Crime Does Pay, the (1) later/latest comedy from director Sam Martin, has to be one of the (2) little / least interesting films I have ever seen.The acting is terrible and the story is much (3) worse / worst than Martin's other flop, Escape. Crime Does Pay was apparently (4) more / most expensive than any other film this year, but it's hard to see where the money went. The plot concerns a gang of burglars who decide to steal the (5) more / most valuable painting in the world. Fine, except these criminals are far (6) less / least amusing than they should be. There isn't a single real laugh in the whole movie. When I saw it, even (7) younger/youngest members of the audience thought it was stupidly childish. Dean Richards, playing Scarnose, does a slightly (8) better / best job than the others, but there isn't much in it. When will Hollywood realise that as ticket prices get (9) higher / highest, more people are finding that the (10) well / best form of entertainment is to spend an evening at home with a DVD?


Упр.2.2.4.d Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно было близко по смыслу первому предложению. Используйте выделенное слово и от двух до пяти других слов.

1. I have never read a better book than this one. ever

This is the ____________ read.


2. Nobody has ever been this far into the jungle. the

This is _____________ has ever been into the jungle.


3. I have never worked so hard in my whole life. ever

It was the _______________ in my whole life.


4. Liam is the tallest boy in the class. than

Every other boy in the class _______________ Liam.


5. This is the nicest beach along this part of the coast. than

This _________________ the others along this part of the coast.


6. I read that Mount Everest is the highest mountain. no

I read that __________________ Mount Everest.


7. Has anyone ever been this far north before? the

Is ____________________ has ever been?


8. The painting Ed did is the ugliest one you can imagine. than

You can't imagine _________________ the one Ed did.


9. This stamp is rarer than any other in my collection. more

The other stamps in my collection ________________ this one.


10. Nobody in the class runs as fast as Pedro. runner

Pedro ___________________ in the class.


Упр. 2.2.4.eЗакончите второе предложение так, чтобы у него был тот же смысл, что и у первого. Используйте выделенное слово и от 2 до 5 других слов.


1. John is not as intelligent as Jacob. than

Jacob ____________________________ John.

2. Your house is bigger than mine. big

My house _________________________ yours.

3. I live nearer the school than you do. than

You live ____________________________ I do.

4. He doesn’t drive as carefully as my mother. than

My mother ____________________________ he does.

5. No car is faster than this one. of

This is _________________________________.

6. I have never seen a better film. the

This is _________________________________ I have ever seen.

7. You won’t find a more reasonable price. will

This is the ______________________________ find.

8. No form of transport is as comfortable as the train. the

The train _________________________________ form of transport.

9. I can’t type as fast as Alex. can

Alex ______________________________________ me.

10. If we get there fast it will be better. faster

The ____________________________________ better.