Listen to the first paragraph once more and try to complete the gaps.
Write whether the following statements are true or false.
X Listening
Explain the contextual meaning of the words in bold and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
1. The shadows concealed her as she crept up to the house.
2. A wide-brimmed hat concealed her graying hair.
3. He managed to conceal the fact that he had been in prison and so got a job as a security officer.
4. He may be prosecuted for revealing secrets about the security agency.
5. Carter's face was a blank, revealing no emotion.
6. Separate holidays and weekends apart reveal more clearly than any words the state of their marriage.
7. The way he spoke in the bar afterwards revealed prejudice and bitterness that I had never suspected.
8. His career has been hindered by injury.
9. The high cost of the vaccine has severely hindered its use.
10. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.
11. The money should besufficientfor one month's travel.
12. Give yourself sufficient time to get really stuck into your matter.
13. The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.
14. The courts said the claim raised "political questions" that were outside itsjurisdiction.
15. We were accustomed to working together.
16. Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of modern living.
17. The prince built a vast palace, rivalling Versailles in size and opulence.
18. Don't distractyour father while he's driving.
19. To distract myself, I was playing a little game wherein I tried to determine which apparatus I hated most.
20. The design was beautiful in its simplicity.
21. That's why the vast majority of users are attracted to Microsoft Windows by its very simplicity.
22. I couldn't distinguish the words, but his tone was clear.
1. William Shakespeare was born and died on the same date.
2. William's father had a profession of a glover.
3. Shakespeare was very young when he started earning his living.
4. The “dark lady” whom he wrote his poems was his wife.
5. Shakespeare was baptized and is buried in the same church.
6. After returning home he continued writing plays for the theatre.
7. Answer the following questions:
1. How many plays and sonnets did Shakespeare write?
2. How many brothers and sisters did he have?
3. What was William doing in London?
4. Whom did he write his poems?
5. What was William's life after returning home?
6. What are “half-timbered houses”?
23 April is ... day when ... fans all .... the world . ...the birth .... death of William ..., who wrote ... least 37 ... and 154 .... , and many ... poems. Many ... believe that ... was born ... that he ... on the ... date, but ... records prove ... he died ... 23 April ... , there is ... to prove when he ... born. The ... we can … is that … was baptized ... 26 April ... . But it's ... nice idea ... celebrate both... birth and ... death on ... same day - ... is also ... Day. St. George... the national ... of England (... Greece).
? 9. Translate into English:
Вільям Шекспір
В історії Великобританії багато знаменитих імен. Ім'я Вільяма Шекспіра — одне з них.
Вільям Шекспір, великий англійський поет і драматург, народився в 1564 році в місті Стратфорд-на-Ейвоні. У той час в Англії не було театрів.
Групи акторів переїжджали з міста в місто, показуючи вистави на вулиці. Іноді актори заїжджали й у Стратфорд-на-Ейвоні.Хлопчик приходив дивитися всі їхні вистави, і вони дуже подобалися йому. Він хотів стати актором. Час від часу він писав невеликі п'єски і ставив їх зі своїми друзями.
Коли йому виповнився 21 рік, Вільям відправився в Лондон.
Там він приєднався до акторської трупи. Спочатку Шекспір тільки допомагав акторам, а потім почав писати п'єси для них. Незабаром п'єси Шекспіра почали ставити все частіше й частіше, і вони стали знаменитими.
Театр, де працював Шекспір, називався «Глобус». Це був перший професійний театр.
П'єси Шекспіра знають усі. Найвідоміші з них — «Отелло», «Гамлет», «Ромео і Джульєтта», «Король Лір».
Шекспір показував дійсне життя і стосунки між людьми. Теми його творів - любов і смерть, дружба і зрадництво, і відданість. П'єси Шекспіра будуть завжди цікаві людям.