Selection 13
Cleared to Partal Tangel 2G departure, Red 6, Amber 8, climb to and maintain FL 150, request level change en route, squawk 2031, after departure contact 128.1 DTV.
Cleared to Partal G2 departure via Red 6 and Amber 8, FL 150, 2031, 128.1 DTV.
Cleared to Partal via G initial climb to flight level 150 and change level en route, squawk 2031, contact 128.1 after departure DTV.
²EXERCISE 9 Fill in the gaps with what you hear from the recording.
P: | Tower ____________ request __________________. | |
C: | Station ___________ Tower say _______________ callsign. | |
P: | Tower ___________ on 118.1, request _____________________. | |
C: | N61T _____________ 32 and 21, wind ______________ gusting __________, QNH __________, temperature __________ dew point __________, visibility __________. | |
Runways ____________, ___________, ____________, N61T. | ||
P: | Hong Kong Delivery ___________ destination ____________, information ___________, bay _________, start ___________ minutes. | |
C: | __________ Hong Kong delivery here is your ________________. | |
P: | __________________ CSN304. | |
C: | CSN304 is cleared to ______________ via Bekol, flight planned ___________, initial climb to ____________ feet, Bekol _________ departure, request ________________ en route, squawk ____________. | |
P: | Cleared _________ Guangzhou ________ Bekol, _________________ route, initial ________________ feet, Bekol __________ departure, ____________ level ___________ en ____________, squawk ____________. | |
C: | Readback _____________, contact ___________ for ___________. | |
P: | __________ CSN304. |
²EXERCISE 10 Listen to the recording of departure information, write it down and read back.
²EXERCISE 11 Listen to the recording of ATC clearance, write it down and read back.
EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.
*Stand 21, request push-back. | Стоянка 21, прошу буксировку хвостом вперед. |
Push-back approved. | Буксировку хвостом вперед разрешаю. |
Stand by. | Ждите. |
Push-back at own discretion. | Буксировка хвостом вперед на ваше усмотрение. |
Expect 1 minute delay due DC 9 passing behind to park. | Ожидайте задержку на 1 минуту из-за DC 9, проходящего сзади на стоянку. |
*Request tow Air France 410 Boeing 747 from stand 7 to start-up area. | Прошу буксировку Air France 410 Boeing 747 со стоянки 7 в зону запуска двигателей. |
Tow approved via apron. | Буксировку разрешаю через перрон. |
Hold position. | Оставайтесь на месте. |
The following phraseology should be used by the pilot and the ground crew to co-ordinate the push-back. | |
Are you ready for push-back? | Вы готовы к буксировке хвостом вперед? |
*Ready for push-back. | К буксировке хвостом вперед готов. |
Confirm brakes released. | Подтвердите выключение тормозов. |
*Brakes released. | Тормоза выключены. |
Commencing push-back. | Начинаем буксировку хвостом вперед. |
Push-back completed. | Буксировка хвостом вперед закончена. |
*Stop push-back. | Прекратите буксировку хвостом вперед. |
Confirm brakes set. | Подтвердите включение тормозов. |
*Brakes set. | Тормоза включены. |
*Disconnect. | Уберите буксир. |
Disconnecting. Stand by for visual at your left / right. | Буксир убираю. Ждите визуального сигнала слева/справа. |
*Stand 1, request start-up. | На стоянке 1, прошу запуск. |
*Stand 15, request start-up, information Mike. | На стоянке 15, прошу запуск, информация Майк. |
Start-up approved. | Запуск разрешаю. |
Start up at 35. | Запускайте двигатели в 35. |
Start-up at own discretion. | Запускайте двигатели по своему усмотрению. |
Expect start up at 22. | Ожидайте запуск в 22. |
Expect departure 50, start up at own discretion. | Предполагаемый вылет в 50, запускайте двигатели по своему усмотрению. |
Slot time 1325 plus 6 minutes. | Время-слот 1325 плюс 6 минут. |
On (upon) request. | По запросу. |
When ready. | По готовности. |
EXERCISE 2 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.
cockpit | tug |
parking brakes | to sort out |
starting sequence | traffic congestion |
interphone | to intend |
ground handling problem | passenger baggage identification process |
No.3 is rotating | missing |
face north / west / south / east | inbound traffic |
remove all ground equipment | outbound traffic |
ground crew | Once the aircraft is clear, pushback approved |
²EXERCISE 3 Listen to the recorded dialogue.
