II A-10.





Отметьте все слова, имеющие суффиксы Noun. Найдите интернациональные слова, а также составные Nouns.

I A-1 I A-2
1. moon 1. lonely
2. just 2. revolution
3. emotion 3. minute
4. rear 4. reason
5. making 5. calculation
6. leader 6. blindness
7. treatmen 7. improvement
8. scholarship 8. shortage
9. organizer 9. constitution
10. moonlight 10. airplane
I A-3 I A-4
1. raider 1. satisfaction
2. cry 2. computer
3. be 3. different
4. centimeter 4. male
5. resemble 5. proximity
6. receiver 6. coffee
7. radio 7. illness
8. user 8. day
9. interesting 9. riverside
10. prolongation 10. fulfilment


Порядок слов в английском предложении

В английском языке есть те же самые члены предложения, что и в русском:

Subject подлежащее
Predicate сказуемое
Object дополнение (direct - прямое, indirect - косвенное, prepositional - предложное)
Attribute определение
Adverbial modifier обстоятельство

Порядок слов в английском предложении – жесткий, т.е. каждый член предложения всегда стоит на своем месте.

Запомните следующую схему:

        Attr Obj(ind)    
  Attr Attr     Attr Attr    


UsersS askedPr librariansObj (ind) questionsObj (dir). – Пользователи задавали библиотекарям вопросы.
YoungAttr usersS asked Pr professional Attr librarians Obj (ind) many Attr questions Obj (dir) about the Internet Attr. – Молодые пользователи задавали профессиональным библиотекарям много вопросов об Интернете.
(In the reading hall) Adv(0) young Attr usersS(1) asked Pr(2) professional Attr librarians Obj (ind) many Attr questions Obj (dir3a) about the Internet Attr in the reading hallAdv(0). – Молодые пользователи задавали профессиональным библиотекарям много вопросов об Интернете в читальном зале.

I A-5. Найдите в следующих преложениях Nouns, определите, какими членами предложения они являются и переведите все предложения на русский язык.

1. In this chapter we discuss the factors for the organizations of the book collections.

2. In special libraries most librarians have a broad knowledge of organizing principles and methods.

3. Readers can find any item with minimum effort and time.

4. The association represents all types of libraries – public, school, academic, state, and special libraries.

5. The American library Association is the oldest and the largest library organization.

6. Space requirements are discussed in the 3-d section.

Понятие о сказуемом.


Слово не является сказуемым, если

  1. перед ним стоит частица to
  2. первый компонент словосочетания имеет -ing окончание

Подчеркните словосочетания, не являющиеся сказуемыми:

II A - 1 II A - 2
1. was being asked 1. was being closed
2. must do 2. must see
3. to have been reading 3. will have smoke
4. will have read 4. to have been watching
5. has been done 5. had been produced
6. being done 6. are speaking
7. are producing 7. being shouted
8. to be reading 8. having written
9. could be translated 9. ca be watched
10. having answered 10. to be painting
II A – 3 II A – 4
1. is being walked 1. will be played
2. ought to help 2. to have been driving
3. to have been thinking 3. had to throw
4. will have helped 4. will have been seen
5. has been thought 5. had been played
6. being played 6. being examined
7. am dreaming 7. is thinking
8. having seen 8. having spoken
9. can be played 9. might be read
10. to be speaking 10. to be chosen
II A – 5 II A – 6
1. will be seen 1. is sleeping
2. had to see 2. was able to do it
3. to have been doing 3. to have been diving
4. has been thought 4. will have opened
5. will have done 5. had been reading
6. being thought 6. being offered
7. are driving 7. are choosing
8. having read 8. having done
9. can be seen 9. can be opened
10. to offer 10. to be singing
II A – 7
1. is being conducted
2. ought to see
3. to have been playing
4. will have opened
5. has been chosen
6. being closed
7. are writing
8. having enjoyed
9. could be solved
10. to delete


Сигнальные признаки сказуемого

а) сказуемое может обладать следующими сигнальными признаками, являющимися однозначными.

1-я группа 2-я группа
shall (to be)
will am
should is
would are
must were
can (could) was
may (might)  
ought to  
is to  
3-я группа 4-я группа
(to have) do
have to did
have does

Выпишите из каждого ряда по 3 слова – однозначных признаков сказуемого.

II A-8.  
would only
had soon
often were
very could
are will
doing when
II A-9  
did might
must but
again have
never ought to
may with
but as

Выпишите номер предложений, в которых сказуемые обладают одназначными признаками.

  1. All post graduates study free of charge.
  2. Water will boil when sufficiently heated.
  3. Science has become an affair of the state.
  4. Mrs. Smith wanted to send a telegram.
  5. Schools of higher learning develop the first elements of scientific training.
  6. The team didn't arrive on time.
  7. Copper is a cheap conductor.
  8. Professors teach students how to use electronic devices.
  9. You shouldn't mind his manners.