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Canada's Civil Service
1. The chief Canadian civil servant is the Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council. 2. In 2007 there were approximately 200 departments, agencies, commissions, boards, councils and crown corporations in the Canadian Civil Service. 3. Hiring (or selection) of civil servants is typically done through a competitive process that is either external (open) process or an internal (closed) process. 4. Civil servants in Canada are not contracted by an abstraction called «the state». 5. They are employed by the Canadian monarch. 6. He personifies the state and «enjoys a general capacity to contract in accordance with the rule of ordinary law». 7. The Canadian Civil Service has made significant efforts to reflect the gender balance, linguistic, and ethnic diversity in Canada. 8. Before responsible government Canada had no real civil service. 9. Government officials were appointed by either the Crown or its provincial representatives. 10. These officials usually served for an unspecified period («during the pleasure of the Crown») for as long as they were deemed fit for the position.
Margaret Thatcher's Government
1. Margaret Thatcher came to office in 1979 determined to prefer the «free market» to the state. 2. Government should be small but active. 3. Many of her ministers were suspicious of the civil service. 4. They followed the New Right doctrine that public servants always seek to increase their own power and budgets. 5. She immediately set about reducing the size of the civil service. 6. In late 1981 the Prime Minister announced the abolition of the Civil Service Department. 7. A Financial Management Initiative was launched in September 1982 as an umbrella for the efficiency scrutiny programme and with a wider focus on corporate planning, efficiency and objective-setting. 8. But by the mid 1980s, although cuts had been made, transformation had not happened. 9. In February 1988 Robin Ibbs published his report Improving Management in Government: The Next Steps. 10. It was believed with the Thatcher reforms that efficiency was improving. 11. But there was still a perception of carelessness and lack of responsiveness in the quality of public services. 12. The government of John Major sought to tackle this with a Citizen’s Charter programme. 13. By 1998, 42 Charters had been published. 14. But the initiative did have a significant effect in changing cultures.