GC | = Ground Crew |
P: | Beijing Ground CCA 101 Gate 3 to Hong Kong, Information B ready for pushback and start-up. |
C: | CCA 101 stand by. |
P: | Standing by CCA 101. |
C: | CCA 101 pushback and start-up approved, expect runway 36L, D08 Departure, squawk 3123. |
P: | Pushback and start-up approved, runway-in-use 36L, D08 Departure, squawk 3123 CCA 101. |
C: | Readback correct, call me back when ready for taxi. |
P: | Ground cockpit good morning, ready to push. |
GC: | Good morning, confirm parking brakes released. |
P: | Parking brakes released. |
GC: | Thank you, commencing pushback. |
P: | Roger. |
GC: | It’s OK to start all engines during the push. |
P: | Starting sequence 4 3 2 1. |
GC: | Approved to start engine, number 4 3 2 1. |
P: | Number 4 coming. |
GC: | Number 4 approved. |
P: | Number 3. |
GC: | Approved number 3. |
P: | Number 2. |
GC: | Approved number 2. |
GC: | Pushback completed, confirm parking brakes set please. |
P: | Parking brakes set. |
GC: | Thank you sir. |
P: | Start number 1. |
GC: | Number 1 approved. |
P: | All engines have been started, check every thing normal, disconnect interphone, thank you good-bye. |
GC: | Roger, I disconnect the interphone, good-bye sir. |
EXERCISE 4 Make the back translation of the dialogue in EXERCISE 3 and read it in two.
EXERCISE 5 Un-jumble the words in ato fto from common transmissions related to start-up and pushback.
Transmission | Pilot (P) or controller (C) | |
a | start / Eastern 58 / 21 / request / Bay / up | |
b | start / Eastern 58 / approved / up | |
c | 23 / up / at / start / time / Eastern 58 | |
d | Eastern 58 / once / clear / the 747 / pushback / wilco / to / is / cleared | |
e | time / start / expect / at / up / 45 / Eastern 58 | |
f | C23 / inbound / minutes / expect / delay / 5 / traffic / for / due / Eastern 58 |
EXERCISE 6 For transmission, ato f,in EXERCISE 5above, write down (P) or (C) according to whether the pilot or the controller would make each transmission.
²EXERCISE 7 Fill in the gaps in the model exchanges with the suitable words. Then check your answers with the recording.
P: | Apron GDC stand 2 request ______________. | |
C: | GDC pushback approved. | |
P: | Hong Kong Ground CCA 102, gate 3, ___________ pushback. | |
C: | CCA 102 stand by, expect one minute ___________ due B747 taxiing behind, call you ___________. | |
P: | Ground crew ready for pushback. | |
GC: | Confirm brakes ____________. | |
P: | Brakes released. | |
GC: | Commencing pushback. | |
GC: | Pushback completed confirm brakes ____________. | |
P: | Brakes set, start __________ number 4. | |
GC: | All clear for engine start. | |
P: | Engine start completed, please ___________ interphone. | |
GC: | Disconnecting stand by for visual ___________ at your left. | |
P: | Roger. | |
P: | Hong Kong Ground CSN 306 destination Guangzhou, bay 25, request _____________ information G. | |
C: | CSN 306 start-up approved QNH 1008. | |
P: | Beijing Ground CCA 101 ready to ___________. | |
C: | CCA 101 expect departure 55, ___________ at own discretion QNH 1012. | |
P: | Beijing Ground CCA 101 gate 2, information B, request __________ and ___________. | |
C: | CCA 101 pushback approved stand by for start-up. |
²EXERCISE 8 Use the words or phrases below to replace the parts in italics in the sentences.
P: | Ground CCA 981 ready to pushback. | |
C: | CCA 981 expect one minute delay due Airbus taxiing behind. | |
Selection · traffic · vehicle broken down · sequence · ground handling problem |
P: | Ground CSN 308 bay 25, information D, request start-up. | |
C: | CNS 308 stand by for start. | |
Selection · CCA 108 gate 5 F … start up at 35 · CSE 502 gate 2 B … expect start 35 · CSN 382 bay 20 A … slot time 40, start-up at own discretion · CCA 161 bay 32 C … expect departure 55, start-up at 42 |
EXERCISE 9 Select the most appropriate answer out of the three choices.
