Грамматические упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведете следующие предложения, обратите внимание на префиксы с отрицательным значением.
1. This type of foundation is inadequate for the soil condition on the site.
2. A disadvantages of toughened glass is its loss of properties above 300°C
3. This material is non-elastic.
4. Many great buildings built centuries ago had great strength, unnecessary in most cases.
5. Where floor designs are irregular the simple cast-in-place slab floor system is sometimes used.
6. The house is unusual in its external wall finish.
7. Non-loadbearing internal walls should be so designed that they are not subjected to additional loads.
8. It is impossible to build modern houses without the knowledge of new techniques.
9. Use of deep foundations may be necessary in case of instability of ground-level soil.
10. Unlike most metals, an increase in temperature even of 10°C has a major effect on the stiffness of the plastic.
11. When the existing building is to carry heavier loads its load-bearing structure can’t be left (от неправильного глагола leave [left – left] - оставлять) unchanged.
12. Though glass has low thermal conductivity temperature differences are not insignificant for its strength.
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите части речи подчеркнутых слов.
1. A building can be stiffened by means of steel bracing, concrete walls or cores.
2. Many bridges span the Neva.
3. The builders position sandwich panels between supporting mullions or columns.
4. When the slabs are lowered into position, the dowels that project do not interfere with them.
5. New means of building unit transportation are used.
6. The designers space column footings reasonably closely in this foundation.
7. In most cases the builders concrete wall footings.
8. They design the wall as a spanning element of one type or another.
9. The space between the roof structure and the ceiling may be a factor to consider.
10. In this case separate footings are better for the foundation.
11. Several insulating layers separate the outside of the roof from its inside.
12. In a one-storey building with light construction and short spans the column loads may be light.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов one и that.
1. Cement is one of the most versatile binders.
2. Fabric has a low or zero shear modulus, that is, the material can be made that shears with little or no effort.
3. If pedestal is built of hollow masonry units one should have the voids completely filled with concrete.
4. The shallow foundations are those with which load transfer occurs near the bottom of the building.
5. Separate panels can easily be removed without damaging adjacent ones.
6. Builders must ensure that this settlement is uniform and small.
7. The part of the basement wall above ground may be of different construction than that extending into the ground.
8. The first degree of flexibility is the one which allows modification of the floor space by the owners of the building themselves.
9. That the thickness selected is adequate means that it eliminates the need for shear reinforcing.
10. The basic components of a steel structure are steel sections. These include thin-walled slender elements.
Упражнение 4. Работа в парах.
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