Lesson FIVE



1. Grammar Exercises. Situations and Drills


1.1. Learn to use the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous Tenses in the sentences with the prepositionssince and for. Practise in using these prepositions following the model.

= since Monday
Prompt: Monday

Response: since

= for 2 weeks

Prompt: 2 weeks

Response: for


1) childhood 6) 20 years

2) 1988 7) 1945

3) 2 years 8) the year I entered

4) the beginning the Academy

of the year 9) 6 hours

5) 40 minutes 10) many years

1.1.1. Do these substitution exercises at speed. Mind the change of the verb Have.


Have / Has Been / Done For / Since ...

Have / Has Been Doing For / Since ...


a) I have had this book for 2 weeks.

1) this journal 6) been abroad

2) been here 7) the parents

3) for 3 days 8) they

4) for half an hour 9) been away

5) for 10 days 10) for a month

b) How long have you been here?

1) that magazine 6) your friend

2) Jane 7) been at the Academy

3) at home 8) they

4) we 9) got the same job

5) had the cottage house 10) stayed in Rostov

c) I have known Peter since childhood.

1) she 6) known each other

2) we 7) September 1996

3) lived in the country 8) they

4) 2005 9) lived in the students’ hostel

5) studied English 10) rented a room

d) Since when have you lived in the country?

1) your grandparents 6) they

2) had the house 7) in the students’ hostel

3) in the town 8) moved to the centre of the town

4) your elder brother 9) Ann

5) stayed 10) to Moscow

e) I have been studying English for a long time.

1) physics 6) he

2) waiting here 7) reading the book of detective stories

3) looking for a new job 8) we

4) 3 months 9) 5 days

5) since the end of the last year 10) preparing for the exam

1.1.2. Practise in constructing the questions of your own. Use Have / Has Been / Doing.

a) Prompt: Helen / this job

Response: How long has Helen had this job?


Since when has Helen had this job?


1) Jane / in the centre of London

2) Mr. Black / in Manchester

3) The parents / away

4) You / in this flat

5) Grandfather / a pensioner

6) Kate / German

7) Mary / at the University

8) Mrs. White / in China and Japan

b) Here the process is important.

Prompt: Jack / to music

Response: How long has Jack been listening to music?


1) The TV mechanic / the TV set

2) Oleg and Peter / the game of chess

3) Your grandfather / that old fashioned coat

4) Olda Petrova / in the firm

5) Grandmother / the blue pullover

6) Your brother / those articles from the English journal

7) You / these exercises

8) She / these shoes. They look shabby.

c) Read the selections given below and ask questions with ‘How long...?’, ‘Since when ...?


A Peter Smirnov studied at the Medical College. He didn’t like it and decided to choose a profession to his calling. Two years ago he entered the Academy of Services. He is a second-year student of the Faculty of Economics now.


B Mr. Johnson was a well-known doctor in Glasgo. He left the Medical Faculty of the University in 1976. In 1992 he moved to London. He is very popular with his patients here too.


C Mrs. Smith is a pensioner now. She retired on pension in 1993. She keeps the house and looks after her grandchildren. Besides she likes cooking and gardening.


D My aunt is a dress designer. She left the Technological Institute in 1980. She took part in designing clothes for the expedition to the North Pole and in many exhibitions. Her models for winter wear are always a great success.


1.1.3. Make sentences for these situations. Follow the models given below.

Situation 1: Peter Jones is at home now.

He returned from his work at 6 o’clock. Now it’s 8 o’clock.

Response: 1) Peter Jones has been at homefor 2 hours.

2) Peter Jones has been at home since 6 o’clock.

Situation 2: Lena Ivanova studies German. She is a third-year student of the University of Foreign Languages.

Response: 1) Lena has been studying German for three years.

2) Lena has been studying German since 2000.


1) My younger sister went to school in 2001.

2) Jane entered the museum at 11 o’clock. It is 2 o’clock now.