P: | Beijing Ground DLH 720 ________(1)__________ A3, request _________(2)_________. | ||
C: | DLH 720 pushback and start-up _______(3)_________ facing north. | ||
P: | _________(4)__________. | ||
P: | (To Ground Crew) __________(5)___________. | ||
GC: | Roger, confirm brakes released. | ||
P: | __________(6)__________. | ||
GC: | Commencing pushback. | ||
GC: | Pushback completed, confirm brakes set. | ||
P: | _________(7)__________. | ||
GC: | All engines approved to start up. | ||
P: | Roger. Starting number 3. | ||
GC: | Number 3 rotating. | ||
P: | All engines started. ___________(8)___________. | ||
GC: | All is cleared, good flight. | ||
P: | Thank you. | ||
Selection 1 | Selection 2 | Selection 3 | |
stop | pushback and start-up | approved | |
Gate | ATC clearance | cleared | |
Terminal | take-off | stand by | |
Selection 4 |
Pushback approved, facing north, DLH 720 |
DLH 720 start-up approved, facing north |
Pushback and start-up approved, facing north, DLH 720 |
Selection 5 | Selection 6 |
Pushback facing north | Brakes down |
Ready for pushback facing north | Brakes released |
Ready for start-up facing north | Brakes relaxed |
Selection 7 | Selection 8 |
Brakes set | Move all ground equipment |
Brakes sit | Shift all ground equipment |
Brakes get | Remove all ground equipment |
²EXERCISE 10 Fill in the gaps with what you hear from the recording.
P: | Ground GBT _____________, request ____________. | |
C: | GBT expect ________________________ due 747 taxiing behind. | |
P: | ____________________ GBT | |
P: | Ground CCA 104 ____________________. | |
C: | CCA 104 pushback approved, __________________. | |
P: | Roger, facing west CCA 104. | |
P: | Ground, CCA 104 we have to ___________________, the __________ seems to have _________________. | |
C: | CCA 104 ________________ when you’ve got it sorted out. | |
P: | ________________. | |
P: | Ground CSN 302, good morning, ____________________. | |
C: | CSN 302 there is ___________ minute ____________ this morning due to traffic congestion, your slot time is _____________. | |
P: | __________________________. | |
P: | Ground, BAW 054 information _____________________. | |
C: | BAW 054 _________________, start-up ___________ minutes before. | |
P: | Roger. Slot time _________, start-up __________________________ BAW 054. | |
P: | (40) BAW 054, we intend to ______________ our _____________ due to _______________ baggage identification process, we have ______________ passenger missing. | |
C: | Roger, BAW 054. |
²EXERCISE 11 Listen to six aircraft request start or pushback approval. As you listen, circle True (T) or False (F) for the sentences a to fbelow.
a | The controller approves Qantas 10 to push back. | T | F |
b | Ibisair 867 must wait because of a 737 taxiing outbound to the runway. | T | F |
c | The controller tells Eastern 421 that he can probably start up at time 29. | T | F |
d | Jetstar 225 is cleared to pushback facing east. | T | F |
e | Southern 196 is required to start with delay. | T | F |
f | Qantas 61 needs to wait for a 717 inbound to the gate before pushback is approved. | T | F |
²EXERCISE 12 Listen to the recording of EXERCISE 11again and answer questions a to c below.
a | When the controller tells the pilot of Qantas 10 ‘once that aircraft is clear, pushback approved’ he means: | |
i | the other aircraft is clear already and pushback can occur. | |
ii | pushback can occur now and the other aircraft is clearing now. | |
iii | Qantas 10 needs to wait for the other aircraft to clear before pushback can occur. | |
iv | Qantas 10 can pushback at any time but needs to be careful of the other aircraft clearing. |
b | It is probably true that the 717: | |
i | is going to pass behind Qantas 61. | |
ii | will be pushing back close to Qantas 61. | |
iii | will be using the same gate as Qantas 61. | |
iv | is waiting for Qantas 61 to pushback. |
c | When the pilot of Qantas 61 says ‘clear of the 717, cleared to push’ he is: | |
i | telling the controller he is clear of the 717. | |
ii | reading back the previous clearance. | |
iii | confirming the last clearance with the controller. | |
iv | reporting that he was clear of the 717 already. |