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439. It should be kept in mind that tissue culture media cannot be expected to reproduce exactly the conditions of the in vivo environment. It follows that certain variants will be selected and that stable populations even of cytologically diploid cells should be suspected of being genetically diverse and different from the cells of origin.
440. In the pretreated mice, the tumor was accepted in 15 per cent of the cases as compared with 56 per cent of the control mice. In neither Prehn's nor Pevesz's experiments did the pretreatment with normal tissue affect the resistance. In addition, the «immune» mice accepted the skin graft from the tumore donor.
441. We know the transformer to be a device designed for changing the alternating current voltage by means of magnetic induction, the frequency remaining unchanged.
442. The prevailing concept considers cancers as biologic manifestations which develop in response to carcinogenic stimuli and which assume, once produced, complete biologic independence from the causal agent, thereby becoming disease entities per se.
443. For drilling or tapping units, for which high speeds are required, provision is made for taking drive from the pinion shaft in the main transmission, to enable a step-up ratio of 3:1 to be obtained. A facing head can also be supplied, for securing to the nose of the milling sleeve.
444. During the past ten years travelling-wave tubes have received considerable attention in vacuum tube laboratories, both in this country and abroad. So far their use in operating systems has been somewhat limited, the most notable exceptions being in radio relay service in France, Great Britain, and Japan.
445. A novel method by means of which it has been possible to convert heat directly into electromagnetic energy is based upon operating a thermionic plasma diode in a particular mode of operation and to present some of the experimental results.
446. Speed and direction are both equally difficult to measure and so the available tolerance will be divided equally between these two giving respectively tolerances of 10 m/s and 0.003 radians.
447. Although few data could be obtained, this phenomenon is further shown by the virtual absence of temperature effects on the Walden product, the values obtained at 45° from limiting equivalend conductances in tri-p-totyl phosphite being almost identical with those at 65°.
448. Experimental physics prior to 1900 had demonstrated the exsitance of a wide variety of phenomena, which for the most part were believed to be explicable in terms of what we now call classical theoretical physics.
449. This is a theoretical argument, but if a device is rated for a particular dissipation and a particular peak current maximum, then provided the external circuit conditions are adjusted to prevent these maxima being exceeded, it would seem immaterial whether the current were switched on by gate action, or by anode breakover effect.
450. Thus variation in and between sister clone populations may be attributed to the cloning procedure itself as well as the selection of preexisting variants in the parental population. This makes it necessary that clone populations be checked for uniformity as they arise. It should not be assumed that a population is homogeneous because it has been derived from a single cell.
451. The system error of a feedback control system subjected to an input is equal to the difference between the desired output and the actual output, with the former being specified and the latter to be computed.
452. Only in the cases of primary aldosteronism were changes in serum potassium levels observed after spironolactone treatment. These observations are similar to previous reports. The chages in Patient 8, a control subject, are of particular significance in that, during a period of mild hypokalemia while urinary aldosterone level was normal, spironolactone failed to alter serum potassium concentration.
453. Cosmic rays have been shown to be a form of radiation similar in nature to those of radio and light and differing from
them only in wavelength and penetrating property.
454. The manganese content of the residue was corrected for the amount combined with sulfur to obtain the percentage in the carbide. In this calculation all sulfur in the residue was assumed to be combined with manganese, and the fraction on the sulfur in the steel that is retained in the residue is based on the analysis of seven residues from each of the two steels.
455. The value of the electric moment alone does not enable one to determine the exact dimensions and geometry of the molecule, but it does disclose whether or not the atoms are arranged in a symmetrical way.
456. Simultaneously, the side area projected normal to the sun increases as does its average operation temperature. The combined effect of these area and temperature changes is shown in Table II in terms of the power output of the solar collector corresponding to the average operation temperatures at each value of alpha.
457. The amount of energy of any river depends upon two circumstances, its volume and its velocity. Other things being equal, the velocity is dependent upon the inclination of the river-course: the steeper the slope, the greater the velocity.
458. Even if space were available to reduce the bandwidth of this filter it would do no good because the filter delay, which contributes an appreciable part of the circuit delay, would increase and the frequency of oscillation would decrease, so the filter would have little effect on AM gain at the lower frequency.
459. Attention is now turned to the case of active network with the parts considered in sequence again. The definition of two models at the outset is now a major task. No longer do models necessarily bear a one to one correspondence with the physical elements.
460. The motor actuates a hydraulic valve that causes the controlling piston to move in the direction necessary for correction. If the edge of the material pushes the sensing lever to the left, for instance, the piston is made to move to the right until a zero voltage is produced.
461. In fact, it seems to be generally the case that whenever a mechanism is provided for changing the electron-to-ion space-charge ratio, the possibility of attaining an unstable space-charge
configuration exists, which in turn would result in current oscillations.
462. We know that the electrical system in an automobile and an airplane uses direct current and so do the telegraph, the telephone, and the train, to say nothing of laboratories requiring direct current for their experimental work.
463. In any discussion of space vehicles, whether they be of the transitory type such as missiles, or whether they be orbiting or stationary satellites, certain limitations are immediately apparent that do not exist with ground-based equipment.
464. The Gattermann reaction and the method explored by Bisagni, Buu-Hoi and Royer were both used for this conversion and found to give comparable yields. The latter being much the more convenient, it is now preferred.
465. When «educated neurons» can be unequivocally identified the search for information storage mechanisms is likely to involve a molecular or submolecular level of organization. The study of neuronal specificity in embryogenesis may offer some analogical models on which to build appropriate hypotheses.
466. In practice the solidification of pure metals is influenced to a great extent by what may be generally described as external conditions. When solidification is not influenced by temperature gradients arising from the method of cooling all the crystals in the solid metal exhibit a marked similarity in size and shape.
467. At this point of the experimental work, however, sufficient evidence had been accumulated to indicate very strongly that the innate resistance of mice to the infectious agents did not depend upon whether mice were predisposed to leukemia, but was determined by other genetic factors characteristic of each strain of mice.
468. The molecules are involved in a permanent irregular motion. We call it «thermal motion», since we perceive this motion as the phenomenon of heat: the faster the motion, thehotter the body, the rising temperature being simply interpreted as the increase in the kinetic energy of separate molecules.
469. The satellite provided a communication path only when it was mutually visible at the two terminal stations. On an average day 6 of the satellite's 12 orbits around the earth passed through the area of mutual visibility. The average useful time per
pass was 12 minutes, the maximum being about 16 minutes.
470. Our first experiments compared the effects of chlorproma-zine and imipramine. The results were somewhat disappointing, as both drugs were found to inhibit selfstimulation. Chloropro-mazine was about ten times more potent as an inhibitor than imipramine. These results coincided with published pharmacological findings.
471. The first electronic computers were designed, less than twenty years ago, for mathematical work in science and engineering. During the last ten years they have been applied much more widely. The point to bear in mind is that the electroniccom-puting machine, in whatever field it may be applied, is a computing device.
472. Prom a rather qualitative consideration of the space-charge effects, it is apparent that the separation between the emitter and the collector should be of the order of 0.01 cm or smaller. The smaller the separation, the closer the actual efficiency can be expected to approach the values given above.
473. Subscripts r and n indicate rational and nonrational respectively. The denominators may be omitted if the symbols in the numerators are understood to mean measures rather than quantities. This leads to the conventional form of the measure equation with coherent units.
474. It has been suggested that the range of existence of X is very limited, centered about a composition corresponding to integral numbers of each atom in the unit cell. Such an arrangement is suggestive of an ordered system which indeed was found to be the case in Fe-Cr-Mo by Kasper.
475. Another aspect to be borne in mind when considering «talking books» is the complexity of the copymaking apparatus which governs the time taken to make a batch of copies. Should a two-spool system be chosen, re-winding all the copies of the «book» periodically prior to re-issue must be taken into account.
476. Aberrant data may occur without necessarily resulting in unusual values for the average or the range, the measures usually considered in a quality control program — it is possible that a single animal may be atypical without unduly affecting are average or range.
477. As is usual with non-linear dynamical systems the equa-
tion for the distribution function cannot be solved independently a solution requiring a knowledge of the binary correlation function, which in turn is determined by an equation involving ternary correlations, and so forth.
478. Although vascular responses to cold have generally been considered as serving the body economy by increasing body insulation and thus decreasing loss of body heat, it is clear that this is but one of the many cardiovascular reactions to cold exposure.
479. The non-volatile monomer is said to reduce fire and health hazards as opposed to commonly used solvents and crosslinks with the resin, eliminating the possibility of solvent entrapment. In addition, the solution has excellent storage stability.
480. The rating for a compound employing these bands was the higher of its ratings relative to the historical or the current control average. Such a rating should be interpreted as an indicator of possible, rather than definite, proof of antitumor activity.
481. The radiation at the «standard» position was measured for three batches of 110 deg deflection tubes. It was intended originally to take mesurements on larger batches, but this was subsequently not considered worth while in view of the very low levels of radiation encountered, especially with the 17-in. tubes.
482. In addition, the low density fraction from one of the incubated extract-serum mixtures (horse 1 -88) was subjected to paper electrophoresis after prestaining for lipoprotein. Included in the same run were prestained samples of the unfractionated test and control mixtures containing this particular serum.
483. In the 83 years since it first was reported, the Eck fistula has been reasonably successful in hiding its secrets as well as in giving rise to many additional questions fundamental to an understanding of the functions of the intestine, liver and brain. At present, it offers a fertile field for reinvestigation of many previous studies with the present improved techniques and for extension of the many leads that other investigations have suggested.
484. The specimen in Fig. 16 happens to be HC as rolled; similar observations can be expected in other materials with properties favorable for fissure formation. Findings to data show only that microfissuring occurs; further study is necessary before variations in degree can be established and the origin of the fissures made clear.
485. AnLD80 dose of endotoxin fails to alter the urinary nitrogen excreted after an injection of cortisone while a toxic but sub-lethal dose of endotoxin either prevents completely or lowers in proportion to dose the elevation in nitrogen excreted after an ACTH injection. It is the latter effect that serves as the previously described assay for endotoxin.
486. The subscritical isothermal transformation of the beta phase is the basis upon which heat-treatment of many commercial titanium allous is founded. The decomposition of the beta phase has been observed to be similar in the alloy systems of titanium with vanadium, chromium, iron, manganese, molybdenum and columbium, as well as in alloys containing combinations of these beta-stabilizing elements.
487. Evidence was presented that human tubercle bacilli may be lysed by bacteriophage. Also, a report was given concerning the bacteriophage-typing of various strains of atypical or unclassified mycobacteria. It was proposed that this prosedure might eventually prove to be as useful as the bacteriophage-typing of various strains of staphylococci and enteric organisms.
488. Often a set that needs a special part that must be ordered from the manufacturer comes into the shop. This means that the set will be stored until the part arrives. During this waiting period I find that the knobs and hardware have a tendency to disappear, and much time is wasted trying to find substitutes.
489. An open-pleural biopsy, which was performed in 122 patients suffering from idiopathic pleural effusion, was found to be valuable as a diagnostic procedure. Of particular interest was the report that, after a period of observation from 0 to 8 years, none of the 61 patients in whom the pathological findings were described as nospecific pleuritis have as yet developed evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.
490. Design of the varactor octuplers (250 — 2000) is common for the two strings, only the tuning being different. The ocupler consists of three doubler stages, each using lumped elements; early experimental work showed frequency doubling to be the most efficient means of multiplication.
491. It has long been considered that S-180 is much less sensitive to host weight loss than is Ca-755. This presumption is correct if one judges from the effect of a given absolute weight loss in experimental groups of S-180-bearing mice, rather than from the difference between a treated group and its concurrent control.
492. To a considerable extent the requirements of a power reactor control system are dependent on the type of reactor and on the use made of power it generates. For example, the instrumentation and control mechanisms in a pressurized-water reactor differ from those in a gas-cooled graphite-moderated reactor, the heat transfer properties of the coolant and the behaviour of the reactor differing greatly.
493. Rather than go into the many uses of epoxies, and they vary from paving roads to filling teeth, a few of the uses to which they have been put and some of the results will be pointed out. As a patching material it has been found that a thixotropic material used with fiberglass as a laminate or a fibrous putty are best. As would be expected the larger the lap of adjoining material the stronger the job.
494. Since the reaction is between the serum and the nucleus of the cell, and since it is histologically demonstrable, we have inquired whether the chromosomes are involved in the reaction. One might expect them to be, partly because of the character of the known antigens referred to above and partly because of the extent of the nuclear reactions — that is, the reaction is not confined to the nuclear membrane.
495. A digital machine is said to be automatic when it can be made to carry out extensive sequences of computing operations without human intervention. Such a computer must be provided in advance both with all the instructions, in the correct order, and with all the numerical data needed for the calculation. Once this is done and the starting signal is given, the whole computation proceeds automatically.
496. All subluxations do not necessarily progress to dislocations and, therefore, each should be dealt with as a separate entity. No case of subluxation progressed to dislocation in this series, Mackenzie, Seddon and Trevor stated that although the distinction between dislocation and subluxation is no longer a safe guide to treatment, there seems to be little doubt that the difference in prognosis is sufficient to warrant continued use of the terms.
