Match the words with the definitions.

Describe the system of education of Ukraine.

Answer the questions about Text 2.

1. Why did the commission decide to increase the amount of home work?

2. What are the two main issues the educators disagree on?

3. Why does Etta Briggs think that homework is unfair?

4. Is there any connection between low achievers and less educated parents?

5. Which assignments can be called ‘rote’?

6. Can you suggest any types of creative homework (you may use such verbs and expressions, as: write, compare, describe, find some differences, speak about the similarities, make up a dialogue, etc.)?

10. Translate these expressions from Ukrainian into English and make up sentences with them:


відповідати стандартам, освіта забезпечується, вищий навчальний заклад, аспірантура, позакласні заходи, школа з правовим нахилом, технічний ліцей, обов’язкові та факультативні курси, дітей навчають, менша кількість уроків.

lateness being kept in school after class

truancy permanent removal from school

low standards temporary removal from school

indiscipline repeated absence from school

detention arriving late for class

suspension rudeness or violence from pupils

expulsion teaching period for a small group of learners

tutorial poor class and exam results