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By Katherine Kuchenbecker
Give a short summary of the video.
5 Discuss:
Should the law evolve to create laws that govern cyberwarfare? If so, what changes and at what level (state, national, international, etc.) should be made to the law to accommodate the changing technology and new frontier in warfare?
Additional resources for you to explore:
There are many thought leaders exploring the issues surrounding cyber attacks and cyberwarfare. The Journal of Law and Cyber Warfare provides a peer-reviewed professional forum for the open discussion and education around the legal issues businesses and governments face arising out of cyber attacks or acts of cyberwarfare.
Katherine researches the design and control of robotic systems that enable a user to touch virtual objects and distant environments as though they were real and within reach. These haptic interfaces combine electromechanical sensors and actuators with high-speed computer control to fool the human sense of touch. By studying applications such as robot-assisted surgery, tablet computers, stroke rehabilitation, and personal robots, Katherine seeks to improve our understanding of haptic feedback and uncover new opportunities for its use in interactions between humans, computers, and machines.
Is it possible to incorporate the sense of touch into the digital world? Katherine Kuchenbecker thinks so. At TEDYouth 2012, Katherine shares her work in the field of haptics, while discussing its potential to change fields such as gaming, museums, dentistry and stroke rehabilitation.
Translate into Russian:
sense of touch, interaction, tactile sensations, encounter, incorporate, fascinated, curious, leverage, take advantage of, core, haptics, measure, motion, capture, hand-held tool, force sensor, vibration sensor, accelerometer, detect, tablet computer, compelling, precious, dental explorer, sticky, enamel, decay, suspicious, stain, recreate, efficient, touch cue, deviate.
Watch the video “Haptography: Digitizing our sense of touch”
While watching:
Fill in the gaps:
a) The first is _____ sensations, things you feel in your _____. And the second is _____ sensations, and this has to do with the _____ of your body, and how it's moving, and the forces you _____.
b) A hand-held tool has many different _____ inside. It has a _____ sensor so we can tell how hard you're pushing, it has _____ tracking so we tell exactly where you've _____ it, and it has a _____ sensor, an accelerometer, inside that _____ the shaking back and forth of the tool.
c) And we make a mathematical model of those relationships and _____ them into a tablet computer so that when you take the _____ and go and touch the _____, that voice coil actuator in the white bracket plays vibrations to give you the _____ that you're touching the real _____.
d) Haptic photography has potential _____ in all sorts of areas like online _____, maybe interactive museum _____, where you're not really _____ to touch the _____ artifacts, but you always want to.
e) We use a Kinect to measure your _____, we show _____ on the screen, and then we also give you touch _____, haptic _____, on your arm delivered by these _____ arm bands, which have _____ inside and guide you as you move.
After watching:
1 Match the words in A with the words in B:
A: | B: |
1. physical | a. sensations |
2. tactile | b. photography |
3. human | c. explorer |
4. tablet | d. artifacts |
5. haptic | e. teeth |
6. online | f. training |
7. precious | g. rehabilitation |
8. clinical | h. correction |
9. dental | i. capability |
10. human | j. interaction |
11. extracted | k. computer |
12. medical | l. judgment |
13. precise | m. shopping |
14. stroke | n. patients |
2 Answer the questions:
a) What is involved in every physical interaction you do every day, every manipulation task, anything you do in the world?
b) How many components does the sense of touch have? What are they?
c) What does a force sensor in a hand-held tool detect?
d) What does a vibration sensor in a hand-held tool detect?
e) In which areas does haptic photography have potential benefits?
f) How can haptography help in dental work?
g) What is the usage of haptography in sports training?
3 Decide if the statements are true or false:
a) Katherine Kuchenbecker can fool people into thinking they're touching something even though there's nothing there.
b) The two main components of the sense of touch are taste and smell.
c) The word used to describe interactive touch technology is Touchics.
d) An example of a place the technology that Kuchenbecker is developing could be used in online shopping.
e) However this technology that the scientists have invented has little potential in medical training.
f) Interactive touch technology can help improve your sports skills.