497. Providing that the string is very thin, and therefore highly flexible, f(x) also specifies the profile of the plectrum in contact with the string if the plectrum is flat or convex relative to the string. If the plectrum is concave additional constraint is needed to ensure that the string is in contact with all the plectrum profile. Otherwise f(x) does not give the shape of the plectrum. Because of the additional constraint required plectra which are concave relative to the string are of little practical interest.
498. It might be pointed out that the cylinder liners lie horizontally in a high position of the engine structure, with comparatively shallow water spaces above. Maintenance of a proper coolant circulation therefore is somewhat critical, in the sense that there is little margin of error compared with an inline vertical design. Be that as it may, the hypothetical danger here is not in fact borne out in practice, and there is no other drawback attaching to the horizontal form.
499. The regular solution equation with Q1400 = — 4700 cal/g — atom fits the present data quite well, but the experimental results are too limited and the scatter is too large to indicate whether or not the heats of formation accurately follow this equation. Since the regular solution equation is the simplest which will represent the present data within the experimental uncertainty, it is though to be the best choice until more accurate data become available.
500. Because of the past failure to obtain, by the application of this biologic concept of cancer, any reliable specific diagnostic test for cancer and any effective chemotherapeutic agent against cancerous tissue, one is left wondering whether it is not appropriate and timely to put work in this research the many facts and observations on environmental carcinogenesis and cancers, and to return to those scientific principles which brought success to the control of infectious diseases.
501. Each of five additional aliquots was incubated for 30 minutes with 5 ml of «tolerant» serum and was injected into the same five rabbits after they had been made tolerant to typhoid vaccine. Since endogenous pyrogen is equally active in normal and tolerant recipients, whereas the pyrogenicity of endotoxin is markedly depressed in tolerant animals, it is possible to diffferen-tiate endogenous pyrogen from endotoxin by this test. The reliability of the method is markedly enhanced by pre-incubating the test samples with normal and «tolerant» serum as described.
502. Up to the present time, effort directed toward quantifying and defining maintainability has apparently been predicated on the desire for the definition to be all inclusive. The necessity for a single quantitative measure derivable from and related to the mission of the system in question — capable of being specified, predicted, verified — has not been widely recognized. Until a common measure is agreed upon, the ((maintainability engineering)) field will flonder, because its proponents are all pulling in different directions.
503. On the other hand, there is evidence which suggests that Pi is at least not the only factor involved in the Crabtree effect. First, it has recently been established that much of the stimulatory effect which Pi has been reported to cause on the respiration in the presence of glucose was due to the effect of this ion on glycoly-sis, but not to a direct effect on respiration. Kvamme and Bloch-Frankenthal and Ram have found that increasing the Pi level of the medium may even increase rather than reduce the Crabtree effect.
504. This simple geometrical example was chosen because it is very illustrative. It showed precisely the points where, in the device of a system, voluntary decisions are necessary and possible. These very points have in the past often been overlooked, and the decisions have been made instinctively. The systems in use became so deeply rooted that they seemed to be not merely the obvious but, in most cases, the only possible choice. The hidden problems did not become evident until, in the theory of electro-magnetism, the classical systems proved impractical.
505. The transmission paths use the well-established principle of a common amplifier for both directions of transmission, the amplifier and the directional filters necessary for separating the two directional bands being connected in a figure-of-eight configuration with the amplifier in the common cross-over path.
506. Thus, the extent of operation of the hexosemono-phosphate oxidative pathway in a tissue might depend upon the presence in that tissue of a mechanism for oxidation of TPNH. This is borne out by the experiments of Hers demonstrating that glucose utilization by rat liver slices via the hexosemonophos-phate oxidative pathway can be increased by addition of substrates (glucosone and glucuronolactone) that oxidize TPNH, thereby making TPN available. Fatty acid synthesis can also be considered a mechanism for regenerating TPN from TPNH.
507. As we have seen, it is the exception rather than the rule for a human machine operator to feed input data or instructions directly into the machine. The rule is to have the input encoded on one of the automatic media and then read into the machine automatically and rapidly. The preparation of the automatic input medium (tape or cards) may be accomplished by an operator, or by means of another automatically fed machine; in the latter case the input to this machine has to be prepared, manually or automatically and so on.
508. Since the added contact is in parallel with the distributor points, the buzzer can have no effect when the distributor points are closed, even though it operates continuously. When the distributor points are open, however, the buzzer provides the electronic system with a series of firing signals in addition to the one provided by the distributor points. One of them is certain to fire the mixture on each compression, and quick starting is assured.
