Exercise 1. Read the dialogue and translate it into Ukrainian. Then dramatize it in parts.


Unit 4

Exercise 28. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Simple, Present Simple and Past Continuous Tense.

Exercise 27. Translate the sentences into English, using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Exercise 26. Open the brackets, using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. When we (to meet) him, he (to go) to the shop. He (to want) to buy some food. 2. What you (to look) for when I (to open) the door? 3. Your daughter (to skate) on the pond from five till six? 4. What they (to laugh) at when he (to come) in? - They (to laugh) at a funny story. 5. Where he (to go) when rain (to begin)? - He (to go) to the office. 6. What she (to play) when I (to ring) her up? - She (to play) the violin.

1. Вчора він сидів у своїй кімнаті, коли зайшла його дружина і сказала, що їхні діти прийшли додому. 2. Чому ти зробив стільки помилок в останньому диктанті? — Я думав про щось інше під час диктанту. 3. Вона зламала ключ, коли намагалась відчинити двері. 4. Минулої п'ятниці я весь день працював над доповіддю. 5. Що робили діти, коли ви зайшли до кімнати? - Вони гралися м'ячем. 6. Позавчора о другій я ремонтував годинник. 7. Коли ми пливли на човні, ми побачили маленький острів попереду. 8. Хто допомагав тобі, коли ти прибирала в кімнаті? 9. Минулого року мої батьки взяли мене з собою у від­рядження. 10. Ти спав вчора о десятій? - Ні. В цей час я гуляв зі своїм собакою у дворі. 11. Вчора я кудись поклав свої зошити. 12. Ми прийшли додому о п'ятій годині. В цей час наш син дивився телевізор. 13. Що вона відповіла вам, коли ви запросили її в театр? 14. Мати приготувала обід о четвертій годині. 15. Він не дивився телевізор о шостій годині, він слухав музику.

Once, while I (to walk) in a park of London, I (to see) an old man. He (to sit) on a bench holding a book in his hands. I (to see) that the book (to be) of great interest. It (to be) a very old copy of early Byron's works. I (to look) at the old man (to understand) that he (to know) that I (to sit) because of him and the book. I (to smile). "It is the last I (to have)”, he (to say) and (to stretch) it out to me. I (to take) the words: "I love the old books." I (to open) the book and (to look) at the date: it (to be) a remarkable book. “I (to have) a hard life and this book (to be) a comfort to me. But I have to sell it," (to say) the old man .




Vocabulary: words naming various types of shops and shopping departments, goods that can be purchased there, certain expressions of the topic under consideration.

Grammar:the Quantifiers, the Impersonal It, the Formal Subject THERE.

Language practice:developing communicative skills in the use of a new vocabulary, topic presentations.


Mother: Pete, we've run out of vegetables and we've hard­ly any bread in the house. You know, now it's your turn to go to the greengrocer's and to the baker's.

Pete: Oh, God! Why do we have to go shopping so often?

M: The day before yesterday it was Nelly who did all the shopping. She went to the butcher's and to the fishmonger’s.

P: Did she? But, Mother, girls are so fond of shopping. Let Nelly do it today as well.

M: Oh, you've been a lazy-bone ever since you were born! It's so difficult to make you go anywhere.

P: Do you want to make me a model boy, Mum?

M: I'd like to. Take that bag and don't grumble. Buy a cabbage, a pound of onions, half a pound of carrots and a loaf of bread. Here is the money and don't forget the change.

P: Did I ever forget it?

M: I don't say you did. But you are so absent-minded.

P: (sighing): My teacher says the same.

M: I expect you to be back in half an hour. Oh, and don’t forget to buy “The Financial Times” for father at the newsagent’s … And tulips at the florist’s. Tomorrow grandma is having her birthday.

P: All right. I'll do my best.


Exercise 2. Dramatize the dialogue in different moods. As if you were:

· a modest librarian and a hard-rock musician;

· a strict teacher and a noble old lady;

· a thief and a judge.