Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text.

Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.



Однакові типи економічних систем; розглядати одні і ті ж проблеми; у дуже обмеженому масштабі; як у приватному, так і в громадських секторах; перетворювати ресурси на товари та послуги; відображати різницю в громадських цінностях; переслідувати (мету); приводити до якогось результату; найбільша ефективність або найменші витрати; найбільш сумісний з; володіти; економічні стимули; спонукати кого-небудь до дії; направляти дефіцитні ресурси на виробництво товарів і послуг; зіткнутися з неприємними наслідками; зазнати невдачі; правильно/належним чином; отримати найбільший прибуток; придбати дві третини продукції; самостійність споживача; відкривати/починати свою справу; задовольняти потреби та бажання споживачів; з найбільш низькими економічними витратами; посилати важливий сигнал; звести разом покупців і продавців; обмінюватися товарами, послугами, ресурсами або грошовими коштами; займати та накопичувати кошти; посередник; втручання уряду в економічні питання; визначати і вводити громадські правила; дотримуватись закону і порядку; виконувати сполучну функцію; брак/дефіцит або надлишок ресурсів; «ручне»/штучне управління попитом; цінова дискримінація;


Different blends of traditions; commands and markets; to do smth in a unique way; to utilize market mechanisms; a handful of countries; to involve market forces; market economy traits; these differences occur; a high level of market freedom; to force people to be creative; to value smth most highly; the most beneficial course of action; to seek high profits; to search for the lowest price; to indicate smth; to provide too much of a product; in addition to selling resources; in the hope of making a profit; an inability to do smth; to act as agents; to become increasingly complex; to use a financial institution as an intermediary; to be the cornerstone of smth; to have the coercive power to do smth; to have a hard time doing smth; vital information for making decisions; to channel scarce resources; to receive economic rewards or economic punishments.


Deal, occur, say, result, mean, seek, search, get, purchase, start, make, send, bring, become, go, tell, try, do, lose.


1. private enterprise a a. a person who makes money by running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks
2. public sector b b. a structure which helps buyers and sellers get together to exchange goods or services
3. rationing c c. a situation when there is not enough of something that is needed
4. economic resources d d. the ability to do something well without wasting time or money
incentives e e. the policy of limiting the amount of food, fuel, etc. that people are allowed to have when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as they want
profit f f. an amount that is extra or more than you need
employer g a person or company that pays people to work for them
employee h g. a business that is owned by individuals or other companies, not by the government
benefit i h. something that encourages people to do something, especially to work harder, spend more money, etc.
household j i. a supply of something such as money, labour, etc. that an organization or a person has and can use
market k j. a person or an organization that helps other people or organizations to reach an agreement
entrepreneur l k. the part of the economy of a country that is owned or controlled by the government
sovereignty m l. complete independence
efficiency n m. the practice of selling the same product to different types of customers at different prices
intermediary o n. getting involved in and trying to influence the situation
interference p a person who is paid to work for somebody
surplus q a helpful and useful effect that something has
shortage r all the people living together in a single house or flat/apartment, considered as a unit
price discrimination s the money that you make in business or by selling things, especially after paying the costs involved


Ex.5. Make up verb+noun collocations (there may be several variants).

to make an important signal
to satisfy vital information
to start resources
to send an economic decision
to exchange law and order
to borrow and save a high profit
to play consumer’s needs and wants
to maintain money
to provide a great role
to make a new business