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Текст B
The shorter the route taken by a load to its foundations and the fewer the elements involved in the process, the greater the economy of the structure. Nevertheless, the space required for services is significant in the selection of the arrangement of the main and secondary beams, their interrelationship and their depth.
Floor without steel beams The flat concrete slab, supported at its four corners, transmits the loads directly to the columns. With long spans the slab is very heavy. Therefore, this form of construction can be used only in combination with closely spaced columns.
Floors with one-way beam systems The floor beams are supported directly by the columns. The force transmission routes being short, this is an economical solution. The planning grid consists of elongated rectangles with columns widely spaced in one direction, closely spaced in the other.
Floors with beams in two directions If the columns are widely spaced in both grid directions, the loads from the secondary beams are transmitted to main beams which, in turn, transmit them to the columns. The forces thus have to pass farther than in the examples given above. In general, it is better to keep the span of the main beams shorter than that of the secondary beams.
For very long spans it may be necessary to support the main beams on a third set of members, such as lattice girders, which finally transmit the loads to the columns.
interrelationship n. взаимоотношение, взаимосвязь
rectangle n. прямоугольник
1. What does the economy of the structure depend on?
2. What does the space required for services influence?
3. What are the features of floor without steel beams?
4. What are the features of floors with one-way beam systems?
5. What are the features of floors with beams in two directions?
6. When is a third set of members used?
Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и переведите их на русский язык.
Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте причастия и переведите их на русский язык.
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Если Вы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.
grid (n.), lattice girder, route (n.), corner (n.), in turn, secondary beam.
Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.
Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже слов:
characteristic n. - characteristic adj.
space n. - space v.
thick adj. - thickness n.
Урок 2.7
Фонетическое задание
Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующим словом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.
[q'GeIsqnt]; ['sentq]; [graVt]; ['sJkwqns]; [Im'bed]; ['dxmIG]; ["Intq'fIq]; [q'pIq]; [prq'sJGq]; [I'fISqnt]; [prI'saIslI]; [q'kAmplIS]; [tek'nJk]; ['daVql]