Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text.

Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and phrases.

Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.



Податок; оподаткування; неминучість податків; від імені особи; виконувати багато функцій; охорона власності; забезпечення дотримання контрактів; фінансувати соціальне забезпечення; система охорони здоров'я; допомога з безробіття; комунальні послуги; ставка податкового обкладання; податковий тягар; розподіляти між; діяльність, що підлягає оподаткуванню; фіскальна політика; модель споживання або зайнятості; передача багатства від більш заможних верств населення до більш бідних; бути спрямованим на зовнішній ефект економічної діяльності; підтримувати політику; вимагати звітність; висока податкова ставка; щоб податки були прийнятними; відповідати певним критеріям; справедливість податків; уникнути сплати визначених податків; утримувати частину зарплати; на регулярній основі; до відома кожного працівника; першочерговий принцип; мати можливість (дозволити собі платити за послуги; незалежно від отриманих пільг; відчувати менше незручностей; жити (виживати) тільки на дохід.


Payment on behalf of the individual to the government; to carry out many functions; to use different kinds of taxes; to vary tax rates; to fund welfare and public services; to distribute the tax burden; to redistribute resources; to support the poor, the disabled and the retired; to influence the microeconomic performance; patterns of consumption or employment; to raise money; a consequential effect of taxes; “no taxation without representation”; to generate a high degree of accountability and governance; to dispute over the level of equity; tax loopholes; the amount of the withheld tax; to impose the same percentage of taxation on everyone.


Write, say, pay, operate, provide, carry out, vary, do, spend, show, meet, see, understand, withhold, impose, mean, go up.


externality a money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services
fiscal policy b a rate of tax that is paid on your next unit of income; the highest rate of tax that smb pays
transaction c the percentage of an amount of money or of the value of smth that has to be paid as tax
tax d responsibility for your decisions and actions and readiness to explain them when you are asked
legal tender e practical or financial help that is provided, often by the government, for people that need it
tax loophole f the activity of controlling a company, an organization, or a country; the way in which this is done
tax rate g a standard that you use when you make a decision or form an opinion about smb/smth
welfare h the way in which a government charges taxes or spends money in order to manage the economy
taxation i = fixed tax; a system in which tax is paid at the same rate, however much you earn or spend
benefit(s) j third party (or spill-over) effects arising from the production and/or consumption of goods and services for which no appropriate compensation is paid
marginal tax rate k money that can legally be used to pay for things in a particular country
accountability l money that is paid to people who are unemployed, ill, etc. by the government or through a system of insurance
governance m a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying and selling
criterion n a small mistake in the way a law has been written that allows people to legally avoid smth the law intended them to do
flat tax o the system or the act of collecting money by taxes


Ex. 5. Make up verb+noun collocations (there may be several variants).

to levy funds
to carry out harmful activities
to use taxes
to raise the poor
to distribute functions
to support criteria
to influence benefits
to discourage tax burden
to meet money
to provide economic performance
to pay  
to collect  
to impose  
to receive