Study the words to the topic.

PART II. Education in Great Britain

Think of some other problems which occur in the classroom and say how they could be solved.

Choose the solutions to the following problems, then fill in the table.

Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the list below.


classroom blackboard bell

staffroom sports hall office canteen

corridor playground playing fields

1. Lessons are held in the ______ .

2. Some schools have a(n) ______ where pupils can buy their lunch.

3. The ______ rings to mark the end of one lesson and the beginning of another.

4. The pupils normally go out into the ______ to take their breaks.

5. In between lessons or at breaktime, teachers gather in the ______ .

6. Game lessons are given inside in the ______ or outside on the ______ .

7. The traditional ______ is now being replaced by the whiteboard in most classrooms.

8. The pupils walk between classrooms along a …

9. Pupils who behave especially badly in class are sent to the headteacher`s …

Possible solutions: pupils should provide sick notes when they are absent; suspension; government grants should be given to schools and pupils; stricter punishment; schools should install more computers; improve library facilities and organize a PTA (Parent Teacher Association); expulsion; donations by the rich should be given to schools; extra staff should be appointed; the school administration should set up tutorials.


Problem Solutions
large class sizes  
lack of discipline  
poor exam results  


Model 1:

v If students were asked to provide sick notes when absent, then this would stop them from skipping school. Stricter punishment would be a positive step too. Also the organization of a PTA would help because parents would be personally and immediately informed and some actions could be taken by them.

Model 2:

v The problem of large class sizes could be solved by appointing extra staff. If this was done, there would be smaller groups and students would receive individual attention. If a class is large, it means that there are too many pupils in it and they don’t receive enough individual attention from their teacher.



Pre-reading Activities

degree ступінь

to attend відвідувати

maroon темно-бордовий

Fellow викладач, член ради коледжу

secondary school середня школа

comprehensive schoolзагальноосвітня школа

option вибір

independent самостійний, незалежний

public school закритий приватний привілейований середній навчальний заклад (у Великій Британії)

selection відбір

influential впливовий

further education подальша освіта

to award нагороджувати

to govern керувати

curriculum навчальна програма

infant school школа в Британії для дітей віком від 4 до

8 років

junior school школа в Британії для дітей віком від 7 до

11 років

boarding school школа-пансіон, де деякі або всі учні живуть, як і вчаться, на протязі семестру

Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) кандидат наук (англ.)

vocational професійний

Master of Arts (MA) магістр мистецтва, магістр гуманітарних


Master of Science (MSc) магістр природничих наук

Bachelor of Arts (BA) бакалавр мистецтва, бакалавр

гуманітарних наук

Bachelor of Science (BSc) бакалавр природничих наук


2. Try to answer these True/False statements by guessing, then read Text 3 and find out if your guesses were correct.


1. Children go to junior school at the age of 7.

2. Most secondary schools in Britain are private schools.

3. In boarding schools pupils live during term-time.

4. Further education means post-school education.

5. Attending lectures is compulsory for Oxford and Cambridge students.

6. The Department of Education and Science has a lot of control over the curriculum of any university.

Reading Activities


Read and translate Text 3: