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229. This second master can be in two spool, or endless loop cassette form, the latter probably being the most convenient. This is then played back at a fixed multiple (say 4) of «book speed» by a machine using multiple replay amplifiers, simultaneously, their outputs being fed to the final copy-making machine also running at the same speed.

230. This diode-driving technique and the use of high frequen­cy transistors in the A.G.S. amplifier (fr = 250 mc) results in the frequency response of the A.G.S. loop being controlled almost exclusively by capacitor C.

231. Fraction C, of which the lipid A content bad been markedly lowered, still retained 3.0 per cent nitrogen and thus con­tained appreciable protein which may have exerted an influence in the biological activity of this preparation. For this reason, further studies were conducted as detailed below.

232. The prepared fractions were analyzed for total lipid, unesterified and total cholesterol, lipid phosphorus, and total ni­trogen. Direct protein analyses were not carried out because, in trials using several commonly employed methods, the opalescence and fatty nature of the fraction recovered from extract-treated sera had been found to interfere with such analyses.

233. Contributing to these losses are the coaxial cables which couple the electronics canister to the radial power splitter and the cables which connect the outputs of the power splitters as antenna feeds to the hybrids.

234. As one migth expect, makers of business machines and home appliances use heat treated steels in stress-bearing parts as do automotive manufacturers. Although cost is just as important a factor as it is to the automakers, the pattern of usage is some­what different because these two industries make such a wide va­riety of products.

235. Only those femoral heads completely out and above the acetabular limbus were considered to be dislocations. All the x-rays of patients included in this series were reviewed and classi­fied as showing subluxation or dislocation, according to the men­tioned criteria. Of the 68 subluxated hips in this series, 52 were originally diagnosed as dislocation on the hospital records.

236. We know that the old mountains are gradually being washed away by the rain, and that new mountain ridges rise from time to time as the result of tectonic activity, but all these changes are still only the changes of the solid crust of our globe. It is not, however, difficult to see that there must have been a time when no such solid crust existed at all and when our Earth was a glowing globe of melted rocks.

237. Hence, a pulse train is established with a pulse repetition frequency (prf) determined by the time necessary for the acoustic energy to travel down the river.

238. The clinical diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in older patients is difficult, the signs and symptoms often being attribu­ted either to heart failure or to bronchopneumonia. Moreover, the high incidence of acute myocardial infarction in this group adds further diagnostic difficulty. The present triad allows this difficult differential diagnosis to be made precisely even in geri­atric patients with preexisting heart disease.

239. The results of this measurement for the two GaAs junc­tions are shown in Figure 12. Q is plotted as a function of photon energy. The response tends to saturation at the higher photon energies. By extrapolating the data toward the apparent satura­tion values, the diffusion lengths in the skin are calculated to be 0.5 and 0.6. The lifetime is thus 10-10 sec, if one assumes a diffu­sion constant of 25 cm2/sec.

240. The active antigenic fraction, in spite of revealing many properties similar to viruses, was not infectious. It was believed to be an autocatalytic cellular component with proliferative activi­ty. In his review Hauschka discussed the possibility that some isoantigenic components of the Brown-Реагсе sarcoma may have influenced experimental results of Kidd and his collaborators.

241. By reducing circuit operating temperature below normal ambients, and by holding it constant, excellent stability was ob­tained.

242. Besides being a function of speed, the output of the drag cup generator is also a function of the voltage applied to the pri­mary winding. Whereas this is not a disadvantage in the usual sense, it does require careful regulation of the applied voltage. Furthermore, the fact that the output is an a-c voltage can cause additional components to be used and time delays to occur in certain application.

243. In the fourth case, diagnosed as probable membranous glomerulonephritis, the pattern of fluorescense observed in the treated kidney sections was quite different from the patterns de­scribed in the previous three cases. Sections exposed to conjuga­ted anti-human globulin showed specific fluorescence in short thin segments of glomerular capillary walls. This was noted to be con­fined almost entirely to peripheral portions of the glomeruli.




(Псевдопростые слова и грамматические формы)

1. The results of the two experiments seem to indicate that isomerization did take place.

2. The equations will be derived on a statistical basis.

3. During the Great Patriotic War our women replaced men at the factories, the latter having gone to the front.

4. The article to be translated is available at any library.

5. The scientists and engineers of many countries are known to be busy constructing a man-made satellite, but it is the Soviet Union that has first launched it into the space.

6. The speaker discussed many problems said to be extremely important for designing, constructing and handling new types of machines.

