Употребление английского глагола в пассивном залоге.
(The Passive Voice)
Диагностический тест: Отметьте предложения ниже – верные (R) или неверные (W) и исправьте ошибки.
1. | The window was broken last night. | |
2. | Rome not built in a day. | |
3. | The windows were been cleaning while I was there. | |
4. | A lot of money is owed to the bank. | |
5. | St. Paul’s was designed Christopher Wren. | |
6. | Mistakes have already corrected by our teacher. | |
7. | We were shocked by this news. | |
8. | They have been impressed with the film. | |
9. | A very serious matter being discussed by our colleagues now. | |
10. | A translation of this book will have been finished by next week. |
Пассивный залогпоказывает, что подлежащие не выполняет действие, а подергается воздействию другого лица или предмета.
Passive Voice | ||||||||
Simple | Progressive | Perfect | Perfect Progressive | |||||
be V3 | be being V3 | have been V3 | см. Perfect | |||||
Present | спрашивают обычно всегда каждый день am is asked are | спрашивают сейчас все еще am is being asked are | спросили уже (есть результат) have been asked has | |||||
Past | спросили был спрошен вчера was asked were | спрашивали (когда я приехал) was being asked were | спросили был спрошен (к моменту в прошлом) had been asked | |||||
Future | спросят будет спрошен завтра послезавтра (через какой-то срок) will (shall) be asked | cм. Future Simple | спросят будет спрошен (к моменту в будущем) will have been asked | |||||
Активный залог (Active Voice) | Пассивный залог (Passive Voice) | |||||||
Александр Грехам Белл изобрел телефон в 1876 году. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. | Телефон был изобретен А.Г. Беллом в 1876 году. The telephone was invented by A.G. Bell in 1876. | |||||||
Активный залог: | Bell | invented | the telephone. | |||||
Пассивный залог: | The telephone | was invented | by Bell. | |||||
1) При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Was he asked?Если вспомогательный глагол употребляется в сложной форме (have been, will have been и т.д.), то только первый вспомогательный глагол выносится перед подлежащим: Has he been asked?
2) При образовании отрицательной формы частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола: He was not asked.В случае если глагол употребляется в сложной форме, то отрицательная частица ставиться после первого вспомогательного глагола: He has not been asked.
3) После глагола в пассивном залоге употребляется дополнение с предлогом by, соответствующим в русском языке дополнению в творительном падеже (отвечающему на вопрос кем? чем?), и также дополнение с предлогом withдля выражения орудия, при помощи которого совершается действие: The first house of glass and plastics was worked out by engineers of several institutes. The paperwas cut with a knife.
4) Если в активном залоге сказуемое состоит из модального (can, could, may, might, should, ought to, to have, to be)и смыслового глаголов, то в пассивном залоге сказуемое будет состоять из того же модального глагола и смыслового глагола в одной из форм в пассивном залоге: We must finish our work as soon as possible. – Our work must be finished as soon as possible.
Задание 1. Составьте предложения, используя пассивный залог, и переведите их на русский язык.
Например:(Some people/ easily influence/ other people's opinions) – Some people are easily influenced by other people's opinions.
1. The distribution of plants/ greatly affect/ local conditions
2. The seminar/ attend/ all the participants/ yesterday
3. His lectures/ always follow/ discussions
4. The theory/ test/ now
5. The results/ calculate/ already
6. This new device/ represent/ tomorrow
7. The Silicon Valley/ situate/ Hollywood
Задание 2. Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный залог.
1. They have supported the project both with money and manpower. 2. He has kept the discussion within reasonable limits. 3. They have left the problem out of the scope of their research. 4. He has extended the range of his observations. 5. They always talk about fundamental research. 6. Scientists used this concept in the 19th century. 7. This fact limits the scope of investigations.
Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящим по смыслу глаголом из правой колонки. Обратите внимание на время и залог.
1. It should be noted that the first building of glass and plastics (было разработано) by engineers of several institutes. 2. Its construction (было уделено) great attention to. 3. Everything in it (сделано) of glass and plastics. 4. The vacuum between inner and outer walls (заполняется) with excellent thermal and soundproof materials. 5. All the equipment (содержатся) in the technical chamber. 6. It can be said that soon plastics (будут использованы) in all branches of our industry. | to house to make to fill to pay (attention) to work out to use |
Задание 4. Преобразуйте предложения из утвердительной формы в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The operation of a receiving station is influenced by a number of factors. 2 Magnetron is a vacuum tube whose current is affected by a magnetic field. 3. Valve radio sets were followed by the transistor radio sets. 4. Cosmic radiation is influenced by some phenomena of nature. 5. This method has been referred to in an earlier paper. 6. This engineer's design was much spoken of at the conference. 7. Long-range communication systems are being successfully used in our country. 8. This system lifetime was greatly increased due to the application of semiconductors.
Задание 5. Заполните пропуски предлогами "by" или "with".
1. The theory was presented ___ the young scientist. 2. The value of current is measured ___ an ammeter. 3. This experiment was conducted ___ our research workers. 4. The rate of chemical reactions is influenced ___ many factors. 5. The potential between two points of a circuit is measured ___ a voltmeter.
Задание 6. Составьте вопросительные предложения из приведенных ниже слов и словосочетаний:
1. been/ the last several years/ attempts/ have/ to classify/ the elementary/ particles/ during/ some/ made/ haven’t/ they?
2. of scientists/ has/ to space research/ been/ the contribution/ greatly appreciated?
3. has/ what/ been/ quite well/ analysed/ in terms of the quantum theory?
4. have/ in this paper/ described/ classical ones/ the studies/ become?
Задание 7. Определите, в какой части предложения содержится ошибка.
1. It have beenestimated that some 8,000 millions of meteors enter our atmosphere | |||||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | c | d | ||||||||||||||||||||
each day. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2. In Class A amplifiers the plate current flow at all times, even though no signalis | |||||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | c | d | ||||||||||||||||||||
being amplified. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3. The voltage changeis bring about by the difference in the number of turns in the two | |||||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | c | d | ||||||||||||||||||||
coils. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4. When the rays enter the lens they is sent towards the normal, and when the rays | |||||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | ||||||||||||||||||||||
leave the lens, they are sent away from the normal. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
c | d | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Radioactive isotopesare also been usedsuccessfully for food conservation, for the | |||||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | c | d | ||||||||||||||||||||
prevention of sprouting in potatoes and so on. | |||||||||||||||||||||||