Местоимения в объектном падеже

Местоимения в именительном падеже

Формы местоимений


According to government research, more people are working from home than ever before. (0) Consequently, there has been an increase in (1) _____ among those people who no longer have to travel to their place of (2) _____ . Office workers spend their day (3) _____ by friends and colleagues, while home-workers (4) _____ meet anyone face to face. The most direct means of (5) ____ a home-worker has with the world (6) _____ is the telephone. The fax and the internet are two more (7) _____ links that can be used, although they still rely on the written, rather than the (8) _____ word. What a home-worker really wants is the (9) _____ of a human voice, not the (10) ____ bleeps of a computer.   CONSEQUENCE LONELY EMPLOY SURROUND RARE COMMUNICATE OUT TECHNOLOGY   SPEAK WARM DIGIT  

Глава 3. Местоимение

Личные местоимения имеют 5 форм: именительный (И), объектный (О) и притяжательный (П) падежи, абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений (АП) и форму возвратных местоимений.

Упр.3.1.a. Заполните пропуски в таблице недостающими формами местоимений.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Именит. I _______ _______ she _______ we _______ _______ _______   Объектн. me you(ед.ч.) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ one   Притяжат. my _______ his _______ _______ _______ your(мн.ч.) _______ _______   Абсол. притяж. mine ________ ________ ________ несуществ. ________ ________ theirs _______   Возвратн. myself _______ _______ _______ itself _______ _______ _______ ________  

Местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются:

~ в качестве подлежащего в простых предложениях и в главной и придаточной частях сложных предложений;

~ при сравнении подлежащих 2-х предложений;

~ в конструкциях типа: It was he at the door.

Упр.3.1.1. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.


a. It was I whom called you last night.

b. It is true that I am taller than he.

c. It must have been he whom the police arrested.

d. If you were me would you lend him money?

e. My teacher thinks that I am more intelligent than him.

Местоимения в объектном падеже употребляются:

~ в качестве прямых и косвенных дополнений к глаголам;

~ в предложных дополнениях;

~ при сравнении дополнений двух предложений.

Упр.3.1.2.a. Заполните пропуски нужным объектным местоимением.

a. Our parents worry about my brother more than about ______ .

b. Mary asked us not to leave without ______ .

c. The doctor _______ he visited specialized in eye diseases.

d. If I see ________ tonight, I will tell him to call you.

e. No one likes that waitress because it takes _______ so long to bring the food.

Упр.3.1.2.b. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

a. The students whom live across the street make a lot of noise .

b. No one knows what happened except you, Flassy, and I.

c. It must have been he whom we saw at the movie.

d. This is a good picture of him.

e. I think that the teacher knows whom took these photographs.