

Лексическая тема: «Smuggling».

Грамматическая тема: Модальные глаголы can (could), may (might), be able to, be allowed to.

In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to preventtraffic of smuggling. Smuggled goods can enter the country together with passengers, cargo, or with means of conveyance.

The unlawful bringing in or taking out of the country of such articles as currency, bonds, jewelleries, precious metals and stones, antiques, explosives, drugs, weapons, firearms and ammunition, etc., is considered smuggling (contraband).

In some cases the above articles carried in/out are declared, but the value and/or the number or the description of the articles are stated false. Such actions are also considered illegal.

Storage and/or sale of smuggled articles on the territory of the country is forbidden by law.

A person who is found guiltyof smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a fine or jailed. Smuggled articles are seized (confiscated).

The methods of smuggling are becoming more and more sophisticated, so the Customs Service has to develop more effective ways of detecting contraband, but there is no substitute for a well-trained and experienced Customs officer.

The Customs officer is entitled to rummage every piece of baggage, and if he has a reason to believe that the person is carrying about himself objects liable to confiscation he may even search the person. The search can be made only with the permitof the Customs Office Chief. The search is carried out in the presence of two witnesses and a list of all things seized is to be made. The protocol of the search is to be signed by the officer-in-charge, two witnesses and the person accused.

The person accused has the right to appeal within ten days.

The decision of the Court is finaland binding.

Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст, пользуясь словарем.

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы.


1. What is one of the main duties of the Customs officer?

2. In what ways can smuggled goods enter the country?

3. What articles are considered smuggled?

4. What actions are regarded as smuggling?

5. In what ways are people punished for smuggling?

6. In what cases can a personal search be made?

7. What document is to be made as the result of the search?

8. Who is to sign it?

9. What rights does the person accused have?


Упражнение 3. С какими словами и словосочетаниями в правой колонке употреблялись в тексте глаголы в левой колонке?


1) to prevent a) false

2) to consider b) by law

3) to declare c) smuggling

4) to state d) guilty

5) to forbid e) traffic of smuggling

6) to be found f) articles

7) to be punished g) effective ways

8) to develop h) by a fine

9) to detect i) to rummage

10) to be entitled j) confiscation

11) to be liable to k) cases of contraband

12) to make l) a search


Упражнение 4. Дополните следующие предложения словами из списка:

substitute, illegal, experienced, liable, false, enter, detecting, list


1. Smuggled goods can ________ the country together with passengers, cargo or with a means of conveyance.

2. In some cases the above articles carried in/out are declared, but the value and/or the number or the description of the articles are stated ________.

3. Such actions are also considered ________.

4. The Customs Service has to develop more effective ways of ________ contraband.

5. There is no ________ for a well-trained and ________ Customs officer.

6. If the person is carrying about himself objects ________ to confiscation, he may be searched.

7. A ________ of all things seized is to be made.


Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.


1. Одной из важнейших обязанностей таможенника является предотвращение провоза контрабанды.

2. Незаконный ввоз и вывоз валюты, ценных бумаг, ювелирных изделий, антикварных вещей и т.д. рассматривается как контрабанда.

3. Предметы, сокрытые от таможенного контроля, считаются контрабандой и могут быть конфискованы.

4. Лицо, нарушившее таможенные правила, подлежит наказанию в соответствии с законом.

5. Таможенный инспектор может произвести личный досмотр, если у него есть основание полагать, что пассажир имеет при себе предметы, подлежащие изъятию.

6. Личный досмотр производится с разрешения начальника таможни и в присутствии двух понятых.

7. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.

8. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания предметов контрабанды, который подписывается обвиняемым.

9. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит.