
Complete the following text using the words and expressions from the box.

Complete the following sentences, using the facts that you know.

Vocabulary work. Find words in the text which could be replaced by

Test yourself. Match the words with their definitions.


1. a coast a) a very good and holy person

2. saint b) a national song of a country

3. an island c) a particular part of a country, town

4. an anthem d) to become one, join; to work together

5. an area, region e) mountainous part of a country

6. to vary f) division of Britain, which has its own local government

7. to unite g) to become different, to change

8. a highland h) a piece of land with water all around it

9. to surround i) the area where the land meets sea

10. a county j) to be or go all around something

11. a climate k) typical weather conditions



the following words:

moderate to rise

a scenery to govern

fresh shore

to consist of to convince

damp to change


3. Find words in the texts with the opposite meaning to the given words:


to bore warm

to separate a backward country

dry to disappear

poor ugly

recently to object

informal to repeat




1. The island of Great Britain is subdivided into ______ .

2. The National Flag of Great Britain is also known as ______ . It is named so because ______ .

3. There are ______ crosses and ______ colours on the National Flag of the United Kingdom.

4. There are symbols of ______ countries on the National Flag of the United Kingdom.

5. Wales has its own flag called ______ .

6. The National anthem of the United Kingdom originated ______ .

7. Gaelic is the language spoken in ______ .

8. The United Kingdom is often referred to as ______ .

9. William and Mary were the first ______ who reigned but not ruled.

10. The power of the Queen of Great Britain is ______ .

visitors cathedral ceremonies poets flat region capital example weighs country calendar centuries

Notes to the text:

Stonehenge – Стоунхендж, один із самих відомих у світі кромлехів

Magna Carta [΄ m æ g n ə ΄ k a : t ə] (іст.) Велика хартія


Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world. This ancient circle of stones stands in south-west England. There is nothing quite like Stonehenge anywhere in the world and for 5,000 years it has drawn ______ to it. The first henge was built over 50 ______ ago, that is about 3,100 B.C. That’s where the mystery begins. Stonehenge is made from massive blocks of stone up to 4 metres high and each stone ______ about five tons. How did they get these stones to stand upright? The truth is nobody really knows. Why it was built is a mystery. Some people think it was used for pagan religions ______ , others consider it was a huge ______ used by Druids.

Not far from Stonehenge stands Salisbury Cathedral. It is a splendid ______ of an English Gothic Сathedral; it has the highest spires in England and it was built in the 12th century. Inside the ______ there is one of the copies of the Magna Carta and also the oldest clock in England.

The Lake District is a lovely ______ of lakes and mountains in Northwest England, in a region called Cumbria. The Romantic ______ Wordsworth and De Quincey lived here and were called the Lake Poets.