodium hydroxide - гидроксид натрия
potassium salts - соли калия
soap - мыло
treatment - обработка, лечение
leprosy - проказа
saturate - насыщать
solubility - растворимость
stability - устойчивость
storage - хранение
fixed oils - твердые масла
Упражнение 2.Прочтите и переведите текст“Constituents of drugs” стр. 8 (уч.пос. "English for Pharmaceutists" ). Выполните упр. 2.стр.9.
Упражнение 1.Повторите формы образования, значение и употребление Present Simple, Present Continuous.
Упражнение 2.Выполните упр. 5,6,7, стр. 10 (уч.пос. "English for Pharmaceutists").
The preparation of medicines has occurred throughout history. The earliest records date from the second millennium ВС, and this practice occurred in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, Asia, Greece and Rome. In Britain during the Middle Ages, people having similar business interests or crafts grouped themselves together into craft or merchant guilds. In the fourteenth century the Company of Grocers of London was formed, of which apothecaries formed a sub-group. Two centuries later, the Society of Apothecaries was founded, and a subsequent Royal Charter established the apothecaries' monopoly in the dispensing of medicines against physicians' prescriptions, whilst members of the Company of Grocers retained the right to sell drugs and spices and later became known as 'druggists'. During the sixteenth century, people who were unable to either reach or afford a physician went to an apothecary for diagnosis, advice and supply of medicines.
Dispensing within the dispensary established by the College of Physicians in 1696 was performed by assistants, who were either druggists or apprentices to apothecaries. These later became known as 'dispensing chemists'. Thus by the eighteenth century three rival groups were involved in the compounding and dispensing of medicines, namely the apothecaries, druggists and dispensing chemists. In 1841 the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain was founded and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1843. The Society was founded to represent the interests of chemists and druggists, to raise their profile amongst the professions and to promote education and training. The Pharmacy Acts (1852 and 1868) restricted titles such as 'Pharmaceutical Chemist' and 'Pharmacist' to those registered with the Society, although membership was optional.
Since the Pharmacy and Poisons Act (1933) membership of the Pharmaceutical Society, together with the registration of premises has been required for all persons engaged in the selling or dispensing of listed poisons and controlled medicines. The premises should at all times be under the personal control of a pharmacist. In 1988 the Pharmaceutical Society was renamed the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
Упражнение 1.Переведите текст, выберите ключевые предложения, составьте по ним конспект текста.