7. There are few papers dealing with this subject.

8. The main component was quasi-diploid, with only a few departures from the normal diploid karyotype.

9. This demonstration is the more convincing the greater the variety of adsorbate vapors.

10. ВALB mice generally did not experience a fulminant toxe-mic death but became progressively ill and finally expired. Fe­males of the ВALB strain were somewhat more resistant to infec­tion than males.

11. Thus the non-sweating skin could be thought of as a semi-permeable water barrier which follows the osmotic pressure rela­tionships with water passing inward or outward depending on solute concentrations, vapor pressures and temperatures.

12. These poles must have existed in the original magnet.

13. A new, nonflammable inhalation anesthetic has been pro­duced from a fluorine compound once considered too unstable to be of value.

14. Many flying balloons are reported to have been observed in the air.

15. The building of the house is reported to be finished by the end of this month.

16. The author of the paper claims to have been the first to arrive at such a conclusion.

17. Such minerals are likely to occur in some other places as well, the probability of discovering them being however limited to certain areas.

18. The signal cannot be guaranteed to be of sufficient ampli­tude.

19. When man is heated to an unusual degree, a marked va-sodilatation takes place over and above that which is normally observed.

20. For a system to be in complete equilibrium, it is necessary that there be mechanical equilibrium.

21. This substance reacts one tenth as fast as the other one.

22. This pause is sufficient for the baskets to receive their load of castings from the oscillating conveyer.

23. The coefficients in the Fokker-Planck equation are found to depend on the law of interaction.

24. The two types of models considered are not supposed to be applicable to all metals. They do represent extreme cases. Other models would be more complicated, but could be handled by simi­lar methods, the greatest complication deriving from the collision term.

25. In their treatments, the electric field is assumed to be classi­cally prescribed, although the electronic motion in the gas is treat­ed by quantum perturbation theory.

26. From the equations all but one of the unknown functions can be eliminated by successive substitutions.

27. The suggestion is both attractive and interesting but the work is not sufficiently advanced for any definite opinion of its validity to be formed.

28. The approach has three aspects, that of general theoretical principles, that of known results and conclusions, and that of the basically known, but now refined, experimental method, and the computational procedure.

29. The study of the metabolic pathways of the Morris tumor with isotope methods is in progress.

30. The tumors were allowed to grow for 12—14 days after implantation, at which times they were excised for study.

31. In addition, the weak band was noted by some workers and assigned tentatively to an additional NH absorption.

32. The above mentioned figures give us a general idea of the amount of work done during the recent years.

33. The third case to be considered concerns a ring which is flexible in its own plane. The applied force is considered to be parallel to the X axis.

34. This type has been described as relatively expensive com­pared to others.

35. It was not, however, until the sixteenth century that the blast furnace process was finally adopted in Sweden.

36. The cerium-sulfate complex ions are believed to involve sulfate ion and not bisulfate ion.

37. Admittedly channel selection could be made fully auto­matic, but the sligth advantage gained thereby hardly justifies the considerable added complication.

38. The gain-frequency characteristic is shown in Fig. 5, the high frequency cut-off being due to the stray capacitance across the anode load.

39. To date, propellers of nickel-aluminum bronze as large as 50 tons have been cast for commercial use.

40. Putting it another way, the negative potential energy of the molecule is augmented by electrostatic energy and the contri­bution is greater, the closer are the unlike charges.

41. It is noteworthy that the hydrogen bond makes it possible for electrons to travel in a circular path.

42. This explanation seems to be borne out by the absence of a pinhole when the clean, deoxidized shot was added to the mould.

43. The principle of the method discussed here is the same as for a liquid but the operation seems to be somewhat different.

44. One big advantage of in-circuit testing is that by determi­ning which transistors are good, you can concentrate on just the portion of the circuit that tests bad.

45. Our experiments have led to the tentative conclusion that these mixed solvent systems facilitate cellulose reactions.

46. The authors suggested that denaturation may have oc­curred during preparation of the gamma globulin.

47. The 2D21 thyratron has been the only component to fail in either installation. It seems to require replacement about every 4,000 to 5,000 miles.

48. No particular vibrational mode can be suggested at present which might account for this correlation which must therefore be regarded as a tentative one.

49. They regard these exercises as being too simple for them.

50. Digital memory unit for analog computers uses a mag­netic tape transport that moves the tape in small discrete steps rather than continuously.

51. The following experiment was done to determine the effect of length of exposure on the degree of receptor modification at a constant temperature.

52. Multiplication can be performed as a series of repeated additions, and division can be accomplished by repeated subtrac­tions.

