B) Use some of the word combinations from the box and make 5 sentences to describe the trial procedure.

Match the English words to their Russian equivalents.

Here are some words and word-combinations connected with criminal procedure. Read them and make sure you know their Russian equivalents. Organize them into logical groups. The number of the groups depends on the criteria you have chosen.

Do you know

Practise saying the words.

Exercise 1

Section I



Pronunciation practice.

[ei] statement; sustain; bailiff; deliberation

[uə] jury; during

[u:] rulings; overrule; prove

[ju:] usual; duty; view

[i] event; testimony; exhibit; credibility; witness

[aiə] trial; retire

[ai] entitled; testify; guide; sign

[ɔ:] lawyer; also; foreman; courtroom

[ʌ] gun; instruct; summarize

[s] evidence; im´portance; sentence, defense

[f] physical; photograph

[tʃ] questions; picture; each; discharge

[au] allowed; pronounce, counsel, council


Exercise 2

Answer the questions:

1. Who takes part in a trial?

2. Who presides over a trial?

3. Who reaches a verdict?

4. Who pronounces a sentence?


Exercise 3


jury bailiff testimony of witnesses courtroom to testify at trial to pronounce the sentence to reach a verdict lawyers for each side evidence deliberations on a verdict foreman judge presentation of evidence a party to a trial to present evidence to summarize the case defence prosecution clerk of the court prosecution counsel defense counsel police officer  


Exercise 4

1. trial a. обвинение
2. jury b. суд присяжных
3. prosecution c. защита
4. parties d. зал судебных заседаний
5. evidence e. доказательство
6. valid f. старшина присяжных
7. instructions g. пристав
8. foreman h. стороны (судебного разбирательства)
9. bailiff i. юридически действительный
10. courtroom j. судебное разбирательство
11. defence k. напутствие судьи присяжным


Exercise 5

a) Match the English word combinations to their Russian equivalents.

1. to make objections to a. давать свидетельские показания в суде
2. to sustain the objection b. представлять доказательства
3. to overrule the objection c. удаляться в комнату присяжных
4. to testify at trial d. отклонять возражение
5. to present evidence e. напутствовать присяжных
6. to instruct the jury f. принимать возражение
7. to retire to the jury room g. освободить присяжных от рассмотрения дела
8. to discharge the jury from the case h. заявить возражение


Exercise 6

a) Match the words or word-combinations to their explanations.

1. lawyers a. to have a legal right
2. to prove b. barristers or solicitors
3. parties c. to give evidence in court
4. to be entitled d. to establish the truth
5. to testify e. the information used in court to prove something
6. evidence f. legally acceptable
7. valid g. directions to a jury
8. instructions h. people involved in a litigation