Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text.
Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and phrases.
Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.
Отримувати прибуток; нести збитки; фінансова незалежність; успіх і самореалізація; активи (власність) компанії; уразливість перед судовими позовами; величезна більшість компаній малого бізнесу; управляти компанією; найбільш гнучка та адаптована форма; оподатковувати корпорації; мати необмежену відповідальність; брати на себе відповідальність; з точки зору закону; залучати висококваліфікованих працівників; спільно володіти власністю; укласти юридичну угоду; довід на користь; стимул стати партнером; нести спільну та індивідуальну відповідальність у випадку банкрутства; недолік/вада; розбіжності між партнерами; викликати конфлікти; обирати раду директорів; здійснювати нагляд над чимось; мати явні переваги; видобувати/знаходити додатковий капітал; передавати власність; надавати інформацію; підлягати подвійному оподаткуванню.
To do business; profit potential; size and nature of the business; level of control; to have advantages and disadvantages; to have day-to-day responsibility; to be in complete control over smth; to dissolve the business; to be adaptable to smth; on the less bright side; to assume personal responsibility; to be one and the same with the business; to raise funds; to distinguish between smth; to resolve disputes; to contribute time and capital; prospective employees; threat of potential disagreement; to affect smth adversely; unique entity; one of the weightiest advantages; incorporated/unincorporated business; to be created under a government charter; to impose tax on dividends; to prevent from.
Bring, suffer, do, make, choose, have, own, run, keep, react, pay, attract, buy, take, contribute, raise, give, tax, sue, hold, transfer, sell, mean, grow.
sole proprietorship | a | the state of being legally responsible for smth | |
securities | b | a formal written statement of the principles and aims of an organisation; a legal document created when a corporation is formed (US) | |
liability | c | the group of people chosen by shareholders to control a company | |
shareholder | d | a business that is owned by a group of professional people who work together and share the profits | |
charter | e | a business that is owned and run by one person | |
liabilities | f | things of value that a person or a company owns, such as money or property | |
board of directors | g | an amount of the profits that a company pays to shareholders | |
entity | h | a financial asset, such as a share or bond | |
to incorporate | i | a person or group that owns shares in a company or business | |
dividend | j | the amount of money that a company or a person owes | |
assets | k | to form a legal company or organisation, for example, by obtaining a certificate from the authorities | |
entrepreneur | l | a business that exists as a separate unit and has its own legal identity | |
partnership | m | a person who makes money by starting or running businesses |
Ex.5. Make up verb+noun collocations (there may be several variants).
to have | business |
to do | losses |
to make | a responsibility |
to earn | advantages and disadvantages |
to levy | decisions |
to suffer | a drawback |
to assume | taxes |
to pay | funds |
to run | a partnership |
to raise | profit |
to establish | capital |
to invest |