Exercise 1 Underline objective verbs.


to go, to take, to find, to lie, to stop, to swim, to come, to speak, to show, to look at, to live, to discuss, to stand, to spend, to miss, to stay, to listen to, to ski, to use, to change, to recognize, to skate, to hear, to build, to examine, to leave



Exercise 2 Make the following sentences past and future.


1. Our students are given a lot of homework to do every day. 2. What kind of books are discussed in class? 3. Ivanov is often asked to translate articles from English into Russian. 4. How many houses are built in our city a year? 5. Why aren't these exercises done?

Exercise 3 Make the sentences passive.


1. We received this letter after his departure.

2. Have the dogs ever attacked you?

3. Bees gather honey from the flowers.

4. The storm drove the ship against the rock.

5. Who discovered the circulation of the blood?

6. The man is selling ice-cream but he is not selling chocolate ice-cream.

7. The little boy showed us the way. (2 cases)

8. They offered her some interesting work. (2 cases)

9. The doctor ordered her a long rest. (2 cases)

10. They often speak about him.

11. Everybody laughed at this funny animal.

12. We have been looking for you.

13. We shall insist upon strict discipline.

14. They teach pupils English and French at this school.



Exercise 4 Make the sentences active.


1. Spartan children were taught by their parents to endure all hardships.

2. Which article is translated by your brother?

3. They were being taught drawing at that lesson.

4. This name was seldom mentioned in his novels.

5. I am often told about it.

6. This man has been much spoken of.



Exercise 5 Change the voice of the objective verbs.


Two forces were fighting a great battle. Every man was firing his rifle, and the air was filled with shells from the big artillery guns. The men had been stationed in their places by their officers. Suddenly a sharp command was given by the officer in charge. To the soldiers' astonishment they were told that they should stop firing. In a moment, everything was still over the whole field. When the men asked the commanding officer for the reason, they learned that the armistice had been signed by the enemy. The war was over.



Exercise 6 Make the sentences interrogative and negative, introducing necessary changes.


1. Houses are built very quickly now. 2. This work will be finished tomorrow. 3. The delegation was met at the station. 4. The article has been translated into Russian. 5. The work can be done tomorrow morning. 6. The doctor has been sent for. 7. The question has been discussed. 8. Petrov is wanted on the 'phone. 9. The rules will be revised at the next lesson. 10. The book was written in 1966.



Exercise 7 Open the brackets, using the verb in passive.


1. On the 24th of February, 1848, Louis Philippe (drive) out of Paris, and the French Republic (proclaim).

2. The muscles (strengthen) by exercise and the body then (keep) in good condition.

3. By the end of the year a large part of Africa (explore) by the brave explorer.

4. Don't worry about her. She (meet) by her friends as soon as she arrives.

6. Whom these exercises (show) when they (copy) by the pupils?



Exercise 8 Make up sentences using the models.


Образец 1: The theatre was built last year.

The theatre wasn't built last year, was it?

When was the theatre built?

The theatre will be built here.

When will the theatre be built?


to be done, to be found, to be read, to be written, to be learnt, to be translated, to be discussed, to be finished, to be used, to be given back


Образец 2: I've been told to come at three.


to be given a lot of work to do, to be shown the way to ..., to be asked to bring..., to be advised to learn


Образец 3: Has the question been discussed yet?


to be finished, to be forgotten, to be decided, to be left, to be revised


Образец 4: The doctor has been sent for.


to be talked about, to be spoken to, to be listened to, to be looked at


Образец 5: The question must be discussed at once.

Can the question be discussed tomorrow morning?

The question can (can't) be discussed tomorrow morning.


to be met, to be spoken to, to be found, to be sent (for), to be done, to be written, to be shown, to be translated into, to be finished, to be given back, to be decided, to be used, to be built



Exercise 9 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the passive voice.


1. Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются после работы. 2. Много домов строится в вашем городе? 3. Знаете ли вы, что эта книга была переведена на английский язык только два года тому назад? 4. Меня попросили помочь ему закончить эту работу сегодня, поэтому я должен был остаться в учреждении после работы. 5. Ему могут дать эти журналы в понедельник утром. 6. Вам показали все, что вы хотели посмотреть? 7. Его надо сейчас же найти. 8. Об этом фильме много говорят. 9. Лекции Петрова слушают с интересом. 10. Надо сейчас же послать за товарищем Ивановым. 11. Детям велели быть дома в восемь часов. 12. Кем была написана эта статья? 13. Когда принесут (будут принесены) письма и газеты? — Я думаю, только через час. 14. Нас спросили, преподают ли французский язык в нашей школе. 15. Когда будет отправлена эта телеграмма? 16. Его спросили, когда будет отправлена телеграмма. 17. В первый раз меня повели в театр, когда мне было пять лет. 18. После лекции было задано много вопросов. 19. Мне сказали, что вы завтра уезжаете. 20. Я думаю, что об этой книге будут много говорить.



Exercise 10 Translate into English using passive constructions.


1. Рассказ этот обсудили на заседании литературного кружка.

2. Не беспокойся, ему помогут в работе.

3. В нашем районе строятся три новые школы.

4. Меня познакомили с этой ученицей в прошлом году.

5. Когда я вернусь домой, все мои чемоданы будут уже уложены.

6. На какой учебник вы ссылаетесь?

7. Разве это сочинение было написано вами до того, как вы делали доклад?

8. Её слушали с большим интересом.

9. Об этом эпизоде много говорят в нашем доме.

10. Где вы так долго были? Вас спрашивали, за вами приходили.

11. Нас провели в зал и предложили нам хорошие места.

12.Послали за лекарством? — Да, его ищут.

13. Этот мост ещё строится. Он строился, когда я его увидел в первый раз.

14. Когда я начала помогать ей, статья уже переводилась два дня, но не была ещё переведена.