53. Further evidence bearing on the correctness of a tentatively assigned electrode reaction can be secured.

54. Depression of the febrile response, particularly, may be due to toxic vasomotor disturbances rather than to an effect on pyrogen production.

55. For example for a ground plane, 0.150 by 0.020-inch strip can be substituted for two wires.

56. Figure 2. These yield curves were taken from typical pho-tocathodes rather than from the best which have been produced.

57. It is to be emphasized that these correlations are purely empirical in nature.

58. The amount of light radiated by an atomic bomb is so great that it is beyond our imagination.

59. It is in this respect actually that the theory differs from that discussed above.

60. Among other alloys under investigation are molybdenum-rhenium and niobium-zirconium.

61. The product is affected little by temperature and con­tributes little to the net effect.

62. It must be remembered, however, that in these specimens a second phase exists whose conscentration might be expected to vary with temperature.

63. It was found that the proportion of iso- to normal paraffins could be estimated with sufficient accuracy for the purpose in view by comparing the respective peak heights in the elution dia­grams.

64. The object of heating and ventilating a building is to pro­vide a healthy and pleasant home.

65. Fig. 2 is a chart of present-worth factors for annual in­come received in a lump sum at the end of each year, the interest being compounded annually.

66. We should take measures to maintain the temperature at the same level during the entire process of decomposition.

67. Cytoxan was found to have limited ability to suppress growth of established human tumors.

68. Only a few of these articles contained descriptions that appear to be similar to the findings in my cases.

69. For a reasonable degree of blackening, however, it is nec­essary for a total integrated dose of at least 50—100 mr to be received by the film. At the radiation levels here being considered this involves exposure times of 100 hours and upwards for each measurement.

70. This catalyst was regarded as affording good results and to involve no difficulties in operating.

71. Because of the large gaps in knowledge it will be necessary to make certain assumptions and these have been chosen to be as nearly in consonance with the generally accepted facts and opin­ions as is possible.

72. Incidentally, the chromatogram gave no evidence for the presence of the N-hydroxy metabolite of 2-FAA, but not much of this compound would be expected after a single dose of the car­cinogen.

73. The data revealed that plasma volumes were well above the normal range, in contrast to the levels seen in other forms of hypertension.

74. For complex dials, adhesive characters can be combined with inking — in which case the adhesive characters should be applied after the inking.

75. To-day it seems certain that a given ion does have a defi­nite mobility, one that does not change with time.

76. The above experiments confirm theory qualitatively. The discrepancy in quantitative comparisons was due to several fac­tors.

77. She was fancied to have gone away.

78. If, in time, the industry we know reaches a plateau, the potential revolution in power conversion may well give rise to another period of extraordinary growth.

79. Discussion of this work has not been considered to be with in the scope of this chapter.

80. The ideal non-linear reactor can be shown to have a theo­retical efficiency of 100% when operating in a circuit that has an infinite impedance to all harmonics other than the one desired.

81. Although systems employing a continuous sheet of film are more widely used now, for the sake of clarity, in the follow­ing descriptions the film is considered to consist of discrete ele­ments.

82. The paper read concerns the properties of some compounds obtained by our Research Institute.

83. Only those substances which can be considered as being mixtures have a depressed melting point.

84. The truth of Joule's discovery is to be found in everyday life.

85. It is a logical step to combine some of the electronic instru­mentation methods already described with a data processing and computing system.

86. Each corner is understood to be the location of carbon atom.

87. India appears to have been acquainted with iron and steel from an early age.

88. The microscope and orthicon are both selected to operate well into the ultraviolet spectrum, which means that all lenses must be quartz.

89. The silicon photocell may be used in either reverse biased operations, or in unbiased operations. In the former, it acts as a photodiode. In the latter case, its self-generated power is used.

90. This may be taken as being result of overheating.

91. In any event, current theories either empirical, or electronic do not appear to account for this result.

92. The author showed these compounds as having different structure.

93. It is these ions which actually transport the current.

94. Fig. 9. A cytoplasmic vacuole containing viral particles both free and in process of formation at its margin. When exami­ned at sufficient magnification virus on the surface of the cell was seen to be tagged with ferritin.

95. Obviously, the transformer must not only provide a 250-ohm primary tap, it must also have a secondary tap to match the voice-coil impedance — and be rated to pass 20 watts of power.

96. This method, previously mentioned as affording good re­sults, is being widely used.

97. Unit cell may contain one, two, or, occasionally, more than two layers.

98. The book known to be difficult is here.

99. This inhibition may be due to protamine binding to the sur­face of the pancreatic duct, thereby preventing protein secretion.

