Exercise 18. Translate into English, using the necessary tenses.

Exercise 17. Open the brackets, using the verbs in the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple.


1.We are sure he (to be) late. 2. Look! Your child (to eat) an ice-cream. 3. I (to agree) to go there if you (to go) there too. 4. She (not to like) to play this game, but now she (to play). 5. He supposes she (to be) in Paris next week. 6. You (to achieve) a great success if you (to work) hard. 7. I (to think) he (to come) tonight. 8. John (to phone) your office for you tomorrow. 9. You (to go) for a walk only when you (to finish) doing your lessons. 10. My friend (not to work) tomorrow. 11. I (to be) sorry that you never (to see) your money again. 12. You (to help) me tomorrow? - No, I (not to do) it. 13. Don't worry! I (to play) for the damage in some days. 14. Look! Mary and John (to be) together now. — Yes, they (to get) married in a week. 15. Sheila (to believe) she (to pass) her exam next month. 16. Your sister (to go) to the theatre next Friday? 17. What (to be) the matter? Why you (to phone) the teacher now? 18. Why he (not to sleep) now? - He (to watch) TV. 19. If you (to tell) her telephone number, I (to ring) her. 20. My son (not to like) to eat soup but he (to eat) soup now. 21. They (to be) surprised if they (not to get) this job. 22. (to think) Peter (to be) very glad if we (to tell) him the news. 23. We (to go) to the theatre next week? - I (to hope) we (to go) there if I (not to be) busy. 24. She (to return) home till 7 o'clock? - She (to return) when she (to finish) her work. 25. What he (to do) now? — He (to write) a letter to his friend who (to live) in France. 26. Don't forget to lock the door after you (to leave). 27. Could you look after my child while I (to be) out? 28. She (not to start) supper until her husband (to come). 29. John (to feel) better after he (to have) something to drink. 30. You (to go) for a walk at 2 o'clock? - I (not to go) until mother (to come).


1.Коли я прийду додому, я подзвоню тобі. 2. Якщо я побачу його завтра, я віддам йому цю книжку. 3. Він зрадіє, якщо ми скажемо йому про це. 4. Ми поїдемо в Париж наступного тижня, тому ми купуємо зараз квитки. 5. Я сподіваюсь, що вони будуть вдома завтра. 6. Коли він подзвонить мені? - Він подзвонить, як тільки матиме час. 7. Завтра моя сестра піде в кіно, якщо купить квитки. 8. Якщо ви підете за покупками, купіть мені кави. 9. Коли вона прийде до школи, вона буде уважно слухати вчителя на уроці. 10. Вони погодяться, якщо ми запросимо їх в театр. 11. Я терпіти не можу, коли він так розмовляє. 12. Послухай як гарно вона співає. Вона перестане співати, якщо почує як ви розмовляєте. 13. Вона часто дивиться телевізор, але зараз вона не дивиться його, вона читає книжку. 14. Мого брата зараз немає вдома. Залиште йому записку. 15. Надішліть мені листівку, якщо поїдете до Німеччини. 16. Коли мені знадобиться допомога, я попрошу їх допомогти мені. 17. Він повинен закінчити свої справи перед тим, як поїде.

Exercise 19. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers.


1. Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) TV as well.

2. Tomorrow after school, I (go) to the beach.

3. I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you (do) paperwork and (talk) to annoying customers on the phone, I (lie) on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you jealous?

4. We (hide) when Tony (arrive) at his surprise party. As soon as he opens the door, we (jump) out and (scream) , "Surprise!"

5. We work out at the fitness center every day after work. If you (come) over while we (work) out, we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be safe, we (leave) a key under the welcome mat so you will not have to wait outside.

6. While you (study) at home, Magda (be) in class.

7. When I (get) to the party, Sally and Doug (dance) , John (make) drinks, Sue and Frank (discuss) something controversial, and Mary (complain) about something unimportant. They are always doing the same things. They are so predictable.

8. When you (get) off the plane, I (wait) for you.

9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) .

10. If you (need) to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) at the Sheraton in San Francisco.