Ex.5. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text.
Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following phrases.
Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.
Засіб для виживання; виконувати завданнявиробництватарозподілу; не зважаючи на виникнення великої різноманітності; для того, щоб вирішити економічну проблему; почуття безпеки та психологічного комфорту;братидоуваги; обмежувативибірспоживачів; вільнепідприємництво; досягтиефективності; критикинеможутьзрозуміти; визначити з достатньою точністю; створення неформальної соціальної мережі; надавати дозвіл на ведення приватного бізнесу; контролювати основні сектори економіки; чистий ринок; характерні риси; структура ринкової системи; незалежно вирішувати; керувати основними галузями промисловості; отримуватибезкоштовнімедичніпослуги.
To present itself as; to be tempted to say; in spite of; to come into play; the essential dilemma; production and distribution; to take advantage of; to solve economic problems; to do for a living; a sense of security and psychological comfort; a greater degree of autonomy; incentives for entrepreneurs; to stand for a market economy; the dominating motive; to formulate decisions; to direct enterprises; relevant aspects; intermingled with; to be notoriously corrupt; consumer preferences, shortages and surpluses; to reach a consensus on;fail to realize.
Deal, make, say, come, cost, choose, see, do, find, speak, be, sell.
Ex.4.Make up adjective +noun or noun +noun collocations (there may be several variants). Give examples either from the text or of your own.
Economic, basic, scientific, profit, free, private, decision, government, scarcity.
Problem, property, system, development, enterprise, questions, motive, maker, ownership.
Model:economic system
e.g. People have made use of a variety of economic systems.
aneconomicsystem | a | economy, with some free enterprise and some government ownership | |
a traditional economic system | b | an economic system in which the state or government manages the economy | |
a market economic system | c | also commonly described as a free enterprise or capitalist system | |
a planned economy or directed economy | d | one in which people's economic roles are the same as those of their parents and grandparents | |
mixed economic system | e | one in which a nation's economic decisions are the result of individual decisions made by buyers and sellers in the marketplace | |
laissez-faire | f | a way of answering three basic questions:what, how and for whom to produce |