100. This system, since it no longer needs the error voltage to maintain the corrected frequency is not troubled by a change in signal strength or absence of signal.

101. Hercules Powder Co. is also rumored close to produc­tion, andAvisun Corp. has produced ethylene-propylene rubber in evaluation quantities, but has not disclosed its plans for full-scale production.

102. In the case of feeble magnets the magnetic field is so weak that it may be considered confined to a small region near the magnet.

103. After impact, the bars are assumed to act as a single solid infinite bar with the resulting disturbances travelling in both the positive and negative directions from the origin.

104. This hydrolysis is taken to proceed following the above scheme.

105. Promising additional elements considered for ternary systems were aluminum, silicon and carbon, which were expected to form the compounds UAl2,U3Si and UC, respectively.

106. The first step in obtaining oil is to find its field.

107. In the studies to be described, I unit of bacteria represented 0.5 ml of the stock preparation.

108. With this provision, the system can be expected to give a good base-line stability.

109. One may assume the information to be correct.

110. Since the high fluid level could have been caused by down-hole-equipment leaks, it is necessary to determine production at 80% efficiency based on the old cycle.

111. Considering the hydrolysis as being first order reaction it is possible to draw some conclusions.

112. This discrepancy, which is not important in the cal­culation being made here, is probably due to a variation in the properties of the photosurfaces and/or to experimental error.

113. The data obtained cannot be regarded as evidence of the postulated reaction for the system in greatly complicated by oth­er reactions.

114. They acknowledged the reaction to be exothermic.

115. The result applies whether or not a thick central web is present. It is to be noted that here the torsion constant is increased by 27 per cent due to the presence of the interior web material.

116. Fawsitt explains this as being due to the equilibrium be­tween urea and ammonium cyanate in aqueous solution.

117. The basic engineering concepts of straight cylindrical bearings are important in selection of bearings for steel mill ap­plications, for it is an accepted fact that the straight cylindrical bearing gives the greatest radial load carrying capacity for a given annulus of any antifriction bearing available.

118. The FAE determination disclosed higher content of fatty acid in endotoxins than could be accounted for by either the «li-pid W» or «lipid A» determinations. Lipid A has been reported to contain only about 50 per cent of fatty acids.

119. The problem to be solved at this stage is an entirely geo­metric one.

120. This equation is readily seen to be of the same form as Eq. (14).

121. It is not claimed that this is really what happens in the practical case, but these figures can be used to indicate to what extent the small-signal theory is reliable.

122. The experiment that is being conducted is of great inte­rest and is thought of as being highly promising.

123. This article must have been translated from Russian into English.

124. This picture is useful but it can hardly be said to account completely for the remarkable properties of rubber.

125. The presence of the RFLS in hyperimmune sera of any type would be expected to participate in quantitative precipitin analyses, unless the antisera were first absorbed with immune precipitate from an unrelated immune system.

126. While such empirical observations may have their uses we cannot, however, expect them greatly to advance our know­ledge of fundamental combustion processes.

127. Since cholesterol is believed to be a precursor in the bio­synthesis of adrenocortical steroids, the cholesterol content of adrenal glands has been employed as an indication of their prior secretory activity.

128. The metha-phetamine dose was carefully selected to pro­vide, a moderate, but unequivocal, effect.

129. These inhomogenities are estimated to represent carbon content variations of less than 0.1 w/o from to the next.

130. To determine the correct primary impedance tap which will deliver the desired amount of power to the loudspeaker when the transformer is connected to a 70-volt transmission line, the following formula may be applied.

131. Romagnosi's experiment with the influence of a voltaic pile on a magnetic needle was interpretedby Govi (1869) as an electrostatic rather than an electromagnetic effect.

132. Svedberg has placed the limit of resolution with the light microscope as being at about 0.2 m?.

133. In view of this influence of screening, the dipole moments of the solvent molecules can be expected to be one of the impor­tant factors governing the relative magnitudes of conductances in

these systems.

134. He was afraid of the results not proving conclusive.

135. The Haber process consists in uniting two elemental ga­ses to make a compound.

136. A boy and a young man were reported to have been seen

leaving a station.

137. This suggestion cannot be considered as established.

138. The presence of the anodic wave is attributed to the un­charged species of II being oxidized in a reversible manner to III.

139. We interpret the above results as indicating a lowering of the effective pK of the adenine amino group as a result of its linkage with uridine.

