Read and translate the text.


Say it in English.

Read and translate the text.


By using professional ethics to support the efforts and morale of your coworkers and employers, you will help contribute to the success of your salon. As the salon becomes more successful, so will you.

1. Be honest. Never blame a coworker for your mistakes. Take responsibility for your own actions.

2. Fulfill your obligations. Keep any promises you make to an employer or coworker, such as coming in on your day off to help with a special client. If you cannot possibly keep a promise, contact your employer or coworker ahead of time and ask if you can help to make other arrangements.

3. Respect the talents of your employer and coworkers. Praise them and encourage them when they do a good job. Try not to criticize.

4. Don't invite criticism of coworkers. When you hear a client complain about another technician, do not take sides. You don't know all the facts and it is not your business. Suggest that the client speak directly to the coworker. Never criticize someone else's work. Let your standards and work speak for themselves. If another's work is exceptionally poor, offer to repair your client's nails without placing blame on another nail technician.

5. Never gossip or start rumors among coworkers. Some people think these tactics can get them ahead in business, but they only serve to make you look bad and alienate your associates.


1. Поддерживай морально своих сотрудников. 2. Будь честным и ответственным за свои поступки. 3. Выполняй свои обязанности. 4. Сдерживай свои обещания. 5. Заранее предупреждай коллег, если не можешь выполнить обещание. 6. Уважай таланты своих сотрудников. 7. не критикуй работу своих коллег. 8. Пусть твоя работа говорит сама за себя. 9. Никогда не сплетничай и не распускай слухов о сотрудниках или клиентах.


You should be a model of good grooming for your clients because you are a member of the beauty industry. Your clients expect you to look your best. You should be pleasant to be around. You must be clean and pleasant-smelling so clients will not object to having you touch them while you perform nail services. They should find it pleasant to sit across from you while you perform nail services.

1. Be clean and fresh. Bathe or shower daily and use an effec­tive deodorant.

2. Have fresh breath and healthy teeth. Make sure your breath is fresh at all times. Do not eat garlic or spicy foods that can give you bad breath during the working day. Keep a tooth-brush, toothpaste, and mints with you so you can freshen your breath when needed. Keep your teeth and gums healthy by regular brushing and dental check-ups.

3. Wear clean clothes that are appropriate for the salon. Always wear dean, pressed clothes to the salon. You should look your best in stylish, comfortable clothes, but not be overdressed.

4. Pay attention to your hair, skin, and nails. Make sure your hair is neat, you have on just enough make-up to enhance your natural beauty, and your nails are well-manicured.