Read and translate the text.
Text А. Skin Care Products
Dramatize the situations.
Make other dialogues using the topical vocabulary.
А) У вас жирная кожа и вы обращаетесь к косметологу за советом по её уходу.
В) Подруга просит вас, как будущего косметолога, порекомендовать ей средства по уходу за кожей.
С) Побеседуйте о том, как питание влияет на состояние кожи.
Topical vocabulary
acne | акне, угорь, прыщ |
advertisement campaign | рекламная кампания |
antioxidant | антиоксидант |
area | участок, зона |
blackhead | угорь |
blemish | пятно |
burn | жечь, ожог |
clay | глина |
clog the pores | забивать поры |
complaint | жалоба |
develop | разрабатывать |
design | разрабатывать |
dirt | грязь |
essential oil | эфирное, летучее масло |
excess | избыток |
firm | укреплять |
flakiness | шелушение |
glamorous celebrities | знаменитости с прекрасной внешностью |
grease | жир |
lead | вести |
lotion | лосьон |
oil | масло, жир |
plant extract | экстракт растений |
peel | отшелушивать |
plastic surgery | пластическая хирургия |
premature aging | преждевременное старение |
remove dead skin cells | удалять мёртвые клетки кожи |
replenishment | обновление, замена |
serum | сыворотка |
scar | шрам |
scrub | скраб |
sensitive | чувствительный, восприимчивый |
skin mapping | эскиз зон кожи лица |
solar exposure | пребывание на солнце |
soreness | чувствительность, болезненность |
sulphur | сера |
three step daily regime | трёхэтапная система ухода за кожей |
tighten the pores | стягивать поры |
wipe away | удалять, снимать |
The increase of younger looking models and celebrities portrayed by the media as having the perfect features has put extreme pressure on regular individuals, men and women, to live up to society’s expectations. The skin care products range is an increasingly growing market and therefore companies are continually developing better, more effective and more natural products to meet the demands of the customer.
The main areas of skin care products are developed to cleanse, tone, moisturize, scrub and peel in the comfort of the customers own home.
Cleansers, toners and moisturizers come in different forms for example creams, serums and lotions and are often referred to as a three step daily regime. Firstly, cleansers are applied to wipe away grease, dirt and oil that gather to collect in the pores. Prevention at this stage of a build up reduces the risk of infections which lead to blemishes. Secondly, toners tighten the pores to reduce the risk of grease and dirt returning to the areas. Moisturizer is then applied to smooth and hydrate the skin, preventing dryness leading to irritations, soreness and flakiness.
Scrubs and peel masks are applied to remove dead skin cells, which again clog the pores. This especially assists in the replenishment of new, healthy cells.
Products are available to suit many different individual customers needs. Products are selected due to a number of reasons. These reasons include the packaging, the advertisement campaign and celebrity endorser, the scent, the brand name, the skin suitability and the price.
Famous skin care product brand names include L’Oreal, Nivea and Philosophy. Campaigns targeted at women include glamorous celebrities, bright, sensitive packaging and floral, natural scents. The advertisement campaign targeted at men uses dark colours and deep, fresh smells.
Skin care products are available from drug stores, shopping malls and over the internet. Prices can range from five dollars to five hundred dollars. Most companies offer skin mapping and advice prior to purchasing their products. This allows the customer to select the most suitable products for their skin type and preference.
celebrity endorser – участие знаменитости в рекламной компании
scent –запах
to target – зд. Предназначать