Divide into two groups (proponents and opponents of case law). Read about the advantages and disadvantages of judicial precedent and discuss them.
Complete the table with the related forms.
Verb | Noun | Adjective |
Cite | - | |
Apply | ||
Precede | ||
Bind | - | |
Appeal |
3. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. У країнах англо-саксонської правової сімї прецедент є основою правової системи, тоді як в деяких інших країнах (наприклад, у Франції) прецеденти використовуються для заповнення прогалин у законодавстві. 2. Існує ієрархія прецедентів, відповідно до якої рішення, які були прийняті судами вищих інстанцій (наприклад, Палатою Лордів у Англії) є обов’язковими для використання нижчими в аналогічних ситуаціях. 3. В Україні прецедент офіційно не вважається джерелом права, але на практиці рішення судів вищих інстанцій часто беруться до уваги при вирішенні спорів.
4. Match a word in column A with a word/phrase in column B to make as many phrases as possible and translate them.
to set an appeal (against)
to create the decision
to introduce the rule
to lodge a precedent
to overturn the verdict
to refer to the case
to apply the protest (against)
to establish
to follow
- Certainty - It creates certainty in the law and means solicitors and barristers can advise their clients on the probable outcome of their case.
- Fairness - Similar cases are treated in a similar way, this is in the interests of justice and fairness.
- Time Saving- It saves court time as for most situations there is already an existing solution.
- Law Development - it allows the law to develop alongside society R v R (1991) - this case overturned a centuries old legal principle that a man could not rape his wife.
- Rigidity - The system is too rigid and does not allow the law to develop enough.
- Injustice - The strict rules of judicial precedent can create injustice in individual cases
- Slow Development - The law is slow to develop under the system of judicial precedent. The law cannot be changed until a case on a particular point of law comes before one of the higher appellate courts.
- Confusion - Hundreds of cases are reported each year, making it hard to find the relevant precedent which should be followed.
- Complexity - The law is too complex with thousands of fine distinctions.
a) Describe the process of making new law in your country. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of the process?
b) Explain to a student from a different jurisdiction how cases are used and recorded in your legal system.