Find meanings of the word and word combinations from the box in the list below.
IV. Translate into English
III. Translate into Ukrainian
II. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations
(from Ex. I)
1. At the end of the week his money ran out.
2. Jack London had to make his living doing all kinds of occasional jobs.
3. No doubt they are domineering in this region.
4. But it makes little difference now.
5. Westward travel was limited to the spiral Indian trails.
6. Henry sensed that the secretary was troubled about smth which she felt she ought to deal with.
7. He is in trouble again.
8. I’m sure everything will be done for your benefit.
9. How can we manage to make this visitor leave?
1. She was here the other day, throwing her weight about as if she was Hedy Lamarr and Kathrine Hepburn rolled in one.
2. You may feel that all I have asked is that you should spy upon people to my advantage.
3. I never saw such a thing as potato-scraping for making a fellow in a mess.
4. Jack dobted if it would be at Julia’s convenience to meet on the day of her departure.
5. Why have you taken to playing cards?
6. It’s a veritable picture of an old country inn with awkward stairs and winding passages.
7. He is very nervous and the least excitement puts him on edge.
8. It makes no odds whether she’ll take up painting or music.
9. The secretary may have something on her mind all day.
10. This habit is very difficult to get rid of.
11. The world is getting short of mutual understanding and assistance.
12. The paper is said to be in the hole as it receives no subsidies.
13. Your nurse is indispensable. She is always round the corner.
1. Давайте піднімемось по кручених сходах на вежу.
2. В кімнаті Джона був такий гармидер, що його сестра скористувалася його відсутністю та прибрала все.
3. Вікторія постійно відчувала нестачу грошей, вона ледь зводила кінці з кінцями.(to make both ends meet).
4. Цікаво, про що ти думаєш? Ти такий стурбований.
5. Немає різниці, де подорожувати. Люба подорож розширює наш світогляд.
6. Знову ви посилюєте свій вплив на нашій території.
7. Картина виглядала краще біля вікна.
8. Тобі слід позбавитись звички втручатися в чужі справи.
1. Study the dictionary entry of the word advantage
advantage, to have, win an advantage(over), to have the advantage of, to take advantage of smth, to advantage, to smb’s advantage, to turn smth to advantage, to take advantage of smb. |
1. to be profitable or helpful to smb
2. in a way that shows its good points
3. to be in a better position because of smth
4. something useful or helpful
5. to make use of smth
6. to make the most of it
7. to turn smb round your finger, to trick smb
8. to have a better position or opportunity