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Текст A
Stairs are used for vertical circulation in buildings. A distinction must be made between fixed stairs and escalators. Ramps and, as well as lifts, may perform similar functions.
Depending on the space available, or the architectural requirements, stairs may be straight, curved or spiral on plan. The most frequent type, especially in buildings designed for construction by mass production techniques, is the staircase with straight flights.
In the design of stairs the following problems should be paid particular attention to: the geometry of the staircase; the construction of its components; the vertical enclosure of the staircase in relation to the storeys and to the rest of the building generally.
The fixed straight staircase comprises flights and landings. A series of more than three steps is a flight. For reasons of safety the length of a flight should be limited to about 18 steps. It is rarely that two floors in a multi-storey building are connected by a single flight of stairs. If two or more flights are installed in each storey, one or more intermediate landings, as well as top and bottom landings, will be needed. If the successive flights are at right angles to one another the landing at each change of direction is known as a quarter-space landing. With two flights per storey, this is the most common form of construction and takes up the least space on plan.
Construction of the steps
The convenience and safety of stairs very much depend on the relationship between the tread and the riser. Standardised tread and riser dimensions make planning easier and enable the related features such as hand-rails to be produced to uniform dimensions. The depth of the landing and the length of the flight should be a dimension which can be divided by 60 or, if this is not possible, by 30 or, in an extreme case, by 10.
convenience удобство
geometry n. геометрическая форма
hand-rail n. перила
landing n. лестничная площадка
quarter-space landing промежуточная лестничная площадка
riser n. подступёнок
tread n. проступь, ступень
1. What are stairs used for?
2. What other facilities can be used for this purpose?
3. What types of staircases are there?
4. What are the problems in the stairs design to be paid particular attention to?
5. What are the characteristic features of the straight staircases?
6. How are stairs constructed?
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?
stair (n.), staircase (n. ), planning (n.), intermediate (adj.), spiral (adj.), relation (n.), flight (n.), vertical circulation, ramp (n.), enclosure (n.).
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:
частый, оборудование, безопасность, серия, внимание, многоэтажное здание, чрезвычайный, последующий, прямой угол, монтировать, такой как, остальные, изогнутый, эскалатор, выполнять, защита, быть результатом.
Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией лестниц. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.
Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными. Укажите правильный перевод.
Упражнение 5. Дайте антонимы следующих слов: