Bank for International Settlements

Careers in banking

Most jobs in a bank are clerical positions that require a high school education. Employees in these positions include tellers and proof machine operators. Tellers cash checks and accept deposits. Proof machine operators run the equipment that cancels checks and sub­tracts the amounts from customers' accounts. The ma­chines also prepare bank statements,the records of deposits and withdrawals that are sent to customers regularly. In addition, banks employ bookkeepers and operators of data-processing equipment

For college graduates, banking offers a variety of ca­reers. For example, loan officers arrange loans to busi­nesses and individuals. Bond traders buy and sell securi­ties. Trust officers handle trust funds. Banks also employ many accountants and lawyers.


Words and word combinations you may need:



teller- кассир(в банке)

bank statements- банковский отчет о балансе счета

bookkeeper- бухгалтер

data-processing-обработка данных

Bank for International Settlements (BIS) pro­motes cooperation among central banks and other fi­nancial institutions. The BIS provides facilities for inter­national financial operations and serves as an agent or trustee in international financial settlements. It cooper­ates with several other organizations, including the In­ternational Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECDL It also conducts research and publishes information on economic and monetary matters.



Shares in the BIS are owned by the central banks of most European countries, as well as those of Australia, Canada, Japan, and South Africa. The Federal Reserve System of the United States regularly participates in the activities of the BIS, though it does not hold BIS shares issued in the United States. Private individuals own about a sixth of the BIS shares. However, the voting rights to these shares are exercised by the financial insti­tution to which the shares were originally issued.

The BIS was established in 1930. It is managed by a 13-member board of directors, and its headquarters are in Basel, Switzerland.

Words you may need:

Participate -участвовать



trustee-доверенное лицо

voting rights-избирательные права


own- владеть