3) Oleg Petrovich is a university lecturer. He teaches mathematics. He is 55 years old. He began to lecture when he was 30.

4) My friend got ill at the beginning of the month. Today is the last day of the month. He is still ill.

5) Mr. Donalli is a famous surgeon. He went into the operating theatre at 9 o’clock. It is 12 o’clock now. He is still there.

6) Oleg Lobov began to write an article at 8 o’clock. It is 12 o’clock now. He is still at his writing table.

7) Peter came to the bus stop an hour ago. He is still there waiting for a bus.

8) My friend is taking an exam in philosophy. She entered the classroom 2 hours ago. She is still there.

9) Our family moved to the Urals in 1994.

10) My father went on business trip to Finland 2 weeks ago. He hasn’t returned home yet.

11) The students are writing a grammar test. They began to write it 2 hours ago.

12) I began to make a dress for summer wear a month ago. I have finished making it this morning.

1.1.4. Practise in asking questions to the selections with ‘How long ...?’ and ‘How many ...?’, comparing the result of the action (quantity of things done) and the process of the action.


AJane has nearly finished doing her homework. There are 5 exercises written in the exercise-book. She started working an hour ago.

B Sergei Smirnov is a bank manager. He has nearly finished. There are 20 documents in front of him on the table. They are looked through and signed. He began to look through and to sign these documents 2 hours ago.


CThe watchmaker has nearly finished. It is 3 o’clock now. There are 6 different watches in front of him. He began to repair them at 8 o’clock. The clients will come soon.


1.1.5. Make the sentences of your own using both ‘Have / Has Done’ and ‘Have / Has Been Doing’ for these situations.

Situation: The secretary began to type letters 6 hours ago. There are 8 letters in front of her on the table. She is going to carry them to her boss for signing.

Response: The secretary has been typing letters for 6 hours.

She has typed 8 letters.

1) Kate began to learn the new words 2 hours ago. She is coming to the end of the list of 25 words.

2) The milk-bottle was full when Tom sat down at breakfast table 10 minutes ago. There were 5 cakes on the plate then. He is drinking the last of the milk and the plate is empty (no cakes on it).

3) I started my work 3 hours ago. Two articles are translated into Russian.

4) Mr. Green started 5 months ago. Two stories are written now.

5) My friends started painting the classroom at 9 o’clock. It’s 1 o’clock now. The door and three windows are painted.

6) The girl is just finishing the 6 thand the last page of her home composition. She sat down at the writing-table 4 hours ago.

7) Mother went shopping at 7 o’clock in the morning. It is 10 o’clock now. There are eggs, apples, some meat and bread on the table.

8) It is a 2-mile walk from the bus stop to Nick’s country house. He started half an hour ago and is just coming to it.

9) Mary started on page 1 of the book 4 hours ago. It is 4 hours later and she is now on page 110.

10) Mr. Jackson is an artist. He is in his studio since 8 o’clock. It is 4 o’clock in the afternoon. His pictures for the children’s book are bright and funny. Tomorrow he is going to draw pictures for the magazine.

11) The construction workers started 6 months ago. Two blocks of flats look modern and comfortable.

12) My elder sister is crazy about designing. She started at 6 o’clock in the evening and it is time to go to bed. Three sketches of tailored suits are in front of her on the table.

1.1.6. And now construct the sentences only using the prompts.

Model: 1) French all evening = She has been studying French all evening.

2) 30 new words = She has learnt 30 new words.


1) pupils and then students for 30 years

2) 300 pupils and 400 students

3) television all Sunday

4) 4 films and 2 football matches

5) a book all evening

6) 120 pages

7) the American physical journal all evening

8) 2 large articles

9) all his life

10) India, some African and South American countries

11) the flat all Saturday

12) the windows, the floor, the dishes in the kitchen.

1.1.7. Use Have / Has Been or Have / Has Been Doing in the dialogue below. Mind the word order in the sentences.