Put 4 types of questions to the sentences
Match the first and the second parts of the sentence
As for me, I study at the Vinnytsya | Vinnytsya Polytechnical school. |
There are several departments there: | canteen. |
I try to do my best | College of Kyiv National University of Food Technologies. |
Many people know our college as | to be a good student. |
We have a good | Automation Department, Automechanic Department, the Department of Economy and Technology and Heat and Energy Department. Both boys and girls can study here. |
Our sportsmen take part in different competitions | feel myself comfortable and protected. |
Every day I go to my college with great pleasure and | such as football, volleyball and others. |
ü Our sportsmen take part in different competitions.
ü We have a good canteen.
ü Our library is on the ground floor.
Unit 11
Prestige Professions in Ukraine and Abroad
1. Learn new words and word-combinations:
to leave - залишати
pretty tricky question- досить складне питання
especially - особливо
a long way off- далеко
to offer- пропонувати
questionnaires- опитування
surveys - тести
abilities - можливості
a decision- рішення
concerning- що стосується
future career - майбутня кар’єра
to be best suited for- найкраще підходити
a hairdresser- перукар
necessary quality- необхідна якість
to be required - вимагатися
to possess - володіти
to develop- розвивати
a vet- ветеринар
a postal worker- поштар
an adventure - мандрівка
a trip - поїздка
an explorer - пошуковець
a research - дослідження
might be - міг би (від may be)
an inventor- винахідник
an accountant- бухгалтер
a firefighter- пожежник
cheerful - веселий
an advertising instructor - спеціаліст з реклами
successfully - успішно
a high qualification- висока кваліфікація
to fit for a certain position - підходити для певної посади
to be enriched - бути збагаченим
2. You are going to read the text about the qualities which are required for different kinds of professions. Read the text and say what profession is good for you. Comment on your choice: