Ex.4. Read the dialogue.

Ex.3. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

Ex.2. Complete the phrases with the following options.

Dialogue 4. Meeting people on arrival

A. Was your plane on time?

B. Yes, it was right on time.

A. Did you have a good trip?

B. Yes, it was fine.

1.Would you like… a smoking/ a non-smoking? a window seat/ an aisle seat? an economy seat/a first-class seat?
2. I am here … on business. to attend a … conference. to visit my friends. to see the sights of …
3. What do you have in your luggage? Just my personal belongings. Only some books. Only some cough/heart/flu medicine. A (video) camera and a lap-top.
4. Where will you be staying? At a hotel. At my friends. At the host family. At a students’ residence.
5. How many bags do you have to check in? Just this bag. Two suitcases and this carry-on bag. Only a backpack. Only my hand luggage.

1. _________ I have a coffee with milk, please?

A. Can B. Will C. Do

2. Excuse me, where is the Delta check-in __________?

A. desk B. station C. table

3. I lost my __________ pass - can I get another one?

A. traveling B. seating C. boarding

4. I have a ________ in Paris on the way to Israel.

A. stayover B. stopover C. layoff

5. ______ have the pasta, please.

A. I'll B. I'm C. I'd

6. A __________ coffee, please.

A. regular B. standard C. normal

7. The metal in my belt _________ the alarm.

A. set off B. took off C. went off

8. Do I __________ to take off my shoes?

A. want B. need C. should

9. Is the flight on __________?

A. hour B. time C. departure

10. There's a half-hour __________.

A. depart B. delay C. late

11. What _______ of juices do you have?

A. can B. kind C. mark

12. How much is the oversized luggage ________?

A. fee B. tax C. bill

13. You need to ________ up your bag in Charlotte.

A. take B. pick C. get

14. What’s my ________ number?

A. chair B. sit C. seat

15. Will my luggage go straight __________ to New York?

A. away B. through C. out