Modal verbs as well as modal words and expressions are often used in preparatory It-clauses together with the verbs of verbal activity and thinking. The infinitives of the notional verbs are used in the passive form.
In indefinite personal clauses the infinitives of the notional verbs are used in the active form.
There are 5 types of preparatory It-clauses and indefinite personal clauses:
1. It + Modal Verb + Infinitive of the Notional Verb
E.g. It may be expected that the water will rise.
2. One + Modal Verb + Infinitive of the Notional Verb
E.g. One may suppose that his career was under threat.
3. We/You + Modal Verb + Infinitive of the Notional Verb
E.g. We must conclude that sending faxes without the further confirmation of the recipient is no longer acceptable.
4. With the conjunction as in the parenthetical clause
E.g. As may be observed they have made some progress in this field.
5. With the conjunction than in the subordinate clause
E.g. The crops are better than might be expected.
Modals which are commonly used in these clauses are: must, ought to, should, can/could, may/might, will/would, need, to have to, to be to.
The verbs of verbal activity and thinking are: to understand, to realize, to appreciate, to emphasize, to stress ,to admit, to point out, to remember, to recall, not to forget, to suppose, to assume, to imagine, to infer, to conclude, to keep on mind, to bear in mind
Exercise 289. Translate into Russian.
1. We may conclude, then, that the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were heathens during their first five generations in England and that the evidence of their heathenism is not so scanty as some historians would have us believe. 2. It may be presumed that when these islands first arose above the surface of the sea, they would have no indigenous land animals. 3. It should be noted that the highest point of the ice sheet is displaced towards the West from the centre of the mass of the ice. 4. It may be said, indeed, that if man (in the broadest sense) invented culture, it was culture which invented Homo sapiens. 5. It will be observed that the inflected adjective usually follows the noun, as in French, though this is not always the case. 6. It will be noted, that more than one condition has been specified for each case. 7. We mustn’t forget the asteroids, two thousand old minor planets. 8. It must be admitted that these rather striking coincidences may be fortuitous. 9. It must be pointed out that this change must have been extremely rapid: that selection pressure must have been low during this time of generally rapid expansion of the populations.
Exercise 290. Use the table in point A and sentences in point B to make up sentences.
Model. It should be said that visual contact is also important.
It | can may will is to | be expected that | Можно ожидать | ||
It may be pointed out that | Можно указать | ||||
It may be stated that | Можно констатировать, утверждать | ||||
It | must should ought to | be said that | Надо (следует, нужно) сказать | ||
It | must should has to is to | be borne in mind that | Надо (следует, нужно) помнить (иметь в виду) | ||
1. The weather will remain the same till the weekend. 2. The ecosystem of Lake Baikal is vulnerable. 3. Many German investors are involved in this project. 4. Gainsborough is also famous for his portraits. 5. Heavy metal contamination is extremely hazardous. 6. The prices for the hotel rooms will double in high season. 7. Your future is in your hands. 8. Visual contact is also important. 9. Our employees’ coffee breaks last 5 minutes. 10. Eating high-fiber foods is good for your health. 11. The islands will continue to sink. 12. This pen is not for use on official documents.
Exercise 291. Translate into English using your Active Grammar.
1. Кстати надо заметить, что результаты исследования уже были опубликованы. 2. Можно считать, что лето уже началось. 3. Как и следовало ожидать, было пасмурно. 4. Необходимо отметить, что такая погода типична для тропического климата. 5. Кто-то может сказать, что Роберт был неправ, но я так не думаю. 6. Следует иметь в виду, что цена ювелирного изделия зависит от многих факторов. 7. Можно утверждать, что диагноз подтвердился. 8. Следует ли говорить, что помочь вам – это его обязанность? 9. Нельзя утверждать, что тестирование проведено успешно. 10. Иными словами, можно сказать, что на его творчество оказали влияние импрессионисты.