Find sentences which correspond to the texts
1. According to the international standards passengers are to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights.
2. They go to the Customs for an examination of their luggage.
3. The particular procedure depends on the time of departure.
4. A boarding pass is to be shown at the departure gate and to the hostess when leaving the plane.
5. The passenger ticket and baggage check can be conceded to another person.
6. If you fail the arrive at the check-out in due time, you will not be accepted for transportation on the flight for which you have reserved a seat.
7. Each one of your pieces of baggage will be tagged with a baggage tag.
8. After the check-in you will be given a boarding pass.
What do you do when you get to the Airport? Put the sentences below into their correct order!
1. At the ticket counter you receive your boarding card.
2. Then you go to your gate
3. You must pass a security check where you have to show your passport and
your boarding card.
4. After landing you must go to the baggage claim where you can get your suitcases.
5. Your baggage is checked and weighed.
6. You must wait at your gate until you can board the plane.
7. While you wait you can spend your time at many shops.
Read the text and give English equivalents |
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This is particularly important for some back complaints. It is recommended to make the muscles in your legs hard, hold for some seconds and then relax before repeating it some times. It is also necessary to walk up and down the aisle, do some small stretching exercises, turn your shoulders in circles – to the front and to the back, turn your head to the right and to the left, turn your feet clockwise and anti-clockwise, and then do the same with your hands. This will help you to be comfortable and enjoy travelling by air.
The best way to ease the air pressure on your eardrums is to yawn or to swallow a few times.
1. часовий пояс, 2. страждати від різниці в часі, 3. внутрішній біологічний годинник, 4. довгі перельоти дуже втомливі, 5. скарги, 6. пройтися по проходу, 7. покрутити ногами за та проти годинникової стрілки, 8. насолоджуватися повітряною подорожжю, 9. тиск повітря на барабанні перетинки, 10. позіхати чи ковтати повітря.