Лексические упражнения

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Текст A


Many of the qualities that make wood a unique building material result from the structure of wood. It has a cellular structure which looks like a number of tubes that lie in the direction of the grain. They have approximately square cross-sections and are weakly glued one to the other. This can explain why wood is weak across the grain, and why its compressive strength is only about ⅓ of its tensile strength. Wood is the most popular construction material all over the world if we speak about the amount which is used and the number of suitable applications. Commercial woods are divided into softwoods such as pines and firs and hardwoods such as oak and ash. However the development of some reliable wood glues has brought in a range of manufactured products which are based on wood such as glued laminated timber, plywoods, etc.

The qualities of wood depend on its moisture content. Moisture content affects the weight, strength, durability and size of wood. For example, dry wood has about twice the strength and stiffness of green wood.

Wood has low strength under long term loads and at high temperatures but it has good resistance to short term loads and high strength at low temperatures.

Wood has good stiffness, which means that it has a relatively high value of elastic modulus. Nevertheless, deflection is often the critical factor in the design of timber beams. Under long term loads, the further deformations due to creep may cause sagging, if it is not taken into account at the design stage.

Wood is a very good material to cut and work and, because of its structure, it is able to accept nails. Common methods of fixing are with nails, screws, bolts, metal plates, etc.



ash n. ясень

cellular adj. ячеистый

commercial wood деловая древесина

grain n. волокно

green wood древесина на корню

oak n. дуб

pine n. сосна

plywood n. фанера

sagging n. прогиб


1. What is the structure of wood?

2. How does the structure of wood influence its strength?

3. Why is wood considered the most popular construction material?

4. What kinds of commercial woods are there?

5. What are the examples of these kinds of commercial woods?

6. What new wood products have been developed?

7. Why is it important for wood to be dry?

8. When does wood have low strength?

9. When does it have good resistance?

10. What does stiffness mean?

11. What is the critical factor in the design of timber beams?

12. What may cause sagging?

13. Why is wood a very good material to work?

14. What are common methods of wood fixing?


Упражнение 1. а) Переведите на русский язык приведенные ниже



bolt, screw, stage, softwood, range, development, tube, nail, hardwood, a number of,


прилагательные и наречия:


short term, critical, reliable, dry, laminated, popular, unique,


служебные слова и обороты:


across, nevertheless,




accept, cut, fix, glue, lie, mean, bring, affect, speak, work.


б) Какие из перечисленных глаголов являются неправильными? Укажите их формы.

в) Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:


применение; поперечное сечение; продукт серийного изготовления; сопротивление; модуль продольной упругости; лесоматериал; количество; гвоздь; содержание влаги; древесина; прочность при сжатии; пластина; долговечность; прочность;


зависеть; делить; объяснять; быть похожим, выглядеть как; быть результатом; принимать во внимание; вызывать;


подходящий; обычный; дальнейший; другой; относительно; низкий; слабый; приблизительно (2); квадратный; часто;


и т. д.; который; такой как; если; только; почему; из-за.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с древесиной: её типами, особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.


Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными. Укажите правильный перевод.


Упражнение 5. Дайте антонимы следующих слов: