Comprehension check
1. What is the main difference between the English and Ukrainian diets? 2. Why are Englishmen “sentenced” to their breakfast? 3. What is a continental breakfast and what is an English breakfast? 4. Why is tea so popular in the English diet? 5. What are the most common ways of drinking tea in Great Britain and in Ukraine? 6.What can Ukrainians have in addition to tea? 7. When do Englishmen and Ukrainians usually have lunch? What do their lunches usually consist of? 8. What can you say about Ukrainian and British dinners? 9. What is the difference between the Ukrainian and British soup? 10. What are fish and chips shops? What do they sell? 11. Do Ukrainian and British suppers differ a lot? 12. When do the
English drink tea? 13. Can you explain what is meant by being “on edge” and being “over the moon”? Give examples of the situations in which one can feel those ways. 14. What are Ukrainian housewives often engaged in? 15. What impressions of Ukrainian culinary traditions might foreigners have before coming to Ukraine? 16. In what way do Ukrainians usually meet foreigners? 17. Can you
illustrate the meaning of the proverb “What is one man’s meat is another man’s poison”? 18. Give your title to the text.
1. Do you agree that sticking to a Ukrainian diet may be fatal for some Englishmen? 2. Ukrainian cuisine is called intricate. What might this mean? Do you agree with this characteristic? 3. Can you
trace the author’s irony in the attitude towards English tea? Give your reasons. 4. Is tea popular in Ukraine? What kind of tea do you prefer? 5. Can you name the most popular product(s) in Ukraine, in your city, in your family, which can be served in different ways and on different occasions? Why do you think it is so? 6. From the text one can gain an impression that Ukrainians eat everything in large amounts and at any time. Is it true, exaggerated or completely wrong? 7. What is “sophisticated” public and how can “inedible” vegetables be eaten? 8. What is implied by stating that “the English drink tea under any circumstances”? 9. It is stated in the text that “most Ukrainians never count calories and they are sure that their food is healthy”? How true is this statement? Do you think it is the right approach towards one’s diet? Give your reasons. 10. There is an opinion that the description of typical breakfasts, lunches, etc. is often quite far-fetched and in each case meals are usually very different. Do you support this point of view? If it is so why do we so often talk about typical breakfasts, etc.? 11. Have you heard that
breakfast should be eaten on one’s own, dinner should be shared with a friend and supper should be given away to an enemy? What do you think this means? Do you support the idea?
* * *
- I’m hungry. Let’s go somewhere and have a snack.
- There is a good cafe at the next corner.
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- Even if they don’t, the food is so good, you won’t mind.
- All right. Let’s go.
* * *
- Where are we going for dinner tonight?
- Let’s go to the restaurant on the corner.
- O. K. Great! I’ll treat.
- No, no, let’s go Dutch.
* * *
Waiter: Welcome to Antico's. Here are your menus.
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Waiter: Yes. Today's special is grilled salmon. I'll be back to take your order in a
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Customer 1: Yes. I'd like the prawn spaghetti please.
Waiter: Would you like anything for entrée?
Customer 1: No thank you, we’re just going to have mains tonight.
Waiter: Ok sure, and you?
Customer 2: I'll have the veal casserole with vegetables and mashed potato please.
Waiter:Would you like anything to drink?
Customer 1: I'll have a coke, please.
Waiter: And for you?
Customer 2: Just water, please.
Waiter: OK. So that's one prawn spaghetti, one veal casserole with vegetables and
mashed potato, one coke, and one water. I'll take your menus.
Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.
Waiter: How was everything?
Customers 2: Delicious, thanks.
Waiter:Would you like anything for dessert?
Customer 1: No, just the bill please.
· Fish-and-chips for four, please.
· No. Coke for me, please. Sorry.
· All right. Three fish-and-chips and one coke.
· Is this for here or to go?
· Here, please.
(Ordering food from a drive-through window of a fast food restaurant)
· May I help you, sir?
· I’ll have 3 hamburgers, 2 cokes and 1 milk.
· That will be $ 4.74 cents. Please, drive up to the window.
· Thank you.