Употребление Past Continuous и Past Simple











a. He ______ four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.

b. I _______ lunch with my mother tomorrow.

a. What ________ you _______ of Stiven Spielberg's latest film?

b. You're day-dreaming. What ___________ you __________ about?

a. I ______ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?

b. I _____ you're hungry after so much hard work. Shall I get you something?

a. He _________ to understand what you say to him, but when you ask him a question, he isn't so sure.

b. Roy Pond _________ at Her Majesty's Theatre in the role of King Lear.

a. Something ___________ good in the kitchen. What's cooking?

b. Why __________ you __________ the meat? Do you think it's gone off?

a. I need to know how much the meat _____ to know how long to cook it for.

b. Why _____ you _____ yourself? Do you think you've put on weight?

a. I _________ what you mean, but I don't agree.

b. She ________ a solicitor about her aunt's will.

a. I usually pick up languages quickly, but I ____ difficulties learning Chinese.

b. He __________ more clothes than a department store.

a. It ________ as if it's going to rain.

b. What are you doing on your hands and knees? ______ you ______ for something?

a. What _________ you ________ of doing when you leave here?

b. How much ________ you _________ it would cost to fly to Australia?

Упр.5.2.3. Заполните пропуски требуемым по контексту глаголом: hear, listen to, see, look at, watch в нужной форме. С глаголамиhear иsee часто употребляется can илиcan't.

a. I have a lovely view from my room. I _________ the whole city.

b. A What's Peter doing?

BHe ________ music in his bedroom.

c. In winter I like ___________ the photographs of my summer holiday.

d. In the evening I usually __________ the news on television.

e. I find it difficult to sleep because I __________ the traffic all night.

f. Can you speak louder? You're speaking so quietly that I _______ you.

g. ____________ that strange man over there! What's he doing?

h. Please __________ what I'm saying. It's very important.

i. A Where's Maria?

B Over there. She ________ the picture on the wall.

j. Oh dear! Where are my glasses? I __________ anything without them.

Упр.5.2.4. По правилам английской грамматики в придаточных предложениях времени и условия с союзами if, when, as soon as, until, before, after, whenever, unless и др. вместо будущего времени употребляется соответствующее настоящее время.

Соедините следующие предложения, используя слова в скобках.


Пример: She'll pay me back. She'll get some money. (as soon as)

She'll pay me back, as soon as she gets some money.


a. I'll wait here. You'll get back. (until)

b. Give me a ring. You'll hear some news. (when)

c. The TV programme will end. I'll do my homework. (after)

d. I'll go to work. I'll have a bath. (before)

e. She'll be in Paris. She'll visit friends. (while)

f. The lesson will end. I'll go home. (as soon as)

g. I won't leave the house. The postman will call. (until)

h. Can you feed the cats? I'll be away. (while)

i. I'll tell you about the holiday. I'll get back. (when)

j. I'll study English. I'll speak it perfectly. (until)

Повторите случаи употребления Past Continuous и Past Simple по таблице. В сложноподчиненных предложениях эти два времени могут использоваться вместе, если

~ длительное действие в прошлом прерывается другим действием в прошлом: We were playing in the garden when it started to rain.

~ действие в прошлом происходит во время другого более длительного прошлого действия или состояния:

While I was working for the Health Service I decided to give up smoking.

Упр.5.3.1. Выберите правильный вариант из каждой пары.

Пример: The flight lasted / was lasting three hours.

a. It was 8.00 in the morning. A lot of people stood / were standing at the bus stop, waiting to go to work.

b. A magnificent oak tree stood / was standing in the middle of the garden.

c. I studied / was studying politics at university.

d. He studied / was studying the effects of radiation when he suddenly died.

e. When I woke up this morning it rained / was raining.

f. It rained / was raining every single day of the holidays.

g. I asked him what he thought / was thinking about.

h. I thought / was thinking the play was extremely good.

i. A What did you do / were you doing with that electric drill?

