The Firm


вариант 2



Задание 1. Прочтите текст. Выделенную курсивом часть переведите письменно.

Avery: You will be expected to be in the office by nine each morning. The secretaries are to be there at eight-thirty. Nine to five, but no one works so.

Mitch: And want about you?

Avery: Personally I am in the office by eight, and seldom leave before six. I can bill twelve hours each day, regardless of how much hours I actually work. I work at three hundred an hour, for fifty weeks. Nine hundred thousand dollars in billable time! That is my goal.

The firm doesn’t care if you come in at 6 a.m. or 9 a.m. as long as the work is done.

Mitch: What time are the doors unlocked?

Avery: Everyone has a key, so you can come and go as you please. Security is tight, but the guards are accustomed to workaholics.

Mitch: I was told some stories about the work habits in the firm that seemed to me legendary.

Avery: Not a bit! They are real. Victor Milligan, in his younger days, worked sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, until he made partner. Then he quit working on Sundays. He had a heart attack and gave up Saturdays. His doctor put him on ten-hour day, five days a week, and he hasn’t been happy since.

Marty Kozinski is a man who wants to nave breakfast with the kids. He comes in at nine and leaves at midnight.

Nathan Locke claims he can’t work well after the secretaries arrive, so he comes in at six. It will be a disgrace to start later.

Here is a man sixty one years old, worth ten million, and works from six in the morning till eight at night five days a week and then a half day on Saturday. If he retired, he’d die.

Nobody punches a clock. Come and go as you please. Just get the work done.

Задание 2. Выпишите из текста эквиваленты слов и выражений.

1.тебя будут ожидать;

2.ни один так не работает;

3.я редко ухожу раньше шести;

4.отмечать в табеле восемь часов каждый день;

5.за три сотни в час;

6.вот моя цель;

7.во сколько открывают двери?;

8.приходи и уходи как тебе удобно;


10.трудовые привычки;

11.стать партнером;

12.перестать работать по воскресеньям;

13.он стоит пять миллионов;

14.я ушел на отдых;

15.никто не отмечается по часам;

16.просто сделай работу.


Задание 3. Соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию текста? Если соответствуют, поставьте T (true), если не соответствуют, поставьте F (false) (ставьте знак после предложения).

1. Mitch is expected to be at work at 8 a.m. exactly.

2. Mitch’s working day will last 8 hours.

3. Avery actually works twelve hours.

4. Avery’s goal is to have breakfast with kids.

5. Everyone in the firm has a key because they have no guards at all.

6. Workaholics are rather unusual in the firm.

7. Never be late and leave your workplace in time.

Задание 4. Переведите письменно названия профессий и занятий; используйте их для ответов на вопросы, данные в задании 6.

1. Plumber. 2. Operator. 3. Top manager. 4. Engineer. 5. Designer. 6. Farmer. 7. Manager. 8. Journalist. 9. Pilot. 10. Bank clerk. 11. Driver. 12. Police officer. 13. Accountant. 14. Salesman/woman. 15. Postman. 16. Builder. 17. Politician.


Задание 5. Переведите письменно названия предприятий и организаций, используйте их для ответов на вопросы.

1. Tour agency. 2. Shop. 3. Farm. 4. Construction works. 5. Factory. 6. Educational institution. 7. Plant. 8. Works. 9. Mill. 10. Private enterprise. 11. Department store. 12. Design bureau. 13. Bank. 14. Police office. 15. Newspaper. 16. Hospital. 17. Post office.

Задание 6. Ответьте письменно на вопросы о работе.

What are you? What is your friend? What is your job? What’s your occupation? What does he work for? Where do you work?


Задание 7. Этими словами можно охарактеризовать работу.