
Rare migration hobby suitable landscaping brighten hawks species birder enjoyable recreational spotting to distinguish comparison physical experienced gulls affordable to identify wild eyesight supplies Seeds scraps to improve

Choose the correct word to complete the text.

Form adjectives from the following nouns. Sometimes more than one adjective can be formed. Use three of the received words in your own sentences.

Complete the table with singular and plural forms of nouns.

Translate from Russian into English.

Explain the following terms.

Genus, binominal system, virus, geobacter, predator, ailment.

Единственный организм, способный противостоять бактериям, – это вирус. Поскольку есть бактерии, которые наносят вред здоровью человека, то, соответственно, есть вирусы, которые, убивая эти бактерии, помогают человеку выздороветь от той или иной болезни. Такие вирусы называются бактериофаги, в переводе с греческого – "пожиратели бактерий". Размером бактериофаги - не более 20 нанометров. Чтобы жить и размножаться, бактериофагам нужен "хозяин" - болезнетворная бактериальная клетка. Бактериофаг находит клетку "хозяина", прикрепляется к ней и вспрыскивает свою ДНК внутрь. Клетка лопается, и появляются полсотни новых бактериофагов, которые ищут новую добычу. Это нанотехнология, созданная природой задолго до того, как на земле появился человек. И если к антибиотикам микробы научились подбирать защиту, то с бактериофагами это не получится, - точно так же, как, например, заяц никогда не сможет выработать устойчивость к волку.



TEST 2 (Units 4 – 6).

Singular Plural
  larva ….. ….. antenna ….. trachea ….. ootheca ….. ….. aquarium   ….. pupae ocelli ….. ganglia ….. fungi ….. opercula stimuli …..  



In its most basic sense,birding, or bird watching, is the …………. hobby of observing species of wild birds, including their ………….. characteristics and behavior. In reality, birding is much more than a simple …………. and there are many benefits of birding that can be enjoyed by both novice and …………… birders.

Birding Is Educational

As birders observe new …………. , they not only learn about different birds, but they also learn about …………… , bird behavior, feed preferences, courtship and bird territories. Dedicated birders who want to attract more birds often study …………… and geography as well. The practice of photographing birds can lead to a study of photography, while frequent use of field guides makes birders experts in detailed observation and species …………… .

Birding Is Inexpensive

All it takes to get started as a birder is good ………….. , a simple field guide (even from a used book store) and an interest in watching birds. Even birders who opt for a field bag, binoculars and other birding ………….. can find …………… options for low budgets.

Birders who choose to feed birds in their backyard also have simple, …………… options. Many birds are happy to feed on the ground, eliminating the need for any feeder at all. …………. can be inexpensive, and many birds will eat …………… as well.

Birding Is Challenging

Some bird species, such as sharp-shinned …………… and Cooper’s Hawks or the different species of …………… , can be very challenging ………….. , and many birders feel a rush of adrenaline when they manage to add a new species to their life list. Birding organizations may organize competitions such as …………. the most number of birds in a specific time period or location. These types of challenges urge birders …………… continually their hobby, leading to even more enjoyment.

Birding Is Fun

For an enthusiastic …………… , nothing is more exciting than spotting a new or …………… bird, or learning ………… individual birds through their personalities. The fresh air along a birding trail can be invigorating, while the companionship of backyard birds can …………… any dreary day. By nurturing …………… birds through conservation efforts and personal birding best practices, birders can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment to be a part of one of the most popular and ………….. hobbies in the world.