B I was putting up some book shelves in my bedroom.

j. A What did you do / were you doing with that electric drill?

B I put it back in its box in the tool cupboard.

k. A What did you do / were you doing before you took this job?

B Nothing, actually. I only left school a few months ago.

l. A What did you do / were you doing in my bedroom just now?

B The light was on, so I just went in to turn it off.

m. The poor chap died / was dying. All we could do was to comfort him.

n. The poor chap died / was dying early last morning.

Упр.5.3.2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в требуемое по контексту грамматическое время (Past Simple или Past Continuous).

a. I _______ (watch) TV when Mark ______(phone).

b. What _____________ (you/do) at the time of the murder?

c. She _____________ (jump) into the river and ___________ (rescue) the drowning boy.

d. I _____ (see) my first baseball game while I _______ (live) in New York.

e. Where __________ (you/go) when you ___________ (get off) the train?

f. We ________ (ring) the police because the neighbours _________ (play) their music too loud.

g. He ____________ (write) the whole composition during the lunch hour.

h. She ___________ (write) to her brother when he ____________ (walk) through the front door.

i. ___________ (you/work) in Spain this time last year? Yes, I ___________ (go) out there in 2008.

j. Mum and Dad ______ (sleep) when I _________ (get) home last night.

k. What _____ (that news reader / say) just then? I don't know. I _______ (not / listen).

l. Someone ________ (take) a photo of me while I ___________ (have) a bath.

m. “__________ (you / see) the match last night?” “No. I ________ (try) to get some work done.”

n. We ________ (not/know) what to do when the computer ______ (break down).

o. It __________ (rain) outside and the children __________ (cry), so we ___________ (decide) to play a game.

Упр.5.3.3. Прочитайте предложения. Найдите предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены в неправильном грамматическом времени и исправьте ошибки.

a. The kitchen caught fire while we were having dinner.

b. The sun shone so we decided to go for a walk.

c. I'm afraid I wasn't hearing what you said.

d. Alan read a newspaper when he heard a strange noise.

e. She was knowing she was being followed.

f. The boss walked in while I played a computer game.

g. I was walking home from work when a dog attacked me.

h. He was reading the entire book, from start to finish, in two hours.

i. What did you do when you saw someone trying to steal your car?

j. I didn't see the last goal because I looked at the sky at the time.

5.4. Present Perfect или Past Simple?

Упр.5.4.1. Определите, с какими указателями времени следует употребить Past Simple, а с какими - Present Perfect.

1. the day before yesterday; 2. a week ago; 3. in the past; 4. at that time; 5. lately; 6. today; 7. a minute ago; 8. just; 9. since; 10. never; 11. this year; 12. so far; 13.yesterday; 14.just now; 15.ever; 16.last Wednesday; 17.last night; 18.not yet; 19.up to now; 20.last century; 21.this century.

Упр.5.4.2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в требуемое по контексту время. (Present Perfect или Past Simple).

1. ... you ever (to visit) ... Hungary? 2. Our group ... (to tour) Yugoslavia this month. 3. The film ... (to produce) a good impression on me. 4. A fortnight ago the theatre ... (to produce) a new play.

5. When ... you (to finish) ... school? 6. I ... (to happen) to see John the other day. 7. I … (to start) writing my book two years ago. 8. I … (to write) half of it since. 9. We … (to witness) great progress in space research this century.

Упр.5.4.3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в требуемое по контексту время. (Present Perfect или Past Simple).

a. Barbara Lively________ (write) a lot of books. She ________ (write) her first one fifteen years ago.

b. ______________ you ever ___________ (try) Indian food?

c. I _____ never _____ (be) to Japan. When _____ you _____ (go) there?

d. I ____________ (live) in London for eight years, and I don't want to move.

e. He __________ (live) in Oxford for two years, and then in 1995 he _________ (move) to London.

f. We ____________ (meet) Tim and Maureen three years ago. How long _________ you _________ (know) them?

Упр.5.4.4. Вставьте одно из предложенных слов в каждое предложение .