The Past Continuous Tense
The Present Continuous Tense
The Continuous Tenses
1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:
1. The police are making inquires now. 2. The men are fighting in the street. 3. The judge is announcing the sentence. 4. The investigator is examining evidence. 5. A criminal is escaping from the police. 6. The Parliament is passing the law. 7. The experts are studying the fingerprints.
2.Put questions to the words in italics:
Example: The deputies are discusssing the new bill. – What are the deputies discussing?
1. The plaintiff is filing an appeal agaisnt the defendant to the Higher Court. 2. The defendant is filing an answer to the complaint. 3. The sentence is executing at the moment. 4. The policemen are bringing the accused out of the courtroom. 5. The reporters are interviewing the victim. 6. The officers are trying to calm down the crowd.
3. Choose the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous):
Example: Listen, the judge (announces/ is announcing) the sentence. – Listen, the judge is announcing the sentence.
1. The defendant (makes/is making) notes of the witness’s words. 2. The jurors (listens/ are listening) attentively to the evidence. 3. The defendant (tries/ is trying) to cry out some words for his defence. 4. The policeman (watches/ is watching) the criminal running round the corner. 5. Experts (examine/ are examining) the fingerprints. 6. The courtroom clerk (checks/ is checking) the copies of the documents.
4. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Подивись! Кишеньковий злодій витягає гаманець із сумки! 2. Суддя оголошує вирок. 3. Слухай! Я розповідаю тобі правду! 4. Не заважай! Я слідкую за тією підозрілою особою! 5. Ти йдеш завтра до прокуратури? 6. Що ви робите? – Я вивчаю рішення Європейської Комісії з Прав Людини. 7. Ми йдемо до суду вранці, ми хочемо дізнатися про вирок. 8. Там іде сильний дощ, я боюся, що ми не знайдемо доказів.
1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:
Example: The courts were interpreting the acts of Parliament all day yesterday. – Were the courts interpreting the acts of Parliament all day yesterday? – The courts were not interpreting the acts of Parliament all day yesterday.
1. The investigator was preparing the materials of the case for a week. 2. It was raining cats and dogs but the policeman was fulfilling his duty. 3. They were making the expert examination for an hour yesterday. 4. The judge was loudly announcing the sentence. 5. The chief inspector was questioning the suspect for an hour. 6. They were examining the victim’s clothes in the morning.
2. Use the appropriate form of the verb (Past Continuous or Past Simple):
Example: They (were discussing, discussed) the sentence when the telephone rang. – They were discussing the sentence when the telephone rang.
1. They (carried out/ were carrying out) the expert examination an hour ago. 2. She (studied/ was studying) the report of the policeman when he came in. 3. The investigator (questioned/ was quesitioning) the suspect from 5 till 6 p.m. 4. The prisoner (was telling/ told) about the circumstances of the crime when his mother came to see him. 5. The judge (was calling/ called) the wintesses of the defence after the testimony of the plaintiff’s witness. 6. After the direct examination the defendant’s lawyer (was having/ had) a chance to question the witness.
3. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Усі обговорювали майбутній вирок, коли прокурор повернувся. 2. Я розмовляв з адвокатом, коли задзвонив телефон. 3. Вони слухали доповідь із кримінального процесу, коли декан зайшов у аудиторію. 4. Слідчий допитував свідка дві години. 5. Експерти довго оглядали місце злочину. 6. Дівчина плакала, коли слідчий питав її про подію. 7. Він глянув у вікно. Вони стояли біля магазину та розмовляли. 8. Лист від адвокатів надійшов, саме коли вона готувала сніданок.