Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English, using the Possessive Case.
Exercise 1. Make the following nouns irregular.
Sister, banana, foot, disco, roof, mouse, sandwich, forget-me-not, lady, tooth, window, tomato, house, bus, door, garden, camera, boy, ray, ox, child, sheep, deer, woman, man, story, wolf, hero, photo, car.
Exercise 2. Make the following expressions plural. | |||||
this envelope this man | this report | this baby | |||
this factory this deer | this mouse | this city | |||
this hotel this game | this child | this leaf | |||
this rule this volcano | this bus | this candle | |||
this club this tooth | this lady | this hobby | |||
Exercise 3. Make the following sentences plural. | |||||
1. This is a baby. | 10. This is a | student. | |||
2. This is a port. | 11. This is a | disco. | |||
3. This is a pilot. | 12. That is a | roof. | |||
4. This is a factory. | 13. This is an apple. | ||||
5. This is a camera. | 14. This is a | wolf. | |||
6. This is a car. | 15. This is an ox. | ||||
7. This is a sandwich. | 16. This is a woman. | ||||
8. This is a piano. | 17. This is an orange. | ||||
9. This is a half. | 18. That is a | patch. | |||
Exercise 4. Make the following expressions plural. | |||||
this capital | this party | this comedy | this cafeteria | ||
this college | this disco | this radio | this nurse | ||
this diary | this half | this year | this family | ||
this purse | this country | this week | this uncle | ||
this horse | this railway | this wife | this street | ||
Exercise 5. Make the following sentences plural. | |||||
1. This | is a child. | 9. Is that a teacher? teacher? | |||
2. This | isn't a baby. | 10. That isn’t a lamb. 't a lamb. | |||
3. This | is a sheep. | 11. This isn’t a boy. і fish. | |||
4. That | isn't a path. | 12. That isn’t bread. 't an atlas. | |||
5. This is a tomato. is a stranger. | 13. That isn’t a leaf. і leaf. | ||||
6. This is an arm. isn't a mouse. | 14. This isn’t a camera. 't a camera. | ||||
7. Is this a man? | 15. This is a half. | ||||
8. That is a doctor. is a doctor. | 16. This is a baby. | ||||
Exercise 6. Make the following sentences plural.
1. This boy has a ball. 2. This animal is wild. 3. Does this girl study well? 4. My brother has a map. 5. This map is on the wall. 6. That goose is fat. 7. Does your friend work at school? 8. There is a chair in my room. 9. Is this village very large? 10. His boot is large. 11. This pencil is in the box. 12. This woman is this man's wife. 13. Is this a good disco? 14. That lady is our teacher. 15. This boy isn't my son. 16. This factory is very big. 17. There is a desk in this classroom. 18. She has a beautiful dress. 19. Does this lady speak English? 20. That gentleman knows my brother. 21.This girl isn't my niece.
1. Він поклав гроші в руку офіціанта. 2. Ми можемо взяти машину мого батька. 3. Хтось взяв гаманець у Ніка. 4. Я збираюсь написати батькам цих дітей. 5. Чия це відеокамера? 6. Я відкрив двері автомобіля. 7. Ключі в кишені його піджака. 8. Мері та Майк зупинились в будинку своїх друзів. 9. Джейн працює в офісі мого дядька. 10. Лікар порадив мені взяти відпустку на тиждень. 11. Дитина розбила вазу моєї бабусі. 12. Мати Пітера лікар. 13. Моя дочка зачинила двері кухні. 14. Сукня цієї дівчини дуже дорога. 15. Чия це сумка? — Це сумка тих хлопців. 16. Дружина цього добродія працює в нашому офісі. 17. Ви коли-небудь гуляли вулицями Лондона? 18. Водій автобуса зачинив двері. 19. Лідер цієї партії зробив цікаву доповідь. 20. Фасад мого будинку пофарбовано в жовтий колір.