Some useful tips for tourists to the UK.

1. You should / have to always carry an umbrella. British weather is very changeable and rain is always a possibility.

2. If you want to ask someone a question in the street, you must / should say 'Excuse me!' to attract their attention.

3. You must / should drive on the left!

4. You must / have to wear a seatbelt at all times in a car.

5. You mustn't / don't have to pay to visit most museums and art galleries. Entrance is usually free.

6. You shouldn't / don't have to leave a tip in a restaurant but if service has been good, 10% extra is a normal amount to leave.

7. If you are sightseeing in London, you must / should buy a Travelcard which gives you cheaper travel on trains, buses, and the London Underground.

8. You mustn't / don't have to smoke in any public building. It is prohibited by law.

9. When talking to British people you shouldn't / don't have to ask very personal questions (like How much do you earn?) as some people might think this was rude.

10. You must / should go for a trip on the London Eye. The view of London from the top is magnificent.

Задание 24. Заполните пропуски словами из списка.

Ask / art / carry / wear / prohibited / leave / drive / changeable / cheaper / attract

1. __________ an umbrella 6. __________galleries

2. __________ weather 7. __________ a tip

3. __________ their attention 8. __________ travel on trains

4. __________ on the left 9. __________ by law

5. __________ a seatbelt 10. __________ personal questions


Задание 25. Выберите верный синоним для следующих слов.

1. changeable

o unsteady

o steady

2. possibility

o suggestion

o probability

3. free

o vacant

o expensive

9. tip

o gratuity

o trip

10. travel

o road

o voyage

11. British people

o The English

o The British

12. personal question

o private question

o funny question

13. magnificent

o awful

o majestic


Задание 26. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is the weather in Britain always hot and sunny?

2. What should you say if you want to attract somebody’s attention?

3. Is it true that you must drive on the left in Britain?

4. Do you have to pay to visit museums?

5. Is it banned to smoke in public places?

6. The British like personal questions, don’t they?

7. Is the view of London from the London Eye awful?


Задание 27. Какие черты характера подходят больше русским, а какие британцам? Запишите в два столбика под соответствующим заглавием.

Reserved, sensitive, emotional, polite, rude, funny, unreliable, self-confident, caring, imaginative, helpful, easy-going, stubborn, selfish, shy, disorganized, forgetful, active, lazy, loyal, arrogant, bossy, intelligent, mean, decisive.


Задание 28. Сравните характер русских и британцев, используйте вышеперечисленные прилагательные (составьте семь предложений). Обратите внимание на пример.

Образец: The Russians are more emotional thanthe British.

The British are not so emotional as the Russians.



Задание 29. Напишите полезные советы для британцев, желающих посетить нашу страну.

Прочитайте текст еще раз. Воспользуйтесь подсказками. Напишите не менее семи советов. Не забудьте упомянуть о:

ü carrying an umbrella

ü asking personal questions

ü wearing a seatbelt

ü leaving a tip

ü smoking in public places