He helped me a lot by providing medical assistance to my uncle.
Make up sentences according to the model.
Point out sentences with Participles I in the text and explain the use.
Complete the words using definitions
Complete the sentences with the words of the active vocabulary.
1. At last the judge pronounces the ….
2. Sherlock Holmes featured a detective using a number of … methods.
3. A … is an investigator either a member of a police agency or a private person.
4. Evidence collection helps in … (-ing form) a potential suspect.
5. Sometimes evidence helps to … the innocent.
6. Testimonial evidence refers to any…
5. The verbs below can all be used to form nouns. Find in the text the words which have related meanings and make up your own sentences with them. Pay special attention to where the stress is.
Example:: To lead – a leader (n.) e.g. Who is the leader of this political party?
to compare, to record, to identify, to investigate, to examine, to present
6. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:
Допит свідків, отримати визнання, скоїти злочин, підтвердити свідчення, звільнити невинного, встановити ідентичність, місце злочину, представити речні докази, покластися на інформаторів, вирішити справу, перевірити докази, потенційний підозрюваний.
A person injured or killed or made to suffer | _ i _ _ _ m |
The judgement of a criminal court stating what punishment is to be given to a person convicted of a crime | _ e _ t _ _ _ e |
A person who has committed a crime | o _ _ e _ _ _ r |
Allowed by law, not contrary to law | _ _ g _ _ |
To find out and examine all the facts in order to obtain the truth | _ n _ _ s _ _ g _ _ _ |
Everything which helps to show how a crime happened | _ v _ _ _ n _ _ |
8. Translate articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine:
Стаття 102. Органи досудового слідства
Органами досудового слідства є слідчі прокуратури, слідчі органів внутрішніх справ, слідчі податкової міліції і слідчі органів безпеки.
Стаття 115. Затримання слідчим підозрюваного у вчиненні злочину
Слідчий має право затримати і допитати особу, підозрювану у вчинені злочину, за підставами і в порядку, передбаченими статтями 106, 106-1 і 107 цього Кодексу.
Model: He helped me a lot/ to provide medical assistance to my uncle.
1. Forensic science serves the administration of justice/ to provide scientific support in the investigation.
2. Scientific expertise serves the administration of justice / to provide evidence to the courts.
3. An investigator obtains a key-element of the crime / to identify a potential suspect.
1. Work in group:
· Discuss what the necessary aspects are to be considered in the investigation of a crime? Use key words (scene, evidence, witness, informant, to rely on, to collect, to arrest, to question).
· What is the main function of a crime laboratory? What questions of investigation does a scientific lab help to answer?
· Why is an investigation of a crime scene so important?
· Explain in other words what testimonial evidence is.
· Why do victims not report their crimes to the police?
· Is there any link between IQ and crime?
A crime was reported last night. Look at the list of the objects, then in pairs decide how these objects are related to the incident reported: picture frame, CD, purse with cash, golden bracelet. What do you think happened?
Unit 3 Crime Investigation Section 2 Investigators, Detectives. Identification Methods |