One of the most controversial political theories in the history of mankind is anarchism. Anarchists believe that the highest achievement of humanity is the freedom of individuals to express themselves, without any form of repression or control. They think that the perfection of humanity will not be achieved until all government is abolished and each individual is left absolutely free.
Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to the words below.
para.1 to make a formal statement of what is true
para 2. just
to rule
para 4. to regulate
para 5. need
3. Translate the following sentences into English:
1.Історія права є втіленням досвіду людського суспільства, пам’яткою його мудрості, відображенням звичаїв та традицій. 2.Свідок злочину заявив, що він готовий давати свідчення у суді. 3. Комісія буде розслідувати причини нещасного випадку, приділяючи особливу увагу питанням безпеки. 4.Громадське суспільство базується на рівності, справедливості і правосудді.5. Водії дотримуються правил обмеження швидкості руху, тільки коли знають, що поліція поблизу. 6.Саме судова, а не законодавча або виконавча гілки влади є найбільш впливовою інституцією. 7.Одна справа розробляти правила, та зовсім інша впроваджувати їх.
Though examples of anarchy in the world history (Nestor Makhno in the years of the Russian revolution, the beginning of the 17 century in Russia) demonstrate how destructive, dangerous and hopeless this idea is. In groups of three or four discuss the future prospects of anarchism in the modern world. What is the difference between democracy and anarchy?
Profile the legal systems of any two countries you choose which follow different traditions in law. You can use the description below as a model.
Ukraine is a civil law country. Laws are written down, the application of customary law is the exception and the role of case law is small in theory although in practice it is impossible to understand the law in many fields without also taking into account the relevant case law. The Ukrainian system of law is based on the French Code Civil with influences from Roman law and traditional Ukrainian customary law. The new civil law books (which went into force in 2004) were heavily influenced by the German Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch.
The primary law making body is formed by the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada). It is commonly referred to as the legislature. The power to make sub laws can be delegated to lower governments or specific organs of the State, but only for a prescribed purpose. A trend in recent years has been for parliament and the government to create "framework laws" and delegate the creation of detailed rules to ministers or lower governments (e.g. a region or municipality).
The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the main institution when it comes to Ukrainian law.