Exercise 5

Exercise 4

Exercise 3

Exercise 2

Exercise 1


MINI-TEST (p. 212, 5.6)

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:

1) What is the aircraft callsign?

a) Speedbird 467;

b) Speedbird 367;

c) Speedbird 576;

d) Speedbird 476.

2) What FL is the aircraft discending to?

a) to FL 240;

b) to FL 240;

c) to FL 240;

d) to FL 240.

3) What is EAT of Newtown?

a) at 50;

b) at 42;

c) at 25;

d) at 52.

4) How long is the delay?

a) 20 minutes;

b) 30 minutes;

c) 35 minutes;

d) 10 minutes.

5) What is the reason of delay?

a) bad weather;

b) traffic congestion;

c) low visibility;

d) blocked RW.

6) How many minutes does the aircraft have to lose en-route?

a) 3 minutes;

b) 6 minutes;

c) 8 minutes;

d) 5 minutes.


Study the following words.

communication [kEmju:ni7keiSEn] связь; коммуникация
entry [7entri] вход
establish [Is7tXbliS] устанавливать
revert (to) [ri7vE:t] возвращаться (в прежнее состояние)

Study the following phraseologies.

Contract Odessa Control 127,9 for entry clearance, then revert to present frequency. Установите контрольную связь с Одесса Контроль на 127,9. Запросите условия входа, затем возвращайтесь на данную частоту.
No contact with Lviv. Нет связи со Львовом.
Establish communication. Установите связь.
Are you able to establish control communication with Odessa Control? Вы можете установить контрольную связь с Одесса Контроль?

а) Listen to the dialogues:

1) ACC: Speedbird 345. Newtown Control. Contact Georgetown Control 127.9 for entry clearance, then revert to present frequency.

АСFТ: 127.9.Wi1cо, Speedbird 345.

2) ACC: Swissair 619. Newton Control. Establish communication with Georgetown

Control 127.9 for entry clearance, then revert to present frequency.

ACFT: 127.9. Wilco. Swissair 819.

b) Listen to the dialogues again and take the controller's part.

Give English equivalents for:

- переходите на связь с Контролем (на) 119.7;

- настоящая частота;

- запросите разрешение на вход в зону;

- продолжайте ваше сообщение;

- установите связь с Контролем (Подходом, Рулением);

- возвращайтесь на рабочую частоту;

- установите контрольную связь с Львов Контроль 127.5, затем возвращайтесь на рабочую частоту;

- нет связи с Одесса Контроль;

- не могу установить связь с Симферополь Контроль;

- запросите условия входа в зону.

You are аn ACC controller.

Give instructions to the pilot to establish control communication:


  ACC:   Callsign Angola 263 Swissair 315 TWA 127   Contact Georgetown Control November Control Alexander Control 129.7 122.5 131.8 for entry clearance, then revert to present frequency

MINI-TEST(p. 212, 5.7)

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:


1) What is the aircraft callsign?

a) Speedbird 235

b) Speedbird 325

c) Speedbird 532

d) Speedbird 523

2) What does Speedbird 235 have to do?

a) remain on present frequency;

b) revert to Simferopol Control;

c) establish communication with Odessa Control;

d) contact Odessa Approach.

3) What is the frequency of Odessa Control?

a) 129.6;

b) 126.6;

c) 116.6;

d) 126.9.

4) What does Speedbird 235 have to establish communication with Odessa Control for?

a) for descent clearance;

b) for entry clearance;

c) for climb clearance;

d) for landing clearance.