509. Such so-called midcourse manoeuvres are applied by means of a small rocket motor mounted in the spacecraft. The magnitude and direction of the correcting impulse are computed on the ground from radio measurements and, prior to the manoeuvre, the appropriate commands are sent by radio to the probe. In addition to presenting the theoretical foundations this paper gives representative figures for the errors both in determining the orbit and in applying the correction. Reference is also made to tracking sites and the mechanization in the spacecraft.
510. Commercially available tubes reach only to the vicinity of 4 mm. (75 KMC). Megavolt electronics and other new schemes are being investigated as millimeter wave generators. However, none of these has as yet produced a practical coherent CW oscillator. It was, therefore, necessary to look to harmonic generation for the microwave signal required for the development and testing of components in the 2 mm wavelength region.
511. Measurable electrical parameters are monitored during the weld power pulse. Experience with this method of in-process monitoring has demonstrated that electrical parameters and weld strength have a fair degree of correlation.
Normally, excess transverse wire is trimmed at the rail weld points. However, the machine will leave the wire projecting beyond the rail where an input connection to the module is needed. Transverse wires can also be omitted at points where the matrix is to be folded.
512. The mean volume of urine was 1.0 ml per pair of mice versus 0.8 ml for the untreated controls. Urinary nitrogen content was 10.7 mg nitrogen per mouse for animals given diuril and 12.5 mg for those given no diuretic. Animals similarly pretreated with another compound, aminophylline (2 mg orally) were then given endotoxin and ACTH and showed change neither in urine volume (1.2 ml) nor nitrogen output (14.6 mg).
513. It is worthwhile pointing out that a self-contained iner-tial system may be the only way in which to control the launch phase from the Moon on a return journey to Earth. This is likely to be the case at least for the early manned expeditions before adequate ground radio stations can be erected on the Moon.
514. Sections treated first with heat-inactivated or chelated guinea pig serum and then with conjugated anti-gpC showed no fluorescence or only occasional mere traces of fluorescence in glomerular capillary walls. Sections treated with conjugated anti-gpC alone showed no yellow-green fluorescence. The latter control indicated absence of any crossreaction of the anti-gpC with constituents of human serum.
515. Carbon contents in different heats varied from about 0.05% to 0.1%. This carbon variation can be attributed to the melting and casting technique, or to carbon adhering to remelt scrap which may have been charged in the crucible. No significant differences in other impurity contents were apparent. It is not now known whether the impurities have affected the mechanical properties of the alloys.
516. Forty-six per cent of those patients receiving 1.0 gm. of cycloserine daily converted their sputum within 6 months, while only 26% of those receiving 0.5 gm. daily did so.
Another study dealt with the use of kanamycin in 3 groups of patients. The first group consisted of 22 patients whose tuberculosis was far advanced and who had failed to respond to other regimens.
517. Although harmonic generation has long been used by the microwave spectroscopist, the process has been generally rather laborius. Involving critical, hand-made units, it often took hours, or even days, to adjust. The requirement therefore, existed for a replaceable cartridge unit which could be readily inserted into a mount and set for optimum operation with a minimum of controls.
518. The method used was that originated by Mitra using a pulse transmitter and three receiving aerials, the latter being spaced a wave-length apart two directions. The records obtained were analyzed by the method of identifying similarities in the fading patterns and providing that the fading was of a suitable irregular time, mean time displacements of the signals were interpreted as revealing a constant drift of irregular patches of ionization in the F-region.
519. In uninfected HeLa cells the label appeared predominantly over nucleoli with small amounts scattered throughout the nucleoplasm. Cells infected for 2 hours incorporated tritiated cytidine in a similar manner. At subsequent intervals, however, the label was more diffusely distributed over the nucleoplasm, and by the 8th hour, there was little if any nucleolar labeling of RNA in infected cells.
520. As early as 1774 the Academy of Bavaria had offered a prize for the best dissertation in answer to the question «Is there a real and physical analogy between electric and magnetic forces?» Prof. J. H. van Swinden of Holland replied, in conclusion, that the similarities were entirely superficial and that the two forces were essentially of different kinds. A contrary position was taken by Professors Steighkehner and Hubner in 1773 and 1780 that such related forces must have their origin in a single agent. The full resolution of the question continues into our own time.
521. Almost all organisms require oxygen for the maintenance of life. We human beings obtain this oxygen from the air we breathe. This is passed into the lungs where the oxygen is absorbed through the walls of the alveoli in exchange for carbon dioxide. Air consists in the main of oxygen (just over one fifth by volume) and nitrogen with a small percentage of water vapour, carbon dioxide and the rare gases. Oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream via the lungs, the air exhaled picking up water vapour and carbon dioxide from the body.