140. Binding of a hydrogen ion appears to be accompanied

by a dissociation of the complex.

141. The proportion of bound lipid removed appeared to be about one-half of the total regardless of the amount present in the starting material.

142. The purpose of lighting is to provide illumination.

143. Non-hydrolytic lipid II was found consistently to possess activity of at least the same order of magnetude as that of lipid A. Its FAE content (e. g., 26.4 per cent) was similar to that prepara­tions of lipid A from aqueous ether extracts.

144. The chemist is usually inclined to regard the appearance of this product as signifying that the reaction is over.

145. The spectral distribution of the incident radiation is tak­en to be that of a black body at 5800° K in order to approximate solar radiation.

146. No line is to be seen when its intensity is predicted to be zero.

147. Unfortunately, C5 in Equation (4) is found in klystrons tc be eliminated by assumption (6).

148. Despite the foregoing evidence, the observations of Ben­nett, Petersdorf, and Keene are frequently cited as contradicting the endogenous pyrogen hypothesis.

149. Magnesium oxide is reported to be a scorch retarder and stabilizer which improves retention of properties during high tem­perature exposure.

150. Otto cycle engine. In cases where the exhaust pressure is less than the intake pressure, cycles are analyzed as for the super­charged case, the method described by Bonamy being used in preference to that by Hottel et al.

151. The geologist's first task is to locate geological conditions suitable for the existence of oil.

152. Hydergine is known to abolish the renal vasocon-stric-tion induced by epinephrine and it prevents the renal hyperemia induced by pyrogen.

153. In order to be near the mid-region of adrenal secretory capacity, the experiments to be described in the section that fol­lows were done with 0,01 unit of ACTH.

154. Boyle was the first to have a clear concept of «element», «compound» and «mixture».

155. In 1934 the statement was retracted and the degradation products declared to be devoid of significant activity.

156. Rich deposits of iron ore having been discovered, we began to build a blast furnace.

157. Distribution of chromosome number was particularly stable through 5 months of cultivation, there being little variation about the low ploid modes.

158. Hence we must consider the optimization of the noise figure anew, but now the extra requirement is that the bandwidth should not become smaller than a given value.

159. Regardless of the measure chosen, endotoxins extracted at low temperature by the aqueous ether method were found to contain less lipid than phenol-water or TCA extracts.

160. The property of plastics being superior to that of wood, the designers are believed to be working at the problem of repla­cing the latter wherever possible.

161. Having overcome all the difficulties on the way of im­proving the performances of the engine, there is every reason to believe it to replace the old one.

162. Of the numerous methods of conducting similar ex­periments to be found in literature, the following are among those which have been proved to be most useful.

163. One cannot fail to see other countries tending for mutual cooperation.

164. This rule is believed to hold good for other cases as well.

165. They are saidto have already taken necessary measures against further spreading of this infection.

166. The decline in the levels of pyridine nucleotidelinked dehydrogenases of the adrenal and the subsequent increase ran in parallel with histologic evidence of damage and repair, respec­tively to be described below.

167. Some mistakes must have been made in assembling the parts of the machine.

168. Peripheral stimulation of cold is associated with vaso-constriction and increased metabolic rate. This action can be viewed as an overriding of the effects of the central receptors by the peripheral stimulation.

169. With the isomerization preceding the reaction, the yields were very low.

170. The work on these ternary compounds was initially con­cerned with those having a cubic structure, in particular, the rock-salt and zinchlende types.

171. We know the first central electric power-stations to have been built for the supply of electric light.

172. The above formula is for a column operating under total reflux, that is, with no distillate being removed.

173. The reaction was feared to take a different course.

174. Eighty-five per cent hendecanol — 15 per cent liquid paraffin thus gives a reasonable, if somewhat involved separation of the nitrogen bases.

175. Only 2 species, common ragweed and cocklebur of 100 or more Ambrosiaceae of North America are reported as having been introduced into Japan.

176. The loss of area is believed due to a filling or blocking off of catalyst pores.

177. It is usual for any new device to be preceded by other related devices. This tachometer, for example, bears some resem­blance to a miniature Van de Graaff generator.

178. Included in this paper are the calculations which will permit a correction for direction of stress.

179. However, a component of the stress gradient vector would then be required to be introduced into the z component of the equation of motion, unless other considerations show it to be neg­ligible.

180. With the experiments having been carried out, we started new investigations.

181. As with most research, the electrophysiological in­vestigation of learning has raised more questions than it has an­swered. From the mass of experimental data new conceptual prob­lems have emerged. Some random examples may be briefly noted.