Make sure you know these words

Unit 1

Тема урока: Classification (characteristics of living organisms) текст 1 Systematics текст 2 Extreme Bacteria текст 3 Light from Life текст 4 Система живого мира



1. diverse adj. very different from each other
2. harmful adj. causing or likely to cause harm
3. challenge v. to refuse to accept that something is right, fair, or legal n. something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting
4. confusion n. when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear
5. currently adv. at the present time
6. accept v. to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do
7. similarity n. if there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way
8. allow v. to let someone do or have something, or let something happen, to permit
9. flexible adj. a person, plan etc that is flexible can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation
10. common adj. happening often and to many people or in many places  
11. include v. to comprise or contain as part of a whole
12. finding n. the information that someone has discovered as a result of their study, work etc
13. propose v. to suggest something as a plan or course of action
14. prove v. to show that something is true by providing facts, information
15. relationship n. the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other
16. scholar n. a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities
17. superfluous adj. more than is needed or wanted, unnecessary
18. useful adj. helping you to do or get what you want


1. Animalia  
2. taxonomy  
3. species  
4. Protista  
5. systematics  
6. fungus ( pl. fungi)  
7. prokaryote  
8. Plantae  
9. phylum (pl. phyla)  
10. nucleus (pl. nuclei)  
11. Monera  
12. kingdom  
13. genus (pl. genera)  
14. eukaryote  
15. family  
16. domain  
17. class  



Working with words

1. Word building.

noun verb adjective


2. Translate the words and put them in the proper column.

Scientific, relationship, confusion, currently, continuously, classification, hierarchical, botanical, hierarchy, roughly, characteristics, similarity, simple, adaptable, universally.

noun adjective adverb


3. Using prefixes, form the words with the opposite meaning.

effective, important, arrange, mortal, use, developed, lead, prove, common, adaptable, regular, responsible, known, legal, function, possible in-, dis-, mis-, un-, re-, ir-, il-, im


4. Match a word in A to its synonym in B.

A   B  
different a complex
roughly b changing
create c same
unique d arrange
constant e similar
confuse f exactly
simple g ruin


5. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

species closely taxonomic relationships classify together evolution established


Using the standard rules ... by Linnaeus, today's taxonomists ... species based on shared attributes and the closeness of their evolutionary ... . Each ... is given a generic name (genus), and a specific name (species). Besides genus and species, several higher ... levels are internationally recognized. The higher levels indicate the phylogenetic relationships, the degree to which different species have diverged from each other during the course of ... . Thus, ... related groups are placed in the same taxonomic category at all levels, whereas distantly related forms are placed ... only at the higher taxonomic levels.

6. Match a word in A to its definition in B.

A   B  
common a to suggest a plan, idea or action
propose b a situation when you mistake one thing for another
taxonomy c the fact, that different things exist within a group or place
confusion d to put things in a useful order
evolution e happening frequently or existing in large amounts or numbers
diversity f the way in which smth is gradually changes and develops
arrange g the process of organizing living things into groups or types


Working with word combinations and sentences

7. Translate the following word combinations.

Многообразные жизненные формы, общаться эффективно, научные исследования, взаимоотношения в ходе эволюции, важный аспект, основанный на сходстве, методы классификации, ненужный для человека, разработать категории, приблизительно распределить, ведет к заблуждению, иерархия групп, гибкая система, биологические знания, отражать процесс.

8. Rewrite these scrambled sentences putting the words in

the right order.

1.Archaeans/ isolated/ of Yellowstone National Park/ were / from the hot / first /sulfur springs.

2.Archaeans /have/ on Earth/ existed/ any other organism /longer than any other organism.

3.Why/ archaeans/ are/ interested/ in studying /paleontologists?

4.What/ say/ on primitive Earth /science /about the conditions / does?

5.Survival / in the evolution of /in extreme conditions /resulted /unusual metabolic/ has/ processes.

6.Researchers/ are /in finding out /organisms / how /at extreme temperatures/ interested/ can live.

7.Enzymes / within a cell/are /for all the metabolic/ required/ processes .

8.A prehistoric mosquito/ be used/ in amber / trapped /can /for DNA analysis.

9. Translate from Russian into English.

Хорошо известно разнообразие живой природы. Невидимые глазом бактерии вовлекают в круговорот веществ громадные количества минералов. В капле воды, взятой из водоема, обнаруживается масса различных одноклеточных организмов. В донном иле, в почве, в глубине вод, в лесах, степях и океанских простоpax, на дне самых глубоких океанских впадин обитают самые разнообразные организмы, отличающиеся по форме, размерам, подвижности, поведению, типу пита­ния (способам добывания пищи) и многим другим при­знакам.


Working with texts

10. Read and translate